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My dad is one of those people who has had to overcome various

obstacles and torment situations from his youth to the present
day. A few years ago, he lost his job because he works for the
State, and he is constantly changing jobs as a result of the
movements that are made in the government. Thus, there was a
time when the authorities changed, and he lost his job. However,
that was not a reason for him to collapse and feel defeated; he
was always optimistic and began to look for new jobs, for which
he got in touch with some friends and even gave private classes,
since in his youth, he was a teacher, with which he finally
managed to get a job. Another of the difficulties he faced, was
the lack of money to pay the household bills, such as water,
electricity, food and school fees. Precisely, due to the lack of
work, he did not have liquidity to pay off his debts. For that, in my
family, we had to cut expenses, thus, we reduced the
consumption of electricity, water, and telephone. Despite this, we
never lacked anything or fell into a meager situation, since he
has always been a hardworking man and accepted any
opportunity that presented himself to give us a good quality of
life, without shame. Now, as a result of the pandemic, at work,
they have reduced his salary. I have two brothers, my sister is
studying at school, and my brother and I are studying at
university; therefore, the expenses in studies are strong, and
adding the essential expenses of the house, the bills become
even larger. We are all aware of the sordid financial situation that
is being faced through and we use the services in a rational way
to help my dad pay off his debts. Likewise, regarding at studies,
he has told us that we should not worry about it; that he will
always fight to guarantee our future, and that in general,
although it is true that the country's economic situation is
practically dilapidated, nothing It is impossible, because with
effort and sacrifice, you can achieve everything you yearn for in
life. In conclusion, my dad has gone through many obstacles
throughout his life. However, he has never given up; He has
always faced them with courage and a good attitude, finding a
way to overcome them.

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