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2009 Daily Practice Problems


Q.6 Slider block A move to the left with a constant velocity

of 6 m/s. Determine
(a) the velocity of block b,
(b) the velocity of portion D of the cable.
(c) the relative velocity of portion C of the cable with
respect to portion D.
[Ans.(a) 2 m/s ↑, (b) 2 m/s ↓, (c) 8 m/s ↑ ]

Q.8 System is shown in the figure and man is pulling the rope from both
sides with constant speed ‘u’. Then the velocity of the block will be
3u 3u u
(A*) (B) (C) (D) None
4 2 4

Q.9 System is shown in figure and wedge is moving towards left with speed
2 m/s. Then velocity of the block B will be
(A) 3 m/s (B) 1 m/s
(C*) 2 m/s (D) 4 m/s

Q.10 In the figure shown, the speed of the truck is v to the right. The
speed with which the block is moving up at θ = 60° is :
(A) v (B) 2 v 3 (C*) 3v 4 (D) none

Q.11 Determine the relationship that governs the velocity of four cylinder
velocities as positive down.

[Ans: 4vA + 8vB + 4vC + vD = 0]

Q.13 For the system shown, calculate velocity and acceleration of C.The velocity
and acclerations of A and B with respect to ground are marked.
[Ans: Vc = 4m/s↓, aC = 5m/s2↓]

Q.14 If the strings is inextensible, determine the velocity u of each block in terms of v and θ.
v v
(i) Fig. (A) u = _________. (ii) Fig. (B) u = _________. [Ans. (i) , (ii) ]
2 cosθ cosθ

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