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School of Graduate Studies

City of Iriga

Reflection Paper: Back to School During Pandemic:

Issues that need to be solved before October 5

It has been almost 2 years since this corona virus pandemic started and the
world faced the biggest nightmare brought to us by this pandemic. Schools are closed,
limited people outside, skeletal workforce are applied and a lot more.
Schools are the one affected by this pandemic, to continue give the best
education for learners online classes is implemented and due to some problems
encountered on online learning and slow down of cases in our country are we ready to
go back to school? Is it safe?
Some are still concerned about the possible health risks of school opening. With
limited number of vaccines and vaccinated individuals. Covid daily cases are still
increasing rapidly in some part of the country, educators, parents and learners tend to
choose distance learning.
There’s nothing like in face to face schooling, educators-students is much way
better. Students can cope the lessons easily and learned well, clarification can easily be
done, questions are answered directly. How animated and excited they are as well, to
meet new faces, sharing ideas with classmates doing group assignments and activities
and making friends.
Government action and how they will response in battling this pandemic plays
vital role. Providing immunity through continuous vaccination will reduce and minimize
the cases like what other countries do and some of them are gradually returning their
face to face classes now. A downtrend fall of number on infected cases will give an
assurance to each and everyone of us to feel safe enough.
Then we can say, let’s go!

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