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MM2K "Add 40LBS To Your Bench Press" Program

Free Muscle Media 2000 © Special Report!

How to Add Up To 40
Pounds To Your Max
Bench Press In
Just 6 Weeks!

By Shawn Phillips

Maybe it's irreverent to compare bodybuilding to a religion, but what

else can it be if it isn't a religion? Certainly no Bible thumpers were
ever more fervent or more passionate about their faith than a
bodybuilder is about the gym. And if bodybuilding is like a religion,
complete with its Olympian deities, then the bench press is the altar of
our little sect. It's where our worth as physique athletes is rneasured,
and when some powerful presence starts throwing 45 pound plates
on the bar and that sweet sound of clanging metal (was any choir ever
more uplifting?) hits our ears, we stop, listen, and most of all, look.
After all, the bench press has mystique.

Why exactly the bench press got to be so glamorous is unknown. It's

not exactly like we perform this movement in everyday life. Maybe our
genetic predecessors were often forced to bench press wayward
rocks or fallen trees off their chests, but the closest most of us come
to doing a bench press in modern life is pushing a salesman away.
Still, the question most commonly asked of bodybuilders in the casual
grocery-store checkout-line conversation is, and always has been,
"How much can you bench press?"

Truth be told, the deadlift is a far better indicator of overall strength,

but to the disappointment of chiropractors everywhere, few
bodybuilders do the deadlift. Regardless, it's not the objective of this
article to investigate the phenomenon but, instead, to go with it. The
purpose of this Muscle Media 2000 Special Report is to help you add
up to 40 pounds to your max bench press. Using this program, I was
able to take my bench press from a max of 350 pounds to a personal
best of 405 pounds in 6 weeks. Obviously, 55 pounds constitutes an
exceptional gain, one that you might not be able to get, but I
guarantee that you will add a substantial amount to your one-
repetition max. And with that strength gain comes added muscle,
most notably in the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
A Few Words About
Genetic Potential

Your strength in any lift is determined by both genetic and

environmental factors. Just as two people differ in their ability to hit a
baseball so does their ability to gain strength and size. Two people
can have very similar builds with virtually equal amounts of muscle
but can have strikingly different levels of strength. The main factors
that determine your genetic predisposition for max strength in any lift
are leverage and muscle fiber type and quantity. Leverage is
controlled by bone length and muscle attachtment points. Bone length
is fairly self-explanatory, and usually, shorter bones are better for
strength. Muscle attachment refers to the point at which your muscles
attach to bones. Take, for example, biceps. Professional bodybuilder
Albert Beckles is known for his tremendous biceps peaks. This is
attributable to genetic factors more so than training factors. Beckles,
and bodybuilders with similar peaks, have very long muscle
attachments. This makes for a wonderful cosmetic effect but allows
for poor leverage. Given two people, one with long attachments and
one with short, the one with short attachments will have far greater
leverage. This doesn't mean that a person with poor leverage can't
get big muscles it just means the muscle itself undergoes maximum
load at a lesser weight.

Strength is also determined by fiber types. Although the words "slow

oxidative" and "fast glycolytic" are tossed around frequently by too
many people who don't know what the terms mean, they do in truth
have a lot to do with determining your strength and size potential.
Suffice it to say, whole muscles contain a heterogeneous mixture of
fast-contracting and slow-contracting muscle fibers, as well as fibers
with high endurance and low endurance, and the proportions vary
from individual to individual. These fibers are often collectively
referred to as Type I and Type II, with subtypes existing for each.

Type I are generally used for endurance events that require a low
output of muscular energy over a long period of time. Type II are the
more explosive type, only their explosiveness is limited to short
periods of time. It's this latter group that is most responsible for
muscle size, and it's also the most prone to muscle growth. An
increase in the number of Type I fibers is possible, but stimulating the
growth of Type II fibers is more likely. To accomplish this, we need to
subject the Type II fibers to high-intensity, short-duration training.

Strength is also determined by neural efficiency. If you spend an hour

a day shooting baskets, you'll presumably get better and better, and
this is to a large degree because of an increase in neural efficiency.
The same thing happens when you lift weights your muscles get used
to making that particular movement, and they become more efficient
in lifting a weight. Part of this is accomplished by recruiting more
muscle fibers to handle the imposed workload. Increasing resistance,
i.e., slapping more iron on the bar, will prompt your body to recruit
more and more fibers, and generally, this "recruit" is again a subtype
of the aforementioned Type II fibers. Again, it's these fibers that are
most susceptible to growth.

All of these considerations have been factored into my Power Bench

Program, and that's what makes it so effective. However, before we
get into the nuts and bolts of the program, let me briefly point out that,
genetics aside, muscle growth depends heavily on environment, not
whether or not you recycle your cans of Phosphagainª, but the kind of
environment you create for struggling to-grow muscle fibers. Muscle
cells do not live in a vacuum-they are part of you and share in
whatever mistreatment you subject yourself to. If you drink heavily or
abuse drugs, your muscles suffer. If you don't rest enough or don't eat
properly, they bear the brunt of it, too. Together, all of these things
create a poor growing environment for muscles. What you have to
keep in mind is that the primary function of all living things-including
you-is merely to survive, and a living organism cannot waste energy
on supefficial notions like building extra muscle. Therefore, it's
important to provide the proper environment for muscle growth.

Discipline is the final key to ensuring the success of this program. One
trick I've found useful is to tell people what my goal is-that way, if I
don't accomplish it, I look like a poor fool. Another good trick is to do
the program with someone else. We're competitive creatures by
nature, and talking trash at someone because my bench press went
up more than his or hers is admittedly an enjoyable pastime of mine.

Enough theory. Let's get ready to r-u-m-b-l-e! !

The Split

No workout for a specific body part can be undertaken without

considering how it will affect the whole body. This workout will
probably require you to make some modifications to your normal

For instance, this program is low rep, low volume, and high intensity,
and it is based on a two-day split. In other words, you will work your
whole body in the course of two workouts over two days, whether
those days are consecutive or separated by a day off. This program
also requires that you adopt a "push-pull" method. Working all the
muscles involved in "pushing" on one day, namely chest, shoulders,
and triceps, and working all the muscles involved in "pulling," like
biceps and back, on another, allows the two groups of muscles more
time to recuperate. (I recommend working legs on the "pull" day
simply because the "push" workout, involving three muscle groups
instead of two, takes longer.)

Recommended Two day Split:

Day #1 Day #2
chest legs
shoulders back
triceps biceps
abs calves

Your gut instinct, perhaps developed by years of habit, may rebel

against this type of workout. However, it's not just low volume and
high intensity that make a strength program work-frequency is a
critical variable. In most workout programs, you exhaust a muscle
group and then let it rest again. The length of time between each
workout is not considered a crucial consideration. But the more
frequently you can perform a lift, the smaller each increase in
resistance and the more likely your body will be able to adapt. This
bench program requires that you take small incremental steps.
Instead of trying to make large jumps every six or seven days, you
make small jumps on your bench every three or four days. This
makes for a much smoother and much more consistent climb.

You may find that one particular option fits either your schedule or
recuperative powers best. Only you will be able to tell which suits your
needs most efficiently.

An Overview Of The Workout

This program requires a different mentality, and it may require you to

make some modifications to the way you've been training from
workout to workout. The exercises should be of the basic, compound
type, using high intensity while keeping volume low. This doesn't
mean you'll be doing singles on shoulders or triceps, though. The
lowest number of reps I recommend for shoulders, triceps, back, or
biceps is six. Go ahead and use a higher number of reps for legs if
you like, but your work should be of sufficient intensity to preclude
doing 20 sets. Regardless, no workout should take more than an hour.
Since this program is specifically designed to improve your bench
press, there are some hard and fast rules that must be followed for
optimum results. First of all, you must get two bench press sessions in
every week. It's also critical that you get at least three minutes in
between each set on major lifts. This allows your muscle creatine
levels to build back up and your lactic acid levels to normalize.

Since your aim here is to increase your bench, you must limit shoulder
and triceps work. For shoulders, I recommend working them after
chest with a barbell press and/or side raises. For triceps, Iying triceps
extensions or pushdowns will suffice. Make an effort to keep the work
level for those body parts down to one, maybe two exercises for three
or four sets. It's better to keep those particular body parts a liffle
undertrained rather than overtrained.

The following is a logical, productive total body workout. Keep in mind,

though, that the details regarding the bench press are explained later
on in this article:

Recommended Total Body Workout:

 DAY#1

Chest: Bench Press (high-rep day),

Dumbbell flyes (3x8)
Shoulders: Barbell press (3x6)
Triceps: Triceps extension (3x8)

 DAY#2

Legs: Squats (3x6), Leg curls (3x8)

Back: Barbell rows (3x6),
Pulldowns (3x8)
Biceps: Barbell curls (3x8)

 DAY#3

Chest: Bench press (low-rep day), Dumbbell bench (3x6)

Shoulders: Dumbbell press (3x8), Lateral raises (3x8)
Triceps: Triceps pushdowns (3x8)
 DAY#4

Legs: Squats (3x8), Straight-leg deadlifts (3x8)

Back: One-arm rows (3x6), Close-grip pulldowns (3x8)
Biceps: Incline dumbbell curls (3x8)

The Chest Workout-The Nuts And Bolts

STEP 1-Determining your one-rep max.

This program is very specific, and it allows you to chart your progress
using computer-generated mathematical formulas. Don't worry,
though; you don't need a computer to add up to 40 pounds to your
bench press-all that work has been done for you and is included in the
charts on the following pages. However, in order to make all of this
work, you have to supply some data. The first bit of data you must
supply is your one-rep max.

In order to do this, you must be well rested-that means you can't train
chest, shoulders, or triceps in the preceding 48 hours. Logic dictates
that you attempt your one-rep max (1RM) the first thing in the workout.
Safety dictates that you attempt it only after you've warmed up
properly and obtained a conscientious spotter. Here's how I
deterrnine my 1RM:

1. Warm up with a light weight for 10-12 reps. Rest and repeat.
2. Rest for two minutes.
3. Increase the weight for one you can handle comfortably for
eight reps.
4. Rest three minutes.
5. Increase the weight to one you can handle for three to four reps.
6. Rest three minutes.
7. Add weight and attempt your 1RM.
8. Increase weight gradually as needed, repeating steps six and
seven until you reach your max.

Record it here:


STEP 2 Plugging your IRM into the Progression Table on page 7.

Take a look at the Progression Table on page 7. Looks imposing and

complicated, right? Don't worry. Once I explain a couple of things, it'll
make perfect sense. For the time being, pay attention only to the
column on the extreme far left marked IRM. I bet you know what to do
already. That's right: find the number in that far left column that
corresponds to your 1RM which you've already determined in the gym
and recorded previously. Let's say your 1RM was 290 pounds. Now,
look at the first three numbers to the immediate right of your 1RM. In
this case, they're 190,215, and 230. These are the workout
poundages you'll use for Workout #1, and sure enough, if you look at
the top of the column, you'll see it plainly marked with a "1." Right
underneath that "1" are 3 shaded boxes, and they contain the
numbers 8,6, and 5, and these correspond to the number of reps
you'll do in Workout #1.

To summarize, your 1RM of 290 indicates that in Bench Press

Workout #1, you'll do 1 set of 8 reps with 190, 1 set of 6 reps with 215,
and 3 sets of 5 reps with 230.

STEP 3 Recording your numbers on the PowerBuilding Bench Press

Program Workout Sheet on page 6.

Take a look at the Workout Sheet on page 6. Remember the number

of reps and poundages we just calculated using the Progression
Table? Write them down along with the date, in the boxes that cor
respond to Workout #1. (Caution: don' jump ahead and figure out all
your work out poundages for the entire six-week pro gramÑI'll explain
why later.) Here's a graphic to help make it clearer:

(See "Example")

Now, all that's left is to do PowerBuilding Bench Press Workout #1,

along with working shoulders and triceps as recommended earlier.
Once you complete this first bench workout, rest a day or two and
work legs, back, and biceps; then we'll figure out the poundages you
need to use for PowerBuilding Bench Press Workout #2, which uses a
slightly lower number of reps than your first bench workout.

Again, take a look at the Progression Table, finding your 1RM along
the extreme left-hand column. This time, we'll follow the column until
we get to the numbers under Workout #2. Using our example 1RM of
290, we see that the numbers for our second workout are much
heavier than those used in the first chest workout. Don't worry, I
expect you to progress quickly but not this quickly. The rep ranges for
Workout #2 are less, so you'll be able to do heavier weights. Plug
those numbers, which, in the case of our example, are 210, 235, and
260, into the boxes that correspond to Workout #2 on the
PowerBuilding Bench Press Program Workout Sheet on page 6.
The boxes for Workout #2 indicate that you'll do 2 sets of 5 with 210
pounds, 2 sets of 3 with 235, and 1 set of 1 with 260.

Now, using the poundages indicated, do the workout. Immediately

afterwards, work your shoulders and triceps again.

Simple, right? Only there's one catch. PowerBuilding Bench Press

Program #5, and every odd-numbered chest workout after that, has a
test built into it to check your progress. Depending on whether you're
meeting, exceeding, or progressing slower than expected, you'll need
to make adjustments.

STEP 4 The Failure Test.

Before doing PowerBuilding Bench Press Program Workout #5, check
the Progression Table again. Find your 1RM at the far left. Using our
previous example of 290 pounds and following the horizontal column
until we get to Workout #5, we see that there are only 2 numbers, one
corresponding to a set of "6" and one corresponding to a set of "5."
What's the deal? Did we screw up? Nope. Go ahead and plug the
numbers corresponding to Workout #5 on the PowerBuilding Bench
Press Workout Program. Just as before, you'll do the indicated
number of sets and reps. In this case, using our 1RM example of 290
and the corresponding weights indicated, we'll do 1 set of 6 at 215
pounds and 2 sets of 5 at 245 pounds. However, the third box on the
workout sheet indicates we should do another set, only the
Progression Table hasn't told you what weight to use, and the
Workout Sheet doesn't tell you how many reps to do.

Don't worry. This is the Failure Test mentioned earlier. What you need
to do is take the weight you used for Set #2, which in this case was
245 pounds, and rep out with it do as many as you can, using good
form, and write this number down.

Now, check the following Failure Test Table:

This table is designed to test your progress. Some of you may be

progressing very quickly, and your 1RM-the number you use to figure
out your weights for each workout-will need to be adjusted upwards.
Some of you may be slower gainers and consequently your 1RM will
have to be adjusted downwards. And some of you are right on
schedule and don't need to adjust your 1RM at all.

Let's say that you did 8 or more reps on your last set using 245
pounds. Look at the colurnn on the far right of the table under the
heading marked "8 Reps." Follow that column down until you find the
number that corresponds with the weight you used to max out on.
Follow the "8 Reps" column down until you see 245. Now move
across to the left until you get to the 1RM column where it says 290.
This would be your 1RM which you would plug into the Progression
Table to figure out the weights for the next workout. Although, in this
case, the 1RM is the same as when you started, this number can
change. This is why we only write in our weights for one workout at a

Let's say, however, that you only did three or fewer reps on your
Failure Test. Find the column at the top that's marked "3 Reps."
Follow it down until you find your Failure Test weight. Match that
number up with the 1RM number on the far left column. This number
is slightly less than the 1RM number you used previously on the
Progression Table to chart your poundages. Use this new number to
figure out your weights until the next Failure Test Workout.

If you got between 4 and 7 reps on the Failure Test, you don't need to
make any changes-you're right on track.

Here's a synopsis of what I just explained:

 1.Use the Set #2 5-Rep weight for the Failure Test on Set #3 of
oddnumbered workouts.
 2. If you get between 4 and 7 reps on the Failure Test, no
changes are needed.
 3. If you reach failure at 3 reps or less OR after 8 or more reps,
follow steps 4, 5, and 6.
 4. Find the weight used for the test in the appropriate column of
Failure Test Chart (3 Reps or 8 Reps).
 5. Move left to 1RM column and record the new 1RM.
 6. Go to the Progression Table and circle the new 1RM-this will
be used to calculate the weights for your next workout.

A Few More Words On The Nuts And Bolts

As you can see, there are two different bench press workouts. One
type, performed on odd days, typically employs one set of six reps,
two sets of five reps, followed by one to complete failure. This is the
higher volume workout and can be followed by one other chest
exercise, like moderately heavy flyes for three sets of eight.

The other workout is a lower rep workout and is performed on even

days. It typically uses sets of three reps, single-rep sets, and
occasioqally a set of negatives (as indicated on th'e Progression
Table and explained below). This can be followed by one other chest
exercise, like flat dumbbell presses for three sets of six reps.

If you continue to follow the PowerBuilding Bench Program Workout

Table and the weights indicated by the Progression Table and the
Failure Test Table, there are only 6 weeks and 14 chest days (28 total
workouts) between you and new, previously unrealized power.

I know all of this is complicated, but hey, who said building the body of
your dreams was easy? One more time, let me list the most important
features of this program:

 1.Determine your one-rep max (1RM) bench press.

 2. Find your 1RM in the far left-hand column of the Progression
Table on page 7.
 3. Move across the table to the right from your 1RM to the
column under the appropriate workout number.
 4. Fill in the weights in the PowerBuilding Bench Press Workout
Sheet, matching the workout number and repetition subheads.
 5. Find the weights for the next workout, one workout at a time.
 6. Use the Failure Test on odd-numbered workouts to chart
your progress and determine new lRMs as needed.

A Few Words On Some Of The Techniques Mentioned In This



You may have noticed that the Progression Table, specifically

Workouts 6, 8, and 10, includes one set of negatives. The use of
heavy negatives can speed up the development of strength if not
overused. On the average, people are capable of handling 120%
more weight on the negative portion (eccentric) of a lift than the
positive (concentric).

On the days indicated on the Progression Table, you'll be doing one

set-one rep-of a heavy negative. This will be your last set for that day.
Make sure you have a spotter, though, or else you'll have a caved-in
chest to show for your efforts.

If possible, use a power rack, too. Grip the bar as you would normally
for the bench, then have your partner help you unrack the weight.
Unlock your elbows, and then, as the weight starts to lower, resist it
as much as possible all the way down. Then, press the weight back
up with help from your spotter and rack the weight.
Going To Failure:

I've mentioned "going to failure" several times in this article, but I don't
think the method can be overemphasized or overexplained. Although
complete muscular failure seems self-explanatory, there's more to it
than just stopping when the weight becomes too heavy. Complete
failure only comes when you've tapped into your hidden reserve of will
and strength-it comes only after you've done a rep or two past what
your muscles tell you they can do. It might take slowing the pace
down a little during the set (while always keeping good form), or it
might take calling on that previously untapped will and determination,
but going to failure is a great way to fatigue the muscle and stimulate
new growth.

Going to failure, legitimate failure, is also the gauge that will let you
know how you're progressing and when to make adjustments to this


At the end of your PowerBuilding Bench Press Program, you should

take at least 2 or 3 weeks and not train with more than 80% of your
one-rep maximum. For example, after my 6-week peaking program
where I added 55 pounds to my bench press, I took 3 weeks and just
did moderate to light bench press workouts. My new bench press
maximum was 405 pounds, so I just did 3 sets of 8 with 275, along
with some light dumbbell flyes (3xlO with 60 lb dumbbells). I did this
workout once a week, three weeks in a row, and then I started
another six-week PowerBuilding Bench Press Program.

Remember, knowledge is not power. Applied knowledge is power.

You now have the knowledge to build incredible strength on the
bench press. It's up to you to use it! Now go for it!

If you'd like more information on Shawn's customized PowerBuilding

Workout Programs, just call 1-800-6158500 (and ask for Dept. #2135),
outside the U.S. and Canada, call 303-279-3077, and Shawn will
send you a complete information package. Shawn guarantees that he
can design a complete program for you. Whether your goal is to gain
size and strength, lose bodyfat and tone up, or gain strength and
speed for improved performance in a sport, he's got a program that he
can custom tailor to help you achieve your goals.
Shawn Phillips' custom-designed training programs are probably 20
years ahead of their time. In the future, everyone will likely train this
way to get maximum results!

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