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Intimate Partner Abuse

Family Abuse
Child Abuse
Elder Abuse
Date Rape


 Wrongful use and maltreatment of another person
 Perpetrators are someone the victims know

 Spouse battering
 Neglect
 Physical, emotional or sexual abuse of children
 Elder abuse
 Marital Rape

Characteristics of violent families:

1. Social Isolation- they do not tell anyone what is happening, may keep
secrets, prevents others from “interfering with private fam business”
2. Abuse of power and control- abuser exerts physical, emotional, and social
control, belittles family members, blamer, uses threats, manipulator
3. Alcohol and Drug Abuse- an abusive person is likely to use alcohol or other
drugs, alcohol my diminish inhibitions and worsen violent behaviors, often
used in “date rape” too
4. Intergenerational Transmission Process- from learned pattern of behavior
from parents, history repeats itself, if parents are abusers, more likely
children will become abusers or victims of abuse as well

Intimate partner violence (IPV)

 May be spousal, between partners, bf, gf, or estranged relationship
 Psychological/Emotional Abuse- name calling, belittling, screaming,
yelling, destroying property, making threats, ignoring the victim
 Physical Abuse- shoving, pushing, battering, choking, may involve
broken bones, internal bleeding, brain damage, and homicide
o Women experience increased in violence during pregnancy
 Sexual Abuse- sexual acts, rape and sexual exploitations
o Sodomy- anal intercourse
 Domestic violence occurs equally in homosexual and
heterosexual relationships
The Abuser
- Has strong feelings of inadequacy and low self esteem
- Poor social skills
- Immature emotionally
- Irrational, jealous, possessive
- Violent behavior is often rewarding and boosts self-esteem
The victim
- Broken bones
- Unexplained bruising
- Sexual assault
- Psychological trauma
Cycles of Abuse and Violence
1. Honeymoon period- first battery or violence, then afterwards the abuser
expresses regret, apology, and promise that it will not happen again, may give
gifts, engage in romantic behavior
2. Tension-Building Phase- arguments, stony silence, complaints violent behavior
 abuser expresses remorse and guilt, then back to cycle

 Identify abused women who need treatment
 Ask “everyone” as possible if they feel safe at home and in relationship
 They are usually seen in ER, Clinics/Pedia offices
 Offer caring and support throughout visit
 Respect
 Make referrals and contact appropriate health care professionals
 The victim may obtain a restraining order to prevent the abuser from
approaching or contacting the victim
 The abuser may decide to violate the order and severely injure or kill the woman
before police can intervene
 Stalking- repeated or persistent attempts to communicate or contact another
person. Cyberstalking is common


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