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Product Plan

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................................................................1
1.1. OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................................................1
1.2. TARGET CUSTOMERS AND MARKET ANALYSIS............................................................................................1
1.3. POSITIONING, VALUE PROPOSITION (BENEFITS)...........................................................................................2
1.4. FEATURES............................................................................................................................. ..........................2
1.5. SALES AND MARKETING STRATEGY...............................................................................................................2
1.6. FINANCIAL/BUSINESS CASE ...........................................................................................................................2
1.7. COMPETITIVE PRODUCTS............................................................................................................................. ..2
1.8. PRODUCT SCHEDULE .........................................................................................................................................2
2. TARGET CUSTOMERS ............................................................................................................................ ...........2
IDENTIFY SECONDARY CUSTOMER(S)........................................................................................................................2
3. TARGET USERS ...................................................................................................................................................3
IDENTIFY PRIMARY USER ...........................................................................................................................................3
IDENTIFY SECONDARY USER............................................................................................................................. .........3
4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION & POSITIONING STATEMENT .........................................................................3
4.1. BUSINESS PROBLEM, PRODUCT CONCEPT AND HISTORY.................................................................................3
4.2. KEY MESSAGES & MAIN BENEFITS: ...............................................................................................................4
4.3. FEATURES, FUNCTIONS, & BENEFITS: ...............................................................................................................4
5. MARKET DATA, COMPETITIVE PRODUCTS, AND ANALYSIS................................................................5
5.1. COMPETITIVE PRODUCTS OVERVIEW ..............................................................................................................5
5.2. COMPETITIVE STRENGTHS, W EAKNESSES & RESPONSE STATEMENTS ........................................................5
6. FINANCIAL DATA/BUSINESS MODEL...........................................................................................................6
6.1. PRICING............................................................................................................................. ................................6
6.2. FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS .............................................................................................................................7-12
7. SALES & DISTRIBUTION................................................................................................................. ..................12

8. PARTNER PROGRAMS .....................................................................................................................................12

9. GO TO MARKET PLAN ......................................................................................................................................12

10. DEVELOPMENT PLAN OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................13

10.1.SCHEDULE: GOLD MONTH DAY, YEAR ....................................................................................................13
10.2.STRATEGY............................................................................................................................. ..........................13
10.3. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT: SPECIAL ISSUES .................................................................................................13
10.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE RESOURCES .........................................................................................................13
10.5. DOCUMENTATION RESOURCES......................................................................................................................13
11. BETA PROGRAM..............................................................................................................................................13

12. OPERATIONS PLAN OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................13

12.1. TECH SUPPORT ..........................................................................................................................................14
12.2. CUSTOMER SERVICE ..................................................................................................................................14
12.3. SALES OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................................. ......14
12.4. DATA CENTER/NOC...................................................................................................................................14
12.5. MANUFACTURING...........................................................................................................................................14
13. PRODUCT SCHEDULE: MAJOR MILESTONES ....................................................................................14

14. PRODUCT TEAM (ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES).........................................................................15

15. OPEN ISSUES ...............................................................................................................................................15

16. PRODUCT FAQ .................................................................................................................................................16

17. REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................................17-19

1. Executive Summary
The impact of COVID-19, particularly on the business sector, could not have been expected, but it
has been an excellent learning experience—particularly for aspiring entrepreneurs. However, it
should be noted that this pandemic affects not only our mental health, but also our physical health.
According to an assessment of 1,000 women in the United States conducted by market research
company Dynata for DeVries Global, more than 80% had noted an increase in one or more skin
problems since COVID-19 hit. One-fourth of those respondents claim they have more acne, but
that number rises to 55 percent among those under the age of 25. This is on top of the existing 50
million individuals affected by the skin problem on a year-round basis. In reality, and as anybody
can attest, acne is never "pleasant" — and yet, the extra stress, lack of sleep, and total lifestyle
shift (Castaño, 2020).The skin issues in the COVID-19 infection were generated initially by the
hyperhydration effect of personal protective equipment (PPE), then by friction, epidermal barrier
breakdown, and contact reactions, all of which can aggravate an underlying skin disease. The
dermatologic findings are very different from those seen during the 1918–1919 influenza epidemic.
The most commonly documented skin modifications caused by chronic use of PPE include
erythema, papules, maceration, and scaling (Darlenski, R., & Tsankov, N., 2020).

Online shopping is a massive platform that is expanding in the Philippines at an unprecedented

rate. Due to the large discounts and home delivery options offered in online shopping, Filipinos are
now choosing for online shopping, which is expected to drive the establishment of online retail
businesses. Thereby, Filipinos are devoting less time to conventional shopping. This is due to an
increase in the number of online merchants in the Philippines, which increases customer
convenience because goods and services do not require physical locations and are offered through
websites or applications.

Thus, enhanced digitalization and an increase in the percentage of population attracted toward
online shopping in the Philippines are factors expected to provide a lucrative opportunity for skin
care product manufacturers to market and sell their products via online platforms. JO-BEAuty
follows to satisfy the rise in the desire to retain one's attractiveness for a longer period of time,
improvements in lifestyle, and an increase in female labor force, which is a primary reason for
driving the need for skin care products in the Philippines (Market Research, 2020).
JO-BEAuty will be focusing on achieving the following objectives:

1. To reach an increased revenue of 25% year over year.

2. To boost customer retention at 10% each year.
3. To reach at least 50% market share.

1.2.Target Customers and Market Analysis

According to studies, using face masks frequently and for lengthy periods of time during the day
may increase humidity and sebum production in the sebaceous glands, as well as its concentration
on the skin's surface, thereby causing acne lesions or exacerbating an existing issue. The present
pandemic is having a huge detrimental influence on people's daily lives, including dietary habits,
self-care, and self-esteem, as well as physical and psychological problems. The importance of
sleep was emphasized as a critical mechanism for organism recovery, which could play a role in
this acne outbreak (Xerfan et al., 2017). Since there'll be a change in lifestyle and a consideration
of target customers' status during this pandemic, customers might switch to affordable products
which will increase JO-BEAuty to reach an increasing revenue of 25% year over year.


1.3.Positioning, Value Proposition (Benefits)
Unleash the beauty within – We are all beautiful inside and out, but not everyone knows how to
bring it out. That is why JO-BEAuty is here to help you. JO-BEAuty's main purpose is to bring out
the beauty of the customer not only on the outside but also on the inside by helping regenerate
dead skin cells, allowing the customer to achieve the beauty that they desire.

 Made with organic ingredients
 An affordable local brand
 Has a unique aesthetic packaging
 Has 10x ultra-moisturizing effect
 Water-resistant
1.5.Sales and Marketing Strategy
Customers can buy directly from Distributors and Resellers of JO-BEAuty from both cities and
provinces. It is also available on online shopping platforms such as Lazada and Shopee.

1.6.Financial/Business Case
Rough estimates show that we could sell into 300 skin care products at the rate of 25 products
per month for 1 year. This is a conservative estimate. At P250 and P300 proposed price we
would be forecasting approximately P6,875 revenue per month. The product is projected to
show profitability by 1 year for Pre-Launch Period 1.

1.7.Competitive Products
JO-BEAuty is a local brand that offers beauty products at affordable price. We believe that a
skin care products shouldn’t be pricey and must be available to everyone. Our Competitors
are G21 and PSPH Beauty. Although we all have same manufacturers, JO-BEAuty remains
to offer beauty products for as low as P250 to P300 while the price of our competitor’s products
are ranging from P280 to P385.

1.8.Product Schedule
The schedule of products is estimated from 6 months to 1 year with a total demand of 900 skin
care products from the period 1 of the pre-launching. Since every demand has an incurring set
up costs, there's no guarantee that the planned operation will run smoothly.

2. Target Customers

Characteristics Categories
Gender Female
Age 14-34

Education Primary
Upper Secondary
Marital Status Single
Occupation All


3. Target Users
Identify primary user

We identified millennial women as our core customer since a Cosmetics Study in the United States
discovered that millennial women (ages 18 to 34) are the most passionate purchasers of beauty
products in the $13 billion cosmetic industry.

Identify secondary user

We identified young adults as our secondary customers since Skin care products have become a big
priority for young people (14 to 18), and it's not only the usual suspects of acne and oil management
that are at the top of their to-do lists. Younger customers are taking better care of their skin than
previous generations.

4. Product Description & Positioning Statement

For millennial women and young adults (ages between 14-34) who wants to have a clearer, healthy, and radiant skin.

JO-BEAuty is a skin care line.

that will help you achieve a Korean glass skin.

Unlike other local brands, we are offering affordable and high-quality personal care products for as low as P250-P300.

4.1.Business Problem, Product Concept and History

Acne-prone skin, uneven skin tone, and acne scars may all make a person feel exceedingly
undesirable, so much so that they may lack the self-confidence to even look others in the eyes. Such
people may be too bashful to make acquaintances with people of the opposite gender. They may
also suffer insulting remarks from their peers who lack character appreciation or the civility to treat
people with respect. Many patients claim that they are intensely aware of how others see them during
first interactions. Almost half of the patients believed that people thought they were unclean because
of their acne-prone skin, uneven skin tone, and acne scar. These issues can also lead to poor
academic performance. Children with acne may refuse to attend school during outbreaks for fear of
ridicule or because they lack self-confidence. Even people with acne may hesitate to go to work or
maybe afraid. These issues can also lead to poor academic performance. Children with acne may
avoid going to school during outbreaks for fear of being teased or because they lack self-confidence.
Even individuals with acne may refuse to work or be afraid of taking on careers that need a 'perfect
look' in their perspective. Job interviews tend to be more difficult for acne patients, both because
they lack self-confidence and because interviewers regard them as less worthy based on their looks
(Thomas, 2016).

JO-BEAuty products not only assist the user to achieve fair and radiant skin, but they also aid in the
healing of acne, uneven skin tone, and acne scars. JO-BEAuty may confront issues such as
government efforts, emerging markets, new services, and processes within the next 12-18 months.


4.2.Key Messages & Main Benefits:
The main benefit of JO-BEAuty is to enhance our appearance and boost our self-esteem. By using
JO-BEAuty products, we can achieve a healthy and glowing skin. Because our skin's cells change
over more slowly as we get older, it appears duller and less luminous. Using a high-quality skin care
line can aid in the removal of dead skin cells, allowing your body to replace them with younger,
healthier cells. Prevention is, without a doubt, easier than correction. Preventing skin problems is
easier and less expensive than attempting to treat them later (DermCare).

4.3.Features, Functions, & Benefits:

Feature Function Benefits and Proof
Since there are no harsh chemicals in
these products, there is significantly less
Made with organic waste and toxins going down the drain and  Good for skin health
ingredients back into the earth. When you choose  Skin deep beauty
organic beauty products you are not only  Environmentally friendly
doing wonders for your skin and internal  Natural Ingredients
health, but also making a positive impact
on our environment (Mohanta, 2017).
The JOBEAUTY is not only e
conomical, but it is also a loc
Since JO- BEAuty is really inexpensive, al brand, which means that y
Affordable local brand anyone who desires a glass Korean ou are not only treating your
skin can afford it. skin, but
you are also helping the local
Aesthetic packaging design
incorporates many different creative Buyers are attracted to
Has a unique aesthetic aspects from color and shape to texture products that are pleasing to
packaging and balance. Packaging design is meant to the eye, incorporate bright
tell the product's story and make it colors, and have unique
appealing for potential customers to invest elements, unlike other
in. products.
 Slow the signs of
According to St.Ives, the basic job of a aging
10x ultra-moisturizing hydrating face moisturizer is to add  Help Fights acne
effect moisture to dry skin and help keep it from  Prevent Dryness
drying out again.  Protection from the
According to NAS Cosmetics,
Water-resistant Our products are water resistant, incredibly Water-resistant products will
easy to use, long-lasting. stand up to heat, humidity
and perspiration no matter
what your lifestyle is.


5. Market Data, Competitive Products, and Analysis
The Philippines skin care products market is valued $1,205.6 million in 2018 and is anticipated
to achieve $2,018.6 million by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 7.3 percent between 2021 and 2027.
Skin care is the process of preserving and improving one's physical appearance by the use of various
skin care products such as creams, lotions, and other cosmetics. The Philippines skin care products
market has grown significantly in recent years, owing to an increase in disposable income and a move
among Filipinos toward a healthier lifestyle.
Online shopping is a massive platform that is expanding in the Philippines at an unprecedented
rate. An enhanced digitalization and an increase in the percentage of population attracted toward
online shopping in the Philippines are factors expected to provide a lucrative opportunity for skin care
product manufacturers to market and sell their products via online platforms.

5.1.Competitive Products Overview

JO-BEAuty follows to satisfy the rise in the desire to retain one's attractiveness for a longer period of
time, improvements in lifestyle, and an increase in female labor force, which is a primary reason for
driving the need for skin care products in the Philippines (Market Research, 2020).

5.2.Competitive Strengths, Weaknesses & Response Statements

Competitor 1 (Brilliant Skin Essentials)

Strength #1 A local brand with multiple active advertisements.

Strength #2 Uses famous personalities and celebrities as their endorsers.

Weakness #1 A little expensive

Weakness #2 Doesn't provide enough sales promotions.

Competitor 2 (G21)

Strength #1 Attractive Packaging

Strength #2 Strong media presence

Weakness #1 Post-launching declined approval of FDA for its Glutathione capsule's content claims.

Weakness #2 Pricey and has an unstable supply of ingredients and materials.

Competitor 3 (PSPH BEAUTY)

Strength #1 Strong media presence

Strength #2 Attractive Packaging

Weakness #1 Expensive

Weakness #2 Lacks promotional tactics.


6. Financial Data/Business Model
JO-BEAuty will use Advertising Business Model through digital media platforms in order to get customers
and to earn profit.

The suggested prices were determined by manufacture’s rate. Other factors include
competitors upgrade and pricing.

Version Upgrade/Competitive Upgrade Matrix

Product Retail Intro Comp. Version Product to Product
. Upgrade Upgrade

From a simple skincare

Competitor B releases product such as
their Korean Glass Skin Cross Training Rejuvenating Set, JO-
Seoul's Dewy Set 250 200 Set for P200 same for New BEAuty has come to
amount from our Employees upgrade its products to
introductory price. 2in1 slimming and
whitening drink.

Competitor C has JO-BEAuty leveled up its

upgraded their products packaging by hiring
to 2in1 slimming and packaging designer in
Pixie Dust Soap 300 250 whitening juice. Its retail Safety Training order to maintain and
price is amounting from achieve aesthetic
P360 to P400. packages.

JO-BEAuty believes that

Competitor B, C, and D any gender can use skin
has previously released care products. Therefore,
their instant whitening it started a limited-edition
Gluta Berry 250 200 lotion in the same promo suitable for men of
Lotion variation. Re-training the said skincare


6.2.Financial Projections

Pre-Launch Post-Launch

Period 1 Period 2, etc. Year 1 Year 2

Unit Forecast 315,000 630,000 945,000 1,260,000

P50,000 to P75,000 to P100,000 to

Revenue Forecast 25,000 to 90,000 P180,000 P270,000 P360,000

Cost of Goods P29,700 P59,400 P89,100 P118,800

Net Revenue P60,000 P114,000 P225,000 P300,000

Development Cost P6,750 P13,500 P20,250 P27,000

Operations Cost P755,700 P785,400 P815,100 P844,800

Cost P125.92 P251.83 P377.75 P503.66

G&A Cost P726,000 P726,000 P726,000 P726,000

Net Contribution P30,300 P54,600 P135,900 P181,200

The Unit Forecast helps you forecast the number of units you'll sell each month using the bottom-up method.

JO-BEAuty for period 1 has 300 units of products to be sold. Every month there are 25 pieces / unit. To get
the Unit Forecast, we multiply the unit to the average selling price.

(25x750) = P18,750 + (25x300) = P7,500

= 26,250 monthly

JO-BEAuty for period 2 has 600 units of products to be sold. Every month there are 50 pieces / unit. To get
the Unit Forecast, we multiply the unit to the average selling price.


(50x750) = P37,500 + (50x300) = 15,000

= 52,500 monthly

JO-BEAuty for Post-Launch year 1, has 900 units of products to be sold. Every month there are 75 pieces /
unit. To get the Unit Forecast, we multiply the unit to the average selling price.

(75x750) = 56,250 + (75x300) = 22,500

= 78,750 monthly

JO-BEAuty for Post-Launch year 2, has 1,200 units of products to be sold. Every month there are 100 pieces
/ unit. To get the Unit Forecast, we multiply the unit to the average selling price.

(100x750) = 75,000 + (100x300) = 30,000

= 105,000 monthly

Revenue Forecast is done by multiplying the estimated amount of customers to average value of customer

For the Pre-Launch Period 1, JO-BEAuty expects to have an average of 300 customers (25x12) with an
average value of P25,000 (300x250÷3) to P90,000 (300x300) customer purchases.

During Pre-Launch Period 2, JO-BEAuty expects to have an average of 600 (50x12) customers with an
average value of P50,000 (600x250÷3) to P180,000 (600x300) customer purchases.

For the Post-Launch year 1, JO-BEAuty expects to have an average of 900 (75x12) customers with an
average of P75,000 (900x250÷3) to P270,000 (900x300) customer purchases.

For the Post-Launch year 2, JO-BEAuty expects to have an average of 1,200 (100x12) customers with an
average of P100,000 (1,200x250÷3) to P360,000 (1,200x300) customer purchases.

Cost of Goods Sold is the sum of the costs of the materials and labor directly used to make the product.

In producing the goods, JO-BEAuty is estimated to cost P29,700 for P1,200 Pixie Dust Soap, P15,000 Vanilla
Strawberry Potion, P6,000 Gluta Berry Lotion, and P7,500 Seoul's Dewy Set which are all 75 pieces each
(300 estimated customers divided by 4 units of product).

For the Period 2, JO-BEAuty is estimated to cost P59,400 for P2,400 Pixie Dust Soap, P30,000 Vanilla
Strawberry Potion, P12,000 Gluta Berry Lotion, and P15,000 Seoul's Dewy Set which are all ,150 pieces
each (600 estimated customers divided by 4 units of product).

For the Post-Launch year 1, JO-BEAuty is estimated to cost P89,100 for P3,600 Pixie Dust Soap, P45,000
Vanilla Strawberry Potion, P18,000 Gluta Berry Lotion, and P22,500 Seoul's Dewy Set which are all 225
pieces each (900 estimated customers divided by 4 units of products).

For the Post-Launch year 2, JO-BEAuty is estimated to cost P118,800 for P4,800 Pixie Dust Soap, P60,000
Vanilla Strawberry Potion, P24,000 Gluta Berry Lotion, and P30,000 Seoul's Dewy Set which are all 300
pieces each (1,200 estimated customers divided by 4 units of products).

Net Revenue is calculated by adding up all the sales that a company recorded and then subtracting direct
selling expenses, like commissions, discounts and returns.

Since we have introductory price of 20% off or 50 pesos off and our sales forecast for Period 1 is P26,250
monthly. To get the net revenue, we must subtract discounts (in the introductory price) from sales forecast.

(25x600) = P15,000 + (25x250) = P6,250

15,000 + 6,250

= P21,250 Discounts

= P26, 250 - P21,250

= P5,000

For 1 year, P60,000

Sales forecast for Period 2 is P52,500 monthly. To get the net revenue, we must subtract discounts (in the
introductory price) from sales forecast.

(50x600) = P30,000 + (50x250) = P12,500

= P42,500 Discounts

= P52,500 - P42,500

= P9,500

For 1 year, P114,000

Sales forecast for year 1(Post-Launch) is P78,750 monthly. To get the net revenue, we must subtract
discounts (in the introductory price) from sales forecast.

(75x600) = P45,000 + (75x200) = P15,000

= P60,000 Discounts

= P78,750 - P60,000

= P18,750

For 1 year, P225,000

Sales forecast for year 2 (Post-Launch) is P105,000 monthly. To get the net revenue, we must subtract
discounts (in the introductory price) from sales forecast.

(100x600) = P60,000 + (100x200) = P20,000

= P80,000 Discounts

= P105,000 - P80,000

= P25,000

For 1 year, P300,000

Development Cost is the expense earned by a business while researching and developing a new product
or service. It could also be the total of product design, production, and logistics costs.

For a developed aesthetic packaging in Period 1, JO-BEAuty is estimated to cost P6,750 for P500 Pixie Dust
Soap, P2,500 Vanilla Strawberry Potion, P1,250 Gluta Berry Lotion, and P2,500 Seoul's Dewy Set, all of
which are 25 pieces each.

For a developed aesthetic packaging in Period 2, JO-BEAuty is estimated to cost P13,500 for P1,000 Pixie
Dust Soap, P5,000 Vanilla Strawberry Potion, P2,500 Gluta Berry Lotion, and P5,000 Seoul's Dewy Set, all
of which are 50 pieces each.

For a developed aesthetic packaging in year 1 (Post-Launch), JO-BEAuty is estimated to cost P20,250 for
P1,500 Pixie Dust Soap, P7,500 Vanilla Strawberry Potion, P3,750 Gluta Berry Lotion, and P7,500 Seoul's
Dewy Set, all of which are 75 pieces each.

For a developed aesthetic packaging in year 2 (Post-Launch), JO-BEAuty is estimated to cost P27,000 for
P2,000 Pixie Dust Soap, P10,000 Vanilla Strawberry Potion, P5,000 Gluta Berry Lotion, and P10,000 Seoul's
Dewy Set, all of which are 100 pieces each.

Operating Cost is calculated by adding cost of goods sold and operating expenses.

Operating Expenses (Based from Nerd Wallet and Outsource Accelerator)

Rent: P600,000

Salaries: P126,000

For Period 1 (Pre-Launch), According to Nerd Wallet, Salary is 40% of Business Revenue (315,000) which
is P126,000 for Period 1. A rent for 50sqm is P600,000.

P726,000 + P29,700 (Cost of Goods)

= P755,700


For Period 2, (Pre-Launch), with the same operating expenses, P726,000, will be added to P59,400.

P726,000 + P59,400 (Cost of Goods)

= P785,400

For Post-Launch Period 1, with the same operating expenses, P726,000, will be added to P89,100.

P726,000 + P89,100 (Cost of Goods)

= P815,100

For Post-Launch Period 2, with the same operating expenses, P726,000, will be added to P118,800.

P726,000 + P118,800

= P844,800

Marketing Cost is the total expenditure on the marketing activities. It includes a wide range of activities such
as advertising, campaigning, sales force expenses, promotional events, celebrity endorsement, and market

According to Eight Media Online Solutions, social media ads cost about $2.50 to reach 1,000 people.

For period 1, JO-BEAuty intends to reach a maximum of 1,000 people (Pre-Launch). The goal for period 2
will be 2,000 people.

The target population for Period 1 (Post-Launch) will be 3,000 people, while the target population for Period
2 will be 4,000 people.

G&A Cost are the day-to-day costs that a business must pay to operate, regardless of whether it
manufactures items or generates income.

Operating Expenses/G&A Expenses

Rent: P600,000

Salaries: P126,000

From Period 1 of Pre-Launch to Period 2 of Post-Launch, the G&A expenses are P726,000.

Net Contribution or contribution margin is the sales price of a product minus its variable costs. Variable
Costs vary based on the amount of output produced. Variable costs may include labor, commissions, and
raw materials.


The sales are projected by year. For period 1 (Pre-Launch), we have P60,000 sales. The Cost of Good Sold
as the variable cost is P29,700.

P60,000 - P29,700

= P30,300

For period 2 (Pre-Launch), we have P114,000 sales. The cost of Good Sold as the variable cost is P59,400.

P114,000 - P59,400

= P54,600

For year 1 (Post-Launch), we have P225,000 sales. The Cost of Good Sold as the variable cost is P89,100.

P225,000 - P89,100

= P135,900

For year 2 (Post-Launch), we have P300,000 sales. The Cost of Good Sold as the variable cost is P118,800.

P300,000 - P118,800

= P181,200

7. Sales & Distribution

The foreign and local customers will be targeted through digital advertisements and online platforms such
as Shopee and Lazada. The company will expand its market, having resellers and distributors in both
provinces and cities. Discounted offers will be given to distributors and resellers as they purchase or start
their entry. Buying JO-BEAuty from Lazada and Shopee will help customers to buy and get products for a
low price and with free shipping vouchers.

8. Partner Programs
JO-BEAuty has partner programs such as Lazada, Shopee, and Tiktok. By engaging with partner programs,
there will be advertisements that will help JO-BEAuty to get investments, resellers, and distributors who want
to be part of this skincare line. Discounted offers will be given to distributors and resellers as they purchase
or start their entry. Thereby, as they sell more products, there will be a gaining profit.
Moreover, there will be monthly giveaways and cash prizes that will be given to distributors and resellers of
JO-BEAuty. Distributors and resellers should have at least P10,000 to P15,000 weekly sales. Thus, will
provide monthly sales reports to the company.

9. Go to Market Plan
JO-BEAuty focuses on the top two marketing objectives which are: an increasing revenue of 25% year over
year and the boosting of customer retention at 10% each year, which can be achieved through the top three
marketing vehicles such as Youtube Advertisements, World Trade Centers and Bazaars.
10. Development Plan Overview
JO-BEAuty’s development plan overview will focus on solving issues and planning for a profitable market.

10.1. Schedule: Gold Month Day, Year

We project 90 days or 12 to 13 weeks of development time to implement all functionality followed by another
90 days or 12 to 13 weeks for the QA cycle to reach full stability. This yields a gold date of May 21, 2022.
The feature set remains with the exception of animal testing during production. The schedule assumes that
all the features of the products are met and are of high quality.

10.2. Strategy
JO-BEAuty will use Microsoft Excel as its database in storing data about the products and its monthly sales.
The initial platform marketplace will be Shopee and Lazada in which distributors and resellers will be the one
to sell the products to consumers. Upon selling, JO-BEAuty will use English as its language in advertising
and selling the product to not just get local customers but also foreign customers.

10.3. Systems Development: Special Issues

Due to growing skin care businesses in the Philippines, there'll be competitors everywhere. Positioning will
be quite difficult in the market. Therefore, JO-BEAuty has a tendency to upgrade and expand its product
from skin care to slimming and cosmetic. Moreover, a strong media presence such as digital
advertisements is necessary for the increasing number of competitors in the market. There's a higher
chance that there will be a limited-edition promo suitable for men as one of the promotional tactics of JO-

10.4. Quality Assurance Resources

Currently, JO-BEAuty calls for 2 tester(s) be assigned to the product. We believe that 2 testers
would be appropriate during the later stages of development.

10.5. Documentation Resources

Manufacturer has submitted a documentation plan that includes a 10-page manual, on-line
reference and guidance for preventive measures and good manufacturing practices of JO-

11. Beta Program

We should also consider a beta program of 2 sites selected from the Agencies here in the Philippines,
FDA and DOST. The purpose of this program would be to protect the public health by ensuring the
safety, efficacy, and security of human; and by ensuring the safety of our nation's cosmetic products.
Target date for beta is January 2022.

12. Operations Plan Overview

Tech support is important to JO-BEAuty because it focuses on assisting customers in making better
use of a product. There are three ways to contact JO-BEAuty tech support. Technical support for JO-
BEAuty products will be provided by email, mobile number, and social media profiles. Every weekday
from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., our technical support will be available. We plan to cut the average service
time for consumer complaints in half, from one hour to thirty minutes. We also want to increase the
net prompter score by 5% in 20xx. Finally, customer satisfaction will be measured by JO-BEAuty in
order to raise customer happiness by 10%. The JO-BEAuty Board of Directors will meet once a week
to set sales and manufacturing goals for each product. The marketing team will use advertising,
promotion, sales campaigns, and distribution techniques to drive demand.


12.1. Tech Support

We will provide technical assistance for JO-BEAuty products via email, mobile number and social media
accounts. Supporting users through mobile number might be a big help for costumer especially when they’re
unfamiliar with the internet. The second is by email address; we will just provide an email address and respond
to questions as they come in. Last but not the least, we will provide social media accounts so that everyone
may have access to JO-BEAuty technical support. Our technical support will be available every weekday from
8am to 10pm.

12.2. Customer Service

We will provide technical assistance for JO-BEAuty products via email, mobile number and social media
accounts. Supporting users through mobile number might be a big help for costumer especially when they’re
unfamiliar with the internet. The second is by email address; we will just provide an email address and respond
to questions as they come in. Last but not the least, we will provide social media accounts so that everyone
may have access to JO-BEAuty technical support. Our technical support will be available every weekday from
8am to 10pm.

12.3. Sales Operations

Customer retention, lifetime value, and customer satisfaction will be JO-BEAuty's exceptional customer service
goals. We intend to reduce the average treatment time for consumer complaints from one hour to thirty minutes
by 2022. We intend to boost the net prompter score by 3% by 2022 in terms of lifetime value. Last but not least,
we will analyze customer satisfaction ratings with the intention of boosting them by 10% by 2022.

12.4. Data Center/NOC

Data center will support he delivery system of JO-BEAuty by sending updates to the buyer through
IT operations.

12.5. Manufacturing
Once the raw materials are delivered to manufacturers by the suppliers, the materials are now ready to be
converted into final products. Upon reaching the desired quota for the products that has been ordered by
distributors and resellers, JO-BEAuty's manufacturer now will deliver the product to JO-BEAuty's warehouse
via shipping carriers.

13. Product Schedule: Major Milestones

Project approval 11/30

Marketing Plan complete 12/30

Sales/Channel Plan complete 12/30

Pricing and licensing approved 1/30/22

Operations Plan complete 4/30/22

Functional Spec approved 5/30/22

Alpha 6/30/22

Long-lead press tour 8/25/22

Beta 10/20/22

User Doc and Training complete 11/20/22

Sales and Tech Support Training 12/3/22

First customer/marketing demos 12/10/22

Customer service training 1/26/22

Short-lead press tour 3/26/22

Gold (RTM, GA) 5/21/22

14. Product Team (Roles and Responsibilities)

Department Assigned
Product Development QA Tester
User Documentation Company’s Customer Service Staff
Marketing Marketing Communications
Communications Manager

Channel Sales Channel Manager

QA QA Head
Sales Ops Sales Operations Head
Finance Financial Manager

15. Open Issues

Issue Date Resolution Person responsible
opened needed by

Firm’s Chief
Unethical Employees 12/10 Compliance Managers

Board of Market Researchers

Growing Competitors 1/30 Directors

Product Development
Changing Trends 1/30 Product Team Managers

Changes in Demand 2/20 Manager Demand Forecaster

Surplus 2/20 Manufacturer Supply Chain Manager


16. Product FAQ

The following section presents questions and answers about the functionality of the product.

Q. Will the product be able to do 10x ultra-moisturize effect to the skin?

A. Yes, because it has Glycerin Hyaluronic, Ceramide Paraben Petrolatum, Humectant Mineral

oil, Lactic acid, and Retinol that can absolutely moisturize your skin.

Q. Will the product help us achieve whiter skin in just weeks?

A. Yes, it actually depends on your usage of the product. You can achieve whiter skin tone by

using the Pixie Dust Soap for 15-20 mins a day. You can also drink Vanilla Strawberry Potion to

maximize the glowing effect.

Q. How is your rejuvenating product different from other brands?

A. Our Seoul's Dewy Set is a mild rejuvenating set. It is made from organic ingredients that will

help you achieve Korean skin color.






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