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American Diplomacy Pre WWII

Use the pages listed below to complete the chart of policies and laws that lead to the outbreak of World War II. Complete sentences are not required, and you may
work in pairs. I suggest you do not divide and conquer but you make the decision that is best for you and your partner.

Act/Conference/Law/Policy Countries Involved What does it do? What is the historical significance?
Washington Conference/The
US, UK, Japan, France, Italy. These countries couldn't wage war with their Navies.
Five Powers Pact (p 687)

Kellogg-Briand Pact (p 688) The league of nations Countries will not use war to solve their conflicts.

The Good Neighbor Policy (p

691) Us and Latin America Non intervention with Latin Affairs would happen in Latin America
Act/Conference/Law/Policy Countries Involved What does it do? What is the historical significance?
Neutrality Act of 1936 (p 693) US and other countries involved in WWII Ensured that the US would not get involved in foreign affairs.

Neutrality Act of 1937 (p 693) US and other countries involved in WWII Mandatory arms embargo

Munich Conference (p 695) Gave Czechoslovakia to Germany if they promised not to do anything else.
Germany, Uk, France and Italy.
Act/Conference/Law/Policy Countries Involved What does it do? What is the historical significance?
Lend Lease Act (p 699) The US provided food oil and other materials.
Us and other allied nations.

Atlantic Charter (p 699) Told the rest of the world what these two countries wanted to happen after the war.
US and Britain

Tripartite Pact (p 700) Germany, Italy and Japan. Guidelines for the relationship between the axis powers.

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