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Sense and sensibility are two different states, influencing the people in

different ways. In our text,” Sense and Sensibility”, is a story about two
heroines, Elinor Dashwood and Mrs Dashwood, with Elinor representing
'sense' and Mrs Dashwood representing 'sensibility. This text shows how the
bought women are passing the problems with differently mods of thinking.
Well, in my opinion, the sense can help you make rational and correct
decisions. Also rational thinking helps you choose what is right, some decisions
can be crucial for your future.
On the other hand, it is not a good suggestion to be sensibility in
decisive situations, the heart can lead you to bad decisions. Also, sensitivity
does not always lead you to bad decisions, in fact it is very good to feel
sensitivity towards other people, you can give them the right advice and help
In conclusion, I try to be both, I consider that sensibility and sense are
two different psychological states that help us in life.

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