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Sigo viendo tus perros, Talo


For four double basses

Gilberto Moreno Ramos

Tuning indications
For playing this piece it is necessary to retune two strings in each of the instruments.  The
way to do this is to equalize some overtones of one string to another. In a normal tuning
the player uses only the third and fourth partial to adjust the strings. Here, the player has
to use the fifth and seventh partial as well. In the following page we found the specific
indications for retuning each of the basses. In the end, all instruments have their own
The result is a microtonal structure that moves away from the tempered system of 12
equal semitones. What we have is a microtonal space of just intonation relations.
I decided to write two scores:
The first one is the playing score or fingering score. I only use open strings and
overtones. The player can easily follow the notes like a traditional score without
being concerned with all the microtonal deviations.
The second score is the sounding score where we can find the real sounding pitch
with the microtonal deviations. For this score I am using the accidentals system
developed by Marc Sabat and Wolfgang von Schweinitz for a just intonation
To understand more about this subject I recommend to visit the web page: and read the article: The Extended Helmholtz-Ellis JI Pitch Notation.
Tuning process

Bass I

For the string II equalize:


For the string I equalize:


Bass II

For the string III equalize


For the string I equalize:

Bass III

For the string II equalize:


For the string I equalize:


Bass IV

For the string III equalize


For the string I equalize:

Tuning result
La luz en los ojos del pájaro
Su costado suspendido
La distancia sin espacio

El agujero negro del perro

El agujero negro debajo de su cola

Su saliva
Su hocico
Su miembro flojo
Su perfil generoso

Un éxodo masivo y continuo

Un volumen sin cuerpo

Sigo viendo tus perros, Talo

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