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‘Two (2) reasons your community or barangay disaster Tee ee 2. The location of our house has strong winds that can make a fire burn more rapidly Family Members and their Contact Numbers peneeieeas ees Peed eee eres Cees ©. Government or Private institutions that can help your family or community in the event of the disaster Crd Ceereyy een itn oe See Peon CIEL ee eae ee esas oretiat Perlucrcaieeease Cree oko ial erred eee eee kaa ako coors Perlite ae) eerutina Began ta meacoon ee eee ROSE Sg ato 0 ac injured people during and after pmo E. Two (2) meeting places near your house or outside your community in case you are separated from your: family in the event of the disaster. eerie) ea Pee ee \ation areas Pe eee Reet ee eee ed Disaster Preparedness Plan 4™ FLOOR FLOOR ——. Cee) Ca Number of Family Members: 2 Food Items with specific amount (at least five) eet Pees Pee ed pee ac Ce eee First Aid Kit (at least five) Sg Ree ee Instant cold pack Coes Sa Coed Pee] Shelter (ct least three) ec Rents MB. Asistio High School Main, Barangay 14 eect ae Communication (at least four ) eo Ee oevers cae cary RE ay cece Potable Water CE eee oy ans Total amount in gallons needed by your far Hugiene/Sanitation Kits (at least five) cod eed ec eed bees eed See ecu Important Family Documents Family Documents (Birth certificates, marriage certificate, and other legal identification Paar) School Awards and Certificates Renee cares Peete! Emergency Tools, Equipment and Supplies (at least five) cash eer Cet ay ro Whistle coo Clothing {ist all possible items you have)

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