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Basics of Software Testing

Structured-based or White Box

Why do we need White Box techniques?
● Prove formal structure to testing code
● Enables us to measure how much of a component has been tested
● Examples:
○ < 100 lines of code
○ 100,000,000,000,000 possible paths
○ At 1000 tests per second would still take 3170 years to test all paths
Structured-based or White Box Techniques
● To plan and design effective cases requires a knowledge of the:
○ Programming language used
○ Database used
○ Operating system(s) used
○ And ideally knowledge of the code itself
White box test techniques
● Statement testing
● Decision Testing
● Branch Condition Testing
● Branch Condition Combination Testing
● Modified Condition Decision Testing
● Linear Code Sequence & Jump (LCSAJ)
● Data Flow Testing
Statement Testing and Coverage
● “A white box test design technique in which test cases are designed to
execute statements.”
● Test cases are designed ad run with the intention of executing every
statement in a component
● In component testing, statement coverage is the assessment of the
percentage of executable statements that have been exercised by a test
case suite
Statement Testing and Coverage - Example

If (B)



Any test case with B TRUE will achieve full statement coverage.

NOTE: Full statement coverage can be achieved without exercising with B

Decision Testing and Coverage
● A white box test design technique in which test cases are designed to
execute decision outcomes
● Is the assessment of the percentage of decision outcomes (e.g. True and
False options of an IF statement) that have been exercised by a test case
● Test Cases designed to ensure all decision points are covered
Decision Testing and Coverage
● Is a form of control flow testing as it generates a specific flow control
through the decision points
● Decision Coverage
○ Is stronger than statement coverage:
■ 100% decision coverage guarantees 100% statement coverage
Decision Testing and Coverage - Example

If (B)



100% statement coverage requires 1 test case (B = TRUE)

100% decision coverage requires 2 test cases (B = TRUE & B = FALSE)

● How many tests are required to achieve:
○ 100% statement coverage
○ 100% decision coverage

Enter user ID
IF user ID is valid THEN
IF password is valid THEN
Display account screen
Display “wrong password”
Display “wrong ID”
Display time & date
● How many tests are required to achieve:
○ 100% statement coverage
○ 100% decision coverage

PRINT “21st”
Other Structured-base Techniques
● Branch Condition testing, Branch Condition Combination testing &
Modified Condition Decision testing.
○ Condition testing is based upon an analysis of the conditional control flow within the
○ Linear Code Sequence and Jump
● Data flow testing
○ Tests the flow of data through a component
Basics of Software Testing
Experienced based Techniques
Experience-based Testing
● Is whenere the tests are derived from the tester’s skill and intuition and
their experience with similar applications and technologies
● When used to augment systematic techniques, these techniques can be
useful in identifying special tests not easily captured by formal
techniques, especially when applied after more formal approaches
● This techniques amy yield widely varying degrees of effectiveness,
depending of the testers experience
Error Guessing
● “A test design technique where the experience of the tester is used to
anticipate what defects might be present in the component or system
under test as a result of errors made, and to design tests specifically to
expose them.”
● A commonly used Experience based Technique
● A structured approach to the Error Guessing is to enumerate a list of
possible errors and to design tests that attack these errors
○ This systematic approach is called Fault atack
● These defects and failures lists can be built based on:
○ Experience
○ Available defect and failure data
○ From common knowledge about why software fails
Error Guessing - Used to guess where errors may be lurking
● Based on information about how the system has been put together and
previous experience of testing it
● Used to complement more systematic techniques not instead of
● Not ad-hoc testing, but testing that targets certain parts of the application
Error Guessing
● Based on the users or testers experience of the commercial aspects of the
○ Table based calculations such as calculating benefits payments
○ Where the user is allowed a high degree of flexibility in GUI navigation using multiple
Error Guessing
● Error Guessing - experience of the developers or the development cycle
○ Knowledge of an individual “style”
○ Knowledge of the development lifecycle and especially the change management process
● Error Guessing - experience of the operating system used
○ It is known that Windows NT is better at storage management than Windows 95
Error Guessing
● Should still be planned
○ Is part of the test process
■ Should be used as a supplement to systematic techniques
○ Ad-Hoc testing can be encouraged if
■ The tester maintains a log of those tests performed & is able to reasonably recollect
what actions were performed
○ If you have the time to run and extra (ad-Hoc) test that passes there is little loss
■ If it finds a defect then that’s a bonus
Exploratory Testing
● Is a test execution, based on a test charter containing test objectives, and
carried out within time-boxes
● Is an approach that is most useful where there are few or inadequate
specifications and severe time pressure, or in order to augment or
complement other, more formal testing
● It can serve as a check on the test process, to help ensure that the most
serious defects are found
Exploratory Testing
● Can be a powerful approach to testing
○ Sometimes is much more productive than testing using scripts
○ Involves tacit constraints concerning which parts of the product are to be tested, or what
strategies are to be used
■ Still this are not test scripts
○ Every test is influenced by the result of the previous one
● In the Experience-based testing the tests are derived from the testers skill,
intuition and experience
● Error guessing - a technique where is used the testers experience
● Exploratory testing - An informal test design technique where the tester
actively controls the design of the tests
Basics of Software Testing
Choosing Test Techniques
Choosing Test Techniques
● The choice of which test technique to use depends on a number of
○ Th type of system
○ Level or type of risk
○ Thest objective
○ Documentation available
○ Knowledge of the testers
○ Time and budget
○ Supporting tools - for design and/or regression testing
○ Previous experience of types of defects found
Choosing Test Techniques
● The choice of a test technique may be made based on:
○ Regulatory standards
○ Experience and / or
○ Customer / contractual requirements
● Some techniques are more applicable to certain situations and test levels;
others are applicable to all test levels
Choosing Test Techniques
● Selection factors:
○ Product life cycle status
○ Previous experiences
○ Measurements on test effectiveness
○ International standards - many times they are industry specific
○ Customer/contractual requirements
○ Auditability/traceability
● A lot of information, skills necessary!
Choosing Test Techniques
● Summary
○ You can never do enough testing
■ The more tests that you can run, the more errors you may find
○ Error guessing can help ensure that areas where defects are likely to occur are fully
○ Uses experience and gut feeling to supplement systematic testing techniques
○ Exploratory testing is most useful where there are a few or inadequate specifications or
severe time pressure

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