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Question 1

The scene is set in Scotland ‘’ How did the big win affect one of Scotland's youngest lottery
millionaires?’’ in a council estate called Niddrie "I'm from a council estate called Niddrie”

Question 2

The main character is a young women called Jane Park she is 17 years old, and she was working in a
temporary admin job for a charity organization.

Question 3

A) I: Jane Park (the main character)

B) Her: Jane Park (the main character)
C) Its: Niddrie a council estate
D) She says: granny Anne her grandmother
E) She’s being Jane Park (the main character)

Question 4

“People like us just don’t have that kind of money “

In my opinion her grandmother meant that the money that Jane won was gained easily and that Jane
didn’t work for this big amount of money, the grandmother is old and at her time money wasn’t that
easy to get if you wanted money you had to work hard for it and you deserved the money that you
worked for.

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