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For and Against Essay

Since they were invented, mobile phones had a great impact on our
lives, but there are both advantages and drawbacks regarding the use
of mobile phones.
Firstly, the number of advantages is significant. Phones are useful in
case of emergencies, you can keep yourself updated to the latest
news, without spending too much time searching. Mobiles come in
handy for online classes, as at this time, in the pandemic. Moreover,
they are also a great source for communicating and interacting on
social media with our friends, relatives or family when we are apart.
On the other hand, spending too much time on your phone can cause
addiction, which may lead to eyesight problems, obesity and spending
all day doing nothing productive. :) Furthermore, they can be disruptive
during classes and have health impact, because of radiations
Taking everything into account, there are both advantages and
disadvantages of owning a mobile phone, but I consider that a limit
must be kept when spending time on your phone.

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