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Reasons of buying Survey

Answer the following questions about yourself using a scale from 1 to 5, with 1
representing something you “strongly disagree” with and 5 something you
“strongly agree” with.

1 – Strongly Disagree | 2 – Disagree |3 – Undecided | 4 – Agree| 5 – Strongly Agree


1. It is a struggle to leave nice items/content I see in a game shop

2. I sometimes cannot suppress the feelings of wanting to buy something
3. I sometimes feel guilty after having bought something
4. I am the kind of person who ‘falls in love at first sight’ with content I see in game
5. I can become very excited if I see something, I would like to buy.
6. I always see something nice whenever I browse game shops.
7. I find it difficult to pass up a bargain deal.
8. I am a bit reckless in buying things.
9. I sometimes buy things because I like buying things, not because I need them


1. I often buy game content that allows me to perform better in-game

2. I enjoy buying items that gives me advantages over other players
3. For the most part, I buy items that make my game or character stronger

Additional Content

1. I regularly purchase new items or abilities that allow me to do new things on the
game or reach new areas/levels.
2. I enjoy buying new game content that expands the story.
3. Additional episodes or levels for games are something I see myself buying often.

Virtual Cosmetics

1. I enjoy buying items that will make my character look nice and stylish.
2. I will often buy items to customize my game world and make it unique
3. I regularly buy content that will enhance my game experience and make it
memorable and fantastic.
Social Visibility

1. I will quickly buy rare or unique game items or content.

2. I often buy uncommon or exclusive items/content to stand out from other players
3. Items that make me popular or create attention are my favorite kind.

Emotional Attachment

1. Games that I like lead me to buy extra content for them often.
2. I am likely to buy extra content for an online game if I am immersed in it.
3. A good and enjoyable game makes me want to buy items and content to play it.

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