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Rights & Freedoms:

Charter Scenarios
Using your copy of the Charter, identify what section of the Charter is referred to in
each of the following situations:

1. James is charged with possession of a restricted firearm. He denies that it was in his
possession and successfully fights the charge, ultimately being found not guilty. The police
find more evidence and charge him again for the same offence.

S. _____

2. Mohammed is handcuffed and taken to the police station. He asks to speak with a lawyer
and is allowed to make the call. His lawyer asks him what he has been charged with and
Mohammed says that he does not know.

S. _____

3. Dalia is charged with fraud after she is caught writing cheques, knowing that she does not
have enough money in her account to cover them. At trial, she does not want to testify, but
the prosecution wants her to give evidence.

S. _____

4. Mei Xing is charged with theft under $5000. She is a recent immigrant to Canada and
does not speak English well. She has trouble understanding what is being said during the

S. _____

5. Pablo is arrested and charged with armed robbery. On the way to the police station, he is
told that he has the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay. He says that he wants
to talk to a lawyer, and the police officers say they will give him the opportunity when they
get to the station. When they arrive, they immediately begin questioning him.

S. _____

6. Ahmed is walking home from school. Two police officers stop him and ask him what is
in his bag. He says it’s just school work and the officers ask if they can look inside. Ahmed
asks if he has done anything wrong and they say no, they just want to make sure he’s not
doing anything wrong.

S. _____

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