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Artificial intelligence-powered MediCircle Health Pvt Ltd on July 12 announced that it is

introducing the SpectraLIT -- Spectral Instant Test in India. This new method is the world’s
fastest Covid-19 test delivering results in just one second.

SpectraLIT is a portable spectrophotometry-based testing platform which is powered by

machine learning and artificial intelligence to detect COVID-19 by using an individual’s nasal or
mouthwash sample. Due to the AI-based process, the need for complex lab equipment and
chemicals are eliminated by providing immediate results using the spectral signature of the

Also, the AI algorithm enables SpectraLIT to distinguish between an infected person and a
healthy person. The algorithm can also be adjusted to detect different variants of the SARS-
CoV-2 coronavirus, said the firm in a press release.

SpectraLIT is developed by Newsight Imaging which specializes in developing advanced

machine vision chip sensors in collaboration with the reputed Sheba Medical Center’s ARC
Innovation Center in Israel. The technology is licensed to Hong Kong-based AI Innobio for the
Asia Pacific region. MediCircle Health Pvt Ltd has an exclusive tie up with AI InnoBio to launch
the test in India

MediCircle Health Pvt Ltd said that innovation is SpectraLIT will allow it to detect other infectious
diseases such as Influenza, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Dengue, and UTIs, as well as non-
communicable diseases such as sickle cell disease

SpectraLIT is a platform that can detect COVID-19 in seconds. It enables instant, accurate, and
scalable COVID-19 testing. It is unique in that it provides results within seconds. Since the test
is internet-powered, the results are shared with designated parties such as ICMR, patients and
employers in real-time.

SpectraLIT can help India reopen safely and keep businesses, offices, industries, restaurants,
sports, and travel safe from COVID-19. SpectraLIT™ has a learning algorithm that enables it to
become even more accurate with time. In the future additional models for other infectious
disease will be added, as well as modules for some non-communicable diseases. R&D is
underway to combine SpectraLIT with reagents to detect a number of diseases instantly and

SpectraLIT already secured CE mark approval to diagnose Covid-19 infection in the

European Union region. It is currently under evaluation to secure FDA approval in the US.

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