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to create a lover to set up a scene

өө your name өө your hairstyle өө Both Lovers chooses two Needs, and all four are recorded on an index card.
өө your sign өө a tendency you have, or өө The Third crosses one out, and optionally underlines another that is on thin ice.
something you’re coping with. өө The Third chooses their own role in each scene.
өө Frame scenes about hooking up or moving in.

Aries A fire sign, cardinal, dynamic some Needs -

and assertive - she usually takes the lead. өө Privacy
Taurus An earth sign, fixed, determined and өө Warm light, soft textures
collected - she draws a lot of boundaries. өө Enough space
өө Good music
Gemini An air sign, mutable, talkative and curious - өө Reasonable quiet
she tends to move on quickly. өө A reassuring cleanliness
Cancer A water sign, cardinal, sensitive and өө Physical security
indirect - she cries often. өө Trusted folks nearby
Leo A fire sign, fixed, loving and bold - өө Windows that open
she doesn’t equivocate or hesitate. өө A comfortable bed
Virgo An earth sign, mutable, caring and
This list is incomplete. Create your own Needs as necessary.
observant - she can be hard to please.
Libra An air sign, cardinal, idealistic and

diplomatic - she wants romance to be easy.
A water sign, fixed, intense and capable -
she’s afraid to show vulnerability.
ending scenes
Sagittarius A fire sign, mutable, ambitious and free өө Play scenes until a Lover realizes “I shouldn’t be here.”
spirited - she burns out at times. өө You can do brisk interludes to add context between scenes.
өө The role of the Third rotates for each scene.
Capricorn An earth sign, cardinal, resilient and
өө Each scene needs to involve at least one Lover character from a previous scene.
reserved - she isn’t freely affectionate.
Aquarius An air sign, fixed, inventive and earnest -
she judges others quickly.
Pisces A water sign, mutable, intuitive and
conflicted - she can be unpredictable.

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