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Cornell Notes - China - The Northeastern Plain & The North China


Objective: Through reading and note-taking I will identify the important aspects of China’s
geography to better understand its early civilization.

Questions/Key Notes on The Northeastern Plain section 4 and 5


What is the ● The vegetation is mostly is mostly prairie mostly prairie grass,
vegetation in which in
the ●
Plain? ● It provided for horses,sheep, and animals raised by herders.

What Rivers
does the plain
have? ● The major rivers in the Northeastern Plain are the Liao and Sungari.
● People use the rivers as roads in the winter because the river is
What is the frozen.
climate like?

● Summers are warm and the summer is short.

● Winters in the plain are cold and dry.
● The plain is for not meant for growing crops.

Questions/Key Notes on The North China Plain


What are the ● In the summer it is warm and in the winter it is cold and dry
● The ground is covered in yellow limestone silt.
Why is it ● The yellow silt comes from the Gobi desert.
called the
“Land of the
Yellow ● It is one of the longest rivers in the world and also one of the mud
Earth”? makes the river water resemble soup.
● The silt the river carries silt and helps which makes its a great place to
What is the grow crops and raise your kids there.
Yellow River
like? ● Loess is light, fertile soil that yields bountiful grain crops.

What is loess?

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