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Azema Palavra IIIb 27th October 2020

The first written assignment

Without music, life would be a mistake

Music is a reflection of society. It can be a way for artists to deliver messages, some consider
it art and some nothing more than a source of entertainment.

No matter what it is used for, music is a huge part of our lives. People have created different
types of music for different purposes. Music appears in all cultures around the world. Each
nation today has their own music that they use in their traditions. Even if not for traditions,
music is most commonly used as a form of entertainment. People bond over the type of music
they listen to, go to concerts together, or even fall in love. Music is also great as a type of
medicine. If we had a tough day or something happened that made us sad or angry, we could
play some music and immediately feel better. Music is a powerful form of expression and
sometimes it can touch the heart so deeply that you can feel what the lyrics had to say.

One thing is certain, music has always been and always will be around us. Without music, life
would be dull and completely different.

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