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School: Knockalva Technical High School

Name: Enrique Hawthorne
Teacher: Ms. Clarke
Topic: The levels of abortion in the community of Rockfort.
Table of Content
Table of content……………………………………………………….1
Statement of problem………………………………………………….5
Method of investigation……………………………………………….6
Instruments used to collect data (copy of questionnaire……….…….7-8
Procedures used to collect data ..………...……………………….….9
Presentation and explanation of data…………………..………….….10-12
Interpretation of data………………...…………………………….….13
Findings ……………………………………………………………….14
The successful completion would not be successful without the assistance and cooperation of
my family and friends, as a result I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my
teacher (mr. Jarrett) who push give me a lot of chances and push me to finish my work which
also helped me in doing a lot of Research and i came to know about so many new things I am
really thankful to them.
As part of this school based assessment for Social Studies for the 2020
Caribbean secondary examinations certificate the Social Studies class of the
Knockalva Technical High School was required to complete this SBA by
investigating, The levels of abortion in the community of Rockfort. Each person
of the three member group put together by our Social Studies teacher Ms.
Clarke. We were given a number of topics to choose from and we chose
The levels of abortion in the community of Rockfort.
Statement of the problem
How often does abortion occur with teens within Rockfort?
Method of investigation
In order to obtain the information necessary to complete this survey we decided
to use printed questionnaires.
Questionnaires as a tool for collecting information has a number of advantages:
● Its easily completed
● It can done in your own time
● It assures a great level of confidentiality
Instrument used to collect
Copy of Questionnaire
1. Sex
A) Male
B) Female

2. What is your occupation?

3. To what ethnic group do you belong?

A) African
B) Chinese
C) Mixed
D) Indian

4. How long have you been living in this community?

A) 2 years
B) 3 years
C) 4 years
D) Over 10 years

5. Have you ever had an abortion?

A) Yes
B) No

6. What do you think causes women to have an abortion?

7. Pregnant teenagers having abortion has brought a lengthy discussion to
the public, what do you think about teenagers having abortion?

8. Is there a health facility in your community that offers abortion as a

service to the public?

A) Yes
B) No

9. If yes, do they offer their services to pregnant teenagers?

10.In your own opinion what percentage of the persons that has had an
abortion at their facility had a successful procedure?

11. Has there been any deaths?

A) Yes
B) No

12. Should abortion be legal for all ages or should be declared illegal for the
whole country. State why?
Procedures used to collect
There are approximately 3000 persons living in the community of Rockfort. My
group members and I decided to issue questionnaires to the first 13 houses from
the entrance of the community. A total amount of 22 persons were issued
questionnaires. I a case were persons were not home we decided to go to the
next house directly beside it. When persons were not home the questionnaires
were either placed inside a mailbox if there was any or we moved on to another
Presentation and explanation
of data
A total of 22 questionnaires were issued to members of the community, 20 of
those were returned.
Chart 01

Questionnai res i ssued and

Questionnaires issued questionnaires returned

ques- Ques-
tion- tion-
naires re- naires is-
turned; sued;
Series1; Series1;
20; 48% 22; 52%

Chart 02

Level of Abortions in four months



January February March April

Abortions registered Succesful Abortions

Chart 03



Have an abortion Birth a child at a young age

Chart 04

Reasons for abortion

Poor life-
style; Per-
Cant afford centage;
another; 0.15; 15% Poor lifestyle
Percentage; Not ready
0.35; 35% Don’t care for the child
Not ready; Cant afford another
0.25; 25%
Don’t care
for the
age; 0.25;
Interpretation of data
52% of the questionnaires issued were returned and 48% weren’t.
According to the information gathered from the residents of Ruseden Road,
Rockfort; during the month of January there were 11 recorded abortions
registered five (5) of which were successful. February registered six (6) and two
(2) of them were carried out successfully. March had a total of nine (9)
abortions and two (3) were successfully completed while April had a total of 4
and unfortunately none of them we carried out successfully.
65% of females that received the questionnaire said that they would rather give
birth at a young age, while 35% said that they would rather have an abortion,
after we clearly outlined the risks that come with that procedure.
From the information gathered from the questionnaires issued 15% of the 22
persons issued questionnaires said that due to the fact that after paying for the
abortion they wouldn’t have any money left to attend to their daily needs for
example Buying food. 25% said they weren’t ready for a child, 25% doesn’t
care for the foetus’ father or the foetus and 35% couldn’t afford to have another
Months Abortions registered Successful abortions
January 11 5
February 6 2
March 9 3
April 4 4

Options Percentage
Have an abortion 35%
Birth a child at a young age 65%

Reasons for having an abortion Percentage of answers

Poor lifestyle 15%
Not ready 25%
Don’t care for the child/foetus 25%
Can’t afford another 35%

Studies show that women with access to reproductive health services find it easier to break
out of poverty, while those who work are more likely to use birth control. Jamaica can relate
to this resolve, if we had more women from the ghetto working stable jobs they would hardly
have time for sex or take measures to prevent getting pregnant.
Simply educating men and women about contraception can have a big impact. When Iran
introduced a national family planning programme in 1989, its fertility rate fell from 5.6 births
per woman to 2.6 in a decade. A similar effort in Rwanda saw a threefold increase in
contraception usage in just five years.
Making people aware of the effects of over population could help to prevent teenagers from
having sex without protection and it would also help to make persons more aware of the
overpopulation crisis which would also help to reduce our chances of becoming one of the
countries that are severely overpopulated. It would be wise to start teaching about where
humanity is heading in schools and extend education to responsible family planning in
Encourage adoption, it would be much easier for everyone if they would consider putting the
child up for adoption instead of aborting the foetus. This would reduce the weight of
emotional stress or emotional distress and lessen the chances of fathers being hurt
emotionally and inflicting pain on their spouses / wives sometimes they would even commit

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