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Facultatea de Asistență socială și


Limba engleză

Nume: Condrea
Prenume: Mădălina-Elena
Specializare: Asistență Socială
Conf.univ.dr. Cătălin Drăcșineanu

Anul 1
Being a social assistant requirres a high level of moblity on European
Union area. In Europe, specially in European Union, the social assistant
profession, together with the activities and social assistance services are
representing a pretty large and mixed pallete of offers. These services are
differently defined, depending on each country in EU.
The main explanation could be in corespondence with the historical
evolution of social assistance area , wich is very different from a country to
another. This way, while in some countries there is already a tradition in
higher education, in social assistance area, and the profession is very well
defined and regulated, in other countries, the system is at the beginning.
The main professional activitiesof a social assistant are the same in
most of the European Union countries: evaluation of the person and family
in what concerns their care necessities, life circumstancesand the
management of risk,the support given to each individual and families in
connection with their needs of social nature, working with law system,
assuming of responsabilities about the persons they are working with,
supervising and education, social development, legal counsel.
As I said earlier, being a social assistand requirres a high level of
moblity in Europe. At the moment, a number of 5639 of european social
assistans are working in another country of European Union. This fact can
be explained by the nature of this ocupation: the one of according of
assistance to the people in need. An available cause of mobility for the
professionals would be that an important number of people who need social
assistance are imigrants. The presence of social assistants in the birth
country of assisted persons could be a solution for comunication with those
people and for making easier their socialand professional integration.
In what concerns the situation of social assistant from other
countries in EU, until now, no professional asked for recognition of their
qualification in Romania.
The role of social assistant is to help people to solve their
difficult social situation, to plan the steps of the social assistance, to
monitor and to evaluate the services they offer. The social assistant works
straight with the target group, mantain and checks the plans for the users
of these services. Him also offers social advising and legal counsel,
checks the applying of social messures and many times he collaborates
with health care professionals.

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