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3 ex.

1. Is it possible that he has made a good doctor? Can (could) he have made a good doctor? I think
he can (could) make a good doctor. he studies very hard.
2. Do you believe that that medicine cured her of her splitting headache? Can (could) medicine
cured her of her splitting headache? if she follows all the recommendations, she will recover
3. Is it possible that she is constantly complaining of insomnia? Can (could) she be constantly
complaining of insomnia? Yes, She can. She can't sleep for a very long time, despite the fact that
she can be very tired.
4. Do you believe that he has hurt his leg and shoulder in an accident? Can (could) he have hurt
his leg and shoulder in an accident? Yes, he can. if the accident is very serious, then he can be
very badly injured.
5. Is it possible that she has kept to a diet of salads and fruit? Can ( could) she have kept to a diet
of salads and fruit? Yes, she can. she really wants to lose weight before the summer.she has a
lot of motivation.
6. Do you believe that she is constantly feeling unwell? Can (could) she be constantly feeling
unwell? perhaps if she has a serious illness, she will always feel bad.she will not have the
strength even for ordinary actions.
1. it’s strange that she is planning to spend her holidays in the South. She can’t (couldn’t) be planning to
spend her holidays in the South. she kept telling me how much she wanted to go skiing
2. It's impossible that the students are helping the collective' farmers in the fields in January. the
students can’t ( couldn’t) be helping the collective' farmers in the fields in January. Because at this time
they will be preparing for the winter session (for their exams)
3. it’s unbelievable that the man is having a poor appetite. the man can’t (couldn’t) be having a poor
appetite. he always likes to eat, even if he is in a bad mood.
4. it’s strange that she is constantly running a temperature. She can’t ( couldn’t) be constantly running a
temperature. she has a very strong immune system
5. it’s strange that he is on sick leave. He can’t (couldn’t) be on sick leave. Yesterday I saw him in the
park with friends and he looked absolutely healthy.
6. It's strange he was taking treatment for this slight ailment. He can’t (couldn’t) have taken treatment
for this slight ailment. he often makes a big deal out of a molehill and worries in vain
7. It's unbelievable that he failed to make an appointment with the doctor. He can’t (couldn’t) have
failed to make an appointment with the doctor. he talked about his back pain for a long time.
8. It's surprising that the boy was crying at things of little importance. The boy can’t (couldn’t) have cried
at things of little importance. This is my friend Fred. no matter what, he never gets discouraged.
9. It's unbelievable that he made up his mind to have his tooth pulled out. He can’t (couldn’t) have made
up his mind to have his tooth pulled out. he told me that he is very afraid of dentists
10. It's strange that the doctor hasn't been sent for yet. It can’t (couldn’t) have been that the doctor
hasn't been sent for yet. I told the nurse an hour ago that the patient urgently needs a doctor.

1. She is suffering from all the illnesses imaginable; Can (could) she be suffering from all the
illnesses imaginable? She Can’t (couldn’t ) be suffering from all the illnesses imaginable.
because it's impossible. If it were possible, she would die soon.
2. she is constantly sneezing and coughing; Can (could) she be constantly sneezing and coughing?
She Can’t (couldn’t ) be constantly sneezing and coughing. she has a very strong immune
system. she rarely gets sick.
3. she is still complaining of her headaches; Can (could) she be still complaining of her headaches?
she Can’t (couldn’t ) be still complaining of her headaches. because she went through the
entire course of treatment.
4. the doctor promises her full recovery within two or three months; Can (could) the doctor
promise her full recovery within two or three months? the doctor can’t (couldn’t) promise her
full recovery within two or three months. because she has a rather serious illness. she has
5. she is completely cured. Can (could) she be completely cured? she can’t (couldn’t) be
completely cured. because there is still no cure for her illness.
6. He gave up smoking; can (could) he have given up smoking? He can’t (couldn’t) have given up
smoking. because he's been smoking since he was 16.
7. he had an accident the other day; Can (could) he have had an accident the other day? He can’t
(couldn’t) have had an accident the other day. I saw him at the mall yesterday. he looked
8. he had a nervous break-down; Can (could) he have had a nervous break-down? He can’t
(couldn’t) have had a nervous break-down. he is always in a good mood and never discouraged.
9. he was taken to hospital; Can(could) he have been taken to hospital? He can’t (couldn’t) have
been taken to a hospital. his injury wasn't that serious
10. he was operated on; Can (could) he have been operated on? He can’t (couldn’t) have been
operated on. his parents did not sign a consent agreement for the operation
11. he was taken ill with pneumonia. Can (could) he have been taken ill with pneumonia? He can’t
(couldn’t) have been taken ill with pneumonia. he carefully monitors his health and often visits
1. Could he have failed to take the capsules regularly after each meal? He couldn’t have failed to
take the capsules regularly after each meal. he is very responsible and never forgets to take
capsules. he carefully monitors his health.
2. Could she have failed to go to the chemist's to have the prescription made up? She couldn’t
have failed to go to the chemist's to have the prescription made up. because she had been
thinking about it for a month.
3. Can it be that you didn't consult a dentist? It couldn’t have been that I didn't consult a dentist.
my dental condition is very important to me. I consult a dentist regularly.
4. Could he never have had his blood pressure tested? He couldn’t have had his blood pressure
tested. yesterday he went to the hospital to donate blood. ?
5. Can it be that you didn't follow the doctor's instructions? It couldn’t have been that I didn't
follow the doctor's instructions. I always take a very responsible approach to the treatment of
my body
1. У меня болит горло. У меня, возможно, высокая температура, 2. Я все время чихаю и кашляю. Я,
может быть, простудился. 3. Он задыхается. У него, возможно, высокое давление. 4. Моя соседка
по комнате заболела. Она лежит в постели уже, пожалуй, целую неделю. 4. Врач сказал, что Аня,
возможно, очень скоро поправится, 5. Сестра сказала, что больному, возможно, просвечивают
желудок. 6. Больные сказали, что врач оперирует мальчика. 7. У Лены распухла щека. Ей,
возможно, вырвали больной зуб.
1. I have a sore throat. I may have a high fever, 2. I sneeze and cough all the time. I may have caught a
cold. 3. He is suffocating. He may have high blood pressure. 4. My roommate got sick. She is staying in
bed may be a whole week. 4. The doctor said that Anya might recover very soon 5. The nurse said that
the patient might have a stomach X-ray. 6. The patients said that the doctor was operating on the boy.
7. Lena's cheek is swollen. She may have had a bad tooth pulled out.

5. Неужели это Джон Смит? Не видел его вечность. ть. 6. Неужели он заболел воспалением
легких? И как это могло случиться? Он всегда был таким сильным и здоровым. Может ли это
лекарство помочь ему? 7. Не может быть, чтобы больной вышел на прогулку сам. Он так слаб, что
не может ходить без посторон- ней помощи. 11. Не может быть, чтобы он забыл принять
лекарство. 12. Разве он провел летние каникулы на Кавказе? Не может этого быть. У него же
больное сердце, и ему нельзя ездить летом на юг. 13. Петя снова опоздал. - Не может быть. Кто бы
мог подумать, что он не придет? Он обещал быть вовремя. Ну почему он не может быть
пунктуальным? 14. Говорят, что Анна все еще болеет воспа- лением легких. - Неужели она еще
больна? Не может быть, чтобы она болела так долго. 15. Неужели ты ожидаешь меня так долго?
Здесь довольно прохладно. Ты можешь простудиться. - Как ты можешь быть таким рассеянным?
Ты мог бы сообщить мне, что не придешь вовремя.
5. Can it be John Smith? Haven't seen him in forever. th. 6. Could he have got pneumonia? And how
could this happen? He was always so strong and healthy. Can this medicine help him? 7. It cannot be
that the patient went for a walk by himself. He is so weak that he cannot walk without help. 11. It can't
be that he forgot to take his medicine. 12. Could he have spend his summer holidays in the Caucasus?
This can't be happening. He has a sick heart, and he can't go to the south in the summer. 13. Petya was
late again. - It can't be. Who could have thought that he wouldn't come? He promised to be on time.
Why can't he be punctual? 14. They say that Anna is still suffering from pneumonia. "can she still be ill?"
It can't be that she's been sick for so long. 15. Can you be really waiting for me for so long? It's pretty
cool here. You can catch a cold. "How can you be so distracted?" You could have told me you weren't
coming on time.

1. You are suffering from insomnia. Perhaps you are run down. You may(might) be run down
2. I have got a sore throat. Maybe, I have caught a cold. I may( might) have caught a cold
3. I don't know where the surgeon is. Possibly he is performing an operation. He may (might) be
performing an operation.
4. Maybe I have been keeping that medicine too long. I may ( might) have been keeping that medicine
too long
5. I don't. know when Jean is going to make an appointment with a doctor. It's possible, she will do it
after work. She may (might) do it after work

1. Are you sure that it was the flu and there was no danger for the boy? It may have been fly, because he
had typical flu symptoms.
2. Why did the boy prefer to stay awake? he may have slept during the day
3. Why was the boy not following what his father was reading? He may have considered that it was
4. Do you believe the boy had a cold? He may have had a cold. he looked very ill when I saw him
5. What kind of person was the boy, do you think? He may be kind and obedient child
6. Do you find the story "A Day's Wait" true to life? It may be true….

1. Mr.Walker seemed to be suffering from insomnia, headaches and backache. He didn't know what he
was ill with. He went to the doctor and said he was more dead than alive. he may have been suffering
from a serious illness. he should have been more careful with his health. It is vital that he perform all the
doctor's recommendations.
2. Pete had a sore throat and he was constantly sneezing and coughing. He didn't know what the matter
with him was. he may have caught a cold. Maybe he should make an appointment with a doctor.
3. The doctor examined Mr.Walker carefully and advised him to take a long rest, to have regular meals
and to keep to a diet. But I am not sure whether Mr.Walker followed the doctor's instructions. he may
not have followed all the doctor's recommendations. he may need to be more responsible.

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