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Your Name and Research Question 


Title = RQ: Must include the dependent and independent variable, must be specific. 
Ex: How does ​independent variable​ affect ​dependent variable​ in the reactions of ​reactant A​ with ​reactant B. 
What are you investigating? Why are you going to investigate it? Choose ​one​ and explain: A) Personal reasons? B) 
Links to the real world? Industry? Health? Medicine? Food? (C) Any wider applications, like global warming, acid rain, 
Which IB Topic # does this fall under? What are you trying to find out by choosing this IV? 
Give background explaining the ​reaction on a molecular level. Include the chemical equation with state 
symbols​. In-text citations for summaries of previous research, chemical equation and molecular diagrams. 
Explain in your own words (and using intext citations) ​why your independent variable should affect your dependent 
variable.​ Include research showing the expected literature values with in-text citations.   
Method Summary: 
1st​ ​ Paragraph:​ Write a very, very short summary of your experiment- summarize in 3-5 sentences how will you 
collect the independent and dependent variable.  
​ ​ Paragraph written AFTER Data Collection Day​)- leave blank for now, but remember to make notes 
during your trial and data days so you can fill this in. This is where your PERSONAL ENGAGEMENT 2 points 
comes from​) ​Explain how you altered your experiment​ during your trials to collect better data- what did you change? Why did 
you change it? How did this improve your data collection? 
MLA References/Bibliography- minimum of 5 
Where did you find your: 
- chemical equation 
- molecular explanation of science behind chemical reaction 
- molecue diagrams 
- inspiration for procedure 
- literature values for expected results 
- safety, ethical and environmental info 

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