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Institución Educativa Arturo Mejía

Guías Ingles – Grado Once

- Lea las descripciones de cada argumento (1-6), ¿Cuál palabra de la columna de la

(A-H) coincide con cada descripción?
- En la pregunta de la 1-6, escoja la letra correcta de la A-H en la respuesta.


1- Some people feel this way when they see spiders because they don't like them.
A. afraid B. angry C. cold D. happy E. hungry F. sad G. thirsty H. tired

2- People often cry when they feel like this.

A. afraid B. angry C. cold D. happy E. hungry F. sad G. thirsty H. tired

3- If we feel like this, we want to eat something.

A. afraid B. angry C. cold D. happy E. hungry F. sad G. thirsty H. tired

4- When we hate something, we sometimes feel like this.

A. afraid B. angry C. cold D. happy E. hungry F. sad G. thirsty H. tired

5- Some people usually feel like this when it's hot, and need to drink something.
A. afraid B. angry C. cold D. happy E. hungry F. sad G. thirsty H. tired

6- A person feels like this when they need to sleep after a long day.
A. afraid B. angry C. cold D. happy E. hungry F. sad G. thirsty H. tired
- Lea el texto de la parte inferior y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio:

1- A. have . B. having C. had

2- A. doesn’t . B don’t C. didn’t

3- A. among B. against C. from

4- A. Either B. Both C. Each

5- A. worry B. worries C. worrying

6- A. believed B. believes C. believe

7- A. Almost B. However C. Indeed

8- A. you B. her C. them

9- A. but B. or C. so

NOTA: las actividades que se dejaron anteriormente, serán calificadas en la siguiente clase, en donde se realizara una
retroalimentación de las respuestas en una mesa redonda.

Docente: Carlos Andrade

Contacto: 3102500508

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