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1. What significant message were you able to draw from the story?

(5 points)
The story's insight is about struggle, hope, contentment, and connection. This story taught me
that just like the cobbler, we experience emptiness, and sometimes we think about ending.
However, he connects with God and talks to Him until cobbler fills His presence and hopes that
God will visit him one day. From that, I realized that God is always watching us and waiting for
us to connects to Him for Him to give way to our life to enter a peaceful world. The love of God
is fulfilling, and sometimes, we don't notice it, but even though we don't understand how God
shows His love to us, at least we show hospitality and compassion to others. Just like the cobbler
did, even strangers, if we show our kindness to others even in simple ways, God will accept as
well. Also, if we do help others, we actually helping God.

2. Based on the story, what makes Christian service truly Christian? (5 points)
Christians had always invested themselves in other people, which the main character enhances in
the story. He shows love and compassion to the boys who steal and the girl whose father was
sick. Christian's service not only meets the people's needs but also shares God with them, which
the story indeed tells us. These boys and a girls who led to cobbler will enlighten and express
their thankfulness to Him and leaching them to praise God.

3. In the discussion in this Unit, Jesus is described as the sacrament of God. Also, in the
related story above, the shoemaker acted as a sacrament of Jesus. Without being
overly sentimental, in what concrete and realistic way can you be a sacrament for
others? (10 points)
I believe that I can be a sacrament for others by sharing the blessing that I have. Not only the
ones they need but only by sharing my lesson's in life which God put me, realizes it—being a
friend that gives them comfort, hope, love, and one call away when they feel empty. God fulfills
our emptiness, and by doing my simple ways, I felt peaceful because I know that I'm one of
God's instruments to satisfy the emptiness of the people around me.

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