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#Login to Azure AD

az login

#List the Account

az account list
az ad signed-in-user --show

#Azure AD Help
az ad -h
az ad user -h
az ad signed-in-user -h

#Azure AD User Administration

az ad user list | grep displayName
az ad user list --query [].displayName
az ad user create -display-name "David Ralf" --user-principla-name --password "P@ssw0rd2020"

#Azure AD Group Administrator

az ad group -h
az ad group create --display-name "Human Resource" --mail-nickname "Human Resource"
az ad group list | grep displayName
az ad group --query [].displayName
az ad group member list --group "Human Resource"
az ad user show --id | grep objectId
az ad user show --id --query objectId
az ad group member add --group "Human Resource" --member-id

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