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Name: Claudia Orlandini

Writing N°2
Nowadays, everyone has experienced stress at some point in their lives and
even it is normal for many people but stress is dangerous for our health. Many
researches have demonstrated that stress can produce cancer and other
diseases in long-term.
Stress is a feeling that worries me a lot because I always feel it when I have
many projects to do or when I have to demonstrate something to someone.
The signs I have when I am stressed are neck pain, heavy breathing and
irritability, sometimes I have back pain and I remember once time I felt
bloated. A great deal of this signs were because I had many projects in the
university and I did not know how organizing my time. Every day I used
procrastinate on my cellphone, on my computer or with my friends and then I
had a lot of homework to present the next day. It became a problem in my life
and I saw that it affect my relationships.
I could not go on like this and I started to look help. I had a little bit of luck
because my brother knew a psychologist. Dr. Mendoza, a recognized
psychologist, recommend me some actions to manage stress. First one is
“recognizing stress” and there are two ways to do it: first one through our body
or mind, for example a headache or not being able to sleep at night and the
second one identifying the stressful situations, for example one situation can
be the family. The second one is avoiding stress with unhealthy actions for
example eat excessively, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and using drugs
or sleeping too much or not getting enough sleep. Finally, the third one is
doing healthy technics to manage stress like acknowledge the things you
cannot change, avoid stressful situations, change your perspective, workout
and do something you enjoy. He said that many patients achieved several
good results following these recommendations.
I followed his recommendations consistently and conscientiously, and little by
little I was able to manage my stress. Today, I have a bit of trouble with my
order but I have improved a lot respect to my stress. All people can manage
stress, so let me give you a piece of advice: ask for professional help if you
cannot do it alone.

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