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The New Land - John Smith

John Smith was a virtuoso at persuading his audience to come to America through rational,
emotive, and ethical justifications. To convince people from England to migrate over, he
published a book called The New Land. The benefit of relocating there would be the numerous
options available to those who did not previously have them. Many employment opportunities
would be available that would not typically be available in England. There was plenty of open
space that could be used for farming. Smith attempted to encourage the poorest sections of
society ("Carpenters, Masons, and Fishers") to come to America and change their lives.
Regardless of Smith's persuasiveness, the affluent businessmen in England would have no
motive to leave due to the social order. For the impoverished, on the other hand, it is a country of
opportunity. Because the quantity of land owned related to the owner's wealth, property was a
powerful motivation in Smith's day. The answer to the impoverished in England's next most
pressing problem is then dangled by Smith. He informs his audience that all it takes is "one hour
in a day, to take in more than they can eat in a week" of fishing.

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