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My friend Lucia is confident, responsible, fun and a smart person, she is someone I can talk about
everything, she hears and understand me. I known her since my high school, I met her when I was
a new student in my high school, she had studied there before, Lucia is as responsible and hard
worker as me. She is more sociable and she has more friends than me. Our relationship is special
because, we have been friends for many years and our mothers are friends too. Lucia and I have
traveled together in the vacations for instance the last vacations we went to Santa Martha, we
were very happy there because since 2017 we hadn’t traveled together.


Last weekend Marta decided to visit her parents with her son, their house is outside the Los
Angeles city, her son called Jhosep had finished his school year, he enjoy visit his grandparents and
play with the animal’s grand parents in the farm. On Sunday at 4:00 pm Jhosep was playing with
two puppies and a ball, he saw the sky was very dark and the weather was windy, his mother tell
him that he should go into the house but the boy decided ignore his mom and he continued to
play, in a moment the two dog were inside the house, a twister arrive to the farm and Jhosep saw
how the twister removed the roof of the grandparent’s house. Fortunately, nobody was hurt.


Last year my mother and me were visiting Cartagena for a week, there are many tourist place too
visit, if you want to visit Cartagena, you should go to San Felipe Castle, it is a famous tourist place
where you can walk into the castle and it is acceptable to take photos, in the top of the castle you
can see the sea, it is actually very wonderful, it is the custom to buy some souvenirs in the main
entrance of the castleIn Cartagena it’s custom to eat arepa de huevo and you are expected to
many people sell those arepas on the street and a lot of restaurants and cafeterias.


Last month I bough a dress on line I paid that dress before it arrived to mi home, 5 days later, it
arrived to my home, when I open the packed inside it, there is a very small dress it is a dress like a
doll dress, I filed the complaint online but nobody answered me. My money was lost, because the
dress wasn’t changed and they didn’t return my money, this reason why I think people shouldn’t
buy nothing on line because is very difficult people make some claim.

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