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Evaluation of project Three.

In project three I worked mainly on film. I planned my ideas using Microsoft

PowerPoint and Microsoft word.
I found inspiration related to short films on YouTube and image inspiration
on Pinterest.

I believe that my skills in filming, editing and writing have expanded during this
project, I used multiple software’s and techniques to make my outcomes. For
example, I varied using adobe photoshop, Premier Pro and Photography editing
mobile software.

I made samples documenting my editing process from raw to a finalised


I created four photograph outcomes and one video outcome.

I experimented with samples to ensure the outcomes were successful in following
the brief.

My favourite piece was outcome four because I re-made it after the original
sample was in poor quality. I think revisiting this outcome made it a lot stronger
and I like how it stands out and catches the viewers attention.

The outcome that was the most challenging would be the video outcome as I had
a lot of work to do for this outcome as I worked individually and
Had to produce a script, film, edit and direct it.
Although it is only four minutes long, I would improve by making it more
detailed to increase the tension.

Overall, I think I successfully met my brief as I created well-made outcomes that
fit my brief and are very similar to my inspiration.
To improve, I would work more on sound effects to heighten the action within
my films.

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