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Chapter 1


1.1 Rationale

What language do you speak? What is your religion? What holiday do you celebrate?

What is your racial identification? What is your ethnic identity? What is culture? These

questions always come to us when it comes to someone we just know. Our culture is what

shapes us, it shapes our personality as well as our behavior. and our identity. Culture is our

the way of living, it refers to the shared language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and

material objects that are passed down from one generation to the next.

Cultural diversity is important prominent because our country, workplace, and schools

increasingly consist of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. We can learn from one

another, but first, we must have a level of understanding about each other. Learning about

Engaging to other cultures may help us to understand different perspectives within the world

in which we live. It helps dispel negative stereotypes and personal biases about different


In addition, cultural diversity helps us recognize and respect “ways of being” that are not

necessarily our own. So that as we interact with others we can build bridges to trust, respect,

and understanding across cultures. Furthermore, this diversity makes our country a more

interesting place to live in. As people from diverse cultures contribute language skills, new

ways of thinking, new knowledge, and different experiences. There is no doubt that cultural

diversities have gained wider knowledge for all the people around the world. Even though

there are many differences that have happened in the world nowadays, it could take us into

acceptance and understanding of the people who are different from us.
Cultural diversity is very important because our country, workplaces, and schools

increasingly consist of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. A better understanding

between different cultures, beliefs, and life experiences could help make our world more

stable, peaceful place and can help us develop as a society.

There is no doubt that cultural diversities have gain wider knowledge for all the people

around the world. Even though there are a many differences have happened in the world now

a days it could lead us into acceptable and understanding the people who are difference from

us. Hence, there is a necessity of the so-called interhuman dialogue.

Indonesia is the biggest archipelago in the world. Indonesia is divided into many islands.

Indonesia has more than 17.000 islands. Indonesia has uniqueness itself because of

diversities in cultures, beliefs, regions, races, and many more. Indonesia's motto "Unity in

Diversity'" signifies the country's myriad of cultures and ethnicities, with all its people living

together largely in peace.1 As one of the most ethnically diverse societies, Indonesia consists

of 1,300 ethnic groups with at least 95 percent native to the archipelago. Minority migrant

groups, such as Chinese, Arab, and Indian, make up the remainder.2 Cultural diversities affect

moral way of life and thinking to the people, such as could affect the workplace in numerous

way. Negative affect could include miscommunication, creation of barriers, and

dysfunctional adaptation behaviors.

The different diverse cultural in Indonesia are regional and environment diversity, ethnic

and cultural diversity, religious diversity, skin color, and many more. As the biggest
Yuniarni Sarah, Jakarta Globe. [Article Online] available from
%20societies%2C%20Indonesia%20consists,Indian%2C%20make%20up%20the%20remainder. Accessed on
November 3, 2020

archipelago in the world, there are many problem comes ahead in this country. Problem

always comes because of the different thoughts, arguments, perspectives, etc. The difference

happens also in daily life. There is always bully everywhere because the diversity in the

society. Skin color is the big matter in Indonesia today. Aside from this matter there is other

issue more than skin color problem. It is about religious. This matter should be avoided by

many people in Indonesia. Especially for those who are minority religious in Indonesia.

Muslim or with familiar name in Indonesia is Islam is the major religious in the country. The

minority religious in Indonesia is Protestant, Roman Catholic, Buddha, Hinduism, and


Intercultural challenges are what the expression itself already indicates. Life takes place

inter culturas, between cultures, and this brings along challenges. Living together is not just a

natural event. It is above all a cultural event. Living together is not living apart together in a

kind of a ghetto. That would construct a multicultural society: a society with many groups,

and every group apart in a ghetto. But this is not what we have in mind.

Martin Buber in his I and Thou relationship gives a big impact for us to understand his

idea. He drew our attention to the fact that an isolated ‘I’, a detached identity, does not exist,

and that life itself comes into being, transforms and makes sense by what happens between

people, and between people and things. An ‘I’ that sees everything as an object misses the

essence of reality and goes under in a well of loneliness and scantiness. A culture that acts

and looks in the same way will meet the same fate. On the other hand, an ‘I’ that sees the

other (person/thing) as a ‘you’ will come to life and transform. The key to any human life is

the other (thing/person), the Other that gives the ‘I’ the opportunity to formulate an answer,
to give account.3 I here becomes subject which means the person or people sees to you as the

subject. The ‘you’ here becomes subject because I and you are the same as subject.

Therefore, the ‘I’ becomes something the society (you) and giving respect and acceptance

because the ‘I’ can see himself as ‘you’ as well, as human being, as fellows, as people who

need each other. The usefulness the ‘I’ towards ‘you’ can bring changes to the world. There

is no more discrimination, and bully and many more.

The ‘I’ seeing the ‘you’ as the object because there is no respect and looking at ‘you’ as

‘it’ which means that ‘it’ is the object points to the things, or other name could be said as

animal, useless, and many words can be said relate to this. This is how the world works

today. Even though many differences had happened today, but when ‘I’ looking at ‘you’ as

the same at him, there is always hope coming ahead to us.

1.2 Review on Related Literature

Talking about cultural diversities, it could not be separated from the daily life of people who

live in community and need others. To know more about this, cultural differences cannot be

separated from the origin of the word from culture. Culture, defined in its broadest sense, is the

totality of a society’s distinctive ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge. It exhibits the ways

humans interpret their environments.4

Culture theory strengthens the expectation that markets work, not because they are comprised

of autonomous individuals who are free of social sanctions but because they are powered by

Marc Colpaert, Diversity and Equality in Heath and Care. [Article Online] Available from
reflections.php?aid=2570. Accessed on December 23, 2020.
Oliver Serrat, Culture Theory. [Online Article] PDF File, available at Accessed on December 24, 2020.
social beings and their distinctive ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge. It can contribute to

understanding and promoting development where group relationships predominate and

individualism is tempered.5 Culture is very important for human being. Culture provides

important social and economic benefits. With improved learning and health, increased tolerance,

and opportunities to come together with others, culture enhances our quality of life and increases

overall well-being for both individuals and communities. In other words, culture has a very big

influence on social life. It can lead to good and bad influence. It can be measured in every

person’s behavior in term of mutual respect and maintaining a harmonious and peaceful life.

This is just part of positive side.

Culture always relates with behavior. Although culture is often used to explain behavior, we

have little understanding of why some culture traits have impacts on behavior while others do

not. Because culture traits can lead to maladaptive as well as to adaptive behaviors, gene–culture

coevolution should have led predispositions that help us make good choices about which culture

traits to act on and which to ignore. More specifically, we should tend to be susceptible to the

influence of types of culture traits that among our ancestors would have routinely lead to

adaptive outcomes. One such category of culture trait is social coordination conventions, that is,

culture traits that help us reap the benefits of cooperation by helping us coordinate our behaviors

with those of others. 6

Culture represents a collection of beliefs, norms, rules and values that determine how we

behave amongst our friends, family, community and wider society. Our personality describes

Lee Cronk, Culture’s Influence on Behavior : Step Toward a Theory. [Online Article] PDF File, available at's_Influence_on_Behavior_Steps_Toward_a_Theor
y. Accessed on December 26,2020.
who we are, our attitude and what is on the inside of us. Behavior is what comes out, and it

affects and is affected by those around us. Measuring behavior allows us to focus on the words

and actions which shape our interactions with others. This is important part of us in term how we

act in the public and towards other.

1.3 Theoretical Background

One of the exiting developments of contemporary thought is its emphasis on the social

character of man. The social nature of human being has long been recognized. This means

that human nature is not the possession of an individual taken by himself, rather, man needs

the other person or society for the realization of his nature, self, happiness, and progress.7

Plato believes that no one is sufficient in himself or herself, everyone needs the aid of

others.8 This view can be found also on Aristotle when he said that the human being is a

political animal that can realize his truest self only with others in a society. 9 This is the basic

human need for each other as unique creatures in the view that we cannot live alone,

especially humans live side by side. However, some of these people take this as a mere play

view, which in the end makes it a tool to continue selfishness in itself and make other people

feel the harm from their actions.

Humanist philosophers of the nineteenth century, too, had laid emphasis on the same

truth. But the earlier approach and the contemporary approach differ in an important respect.

Not only were the earlier philosophers less interested in man than in nature, they hardly saw

only problem so far as human relationship are concerned. They had greater faith in the

Manuel Dy Jr, Philosophy of Man (Sta. Cruz, Manila: Goodwill Trading., Inc.), 233.

Carmin Mascia, A History of Philosophy (Paterson, New Jersey: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1957)63.

Ibid, 86.
harmony of interpersonal relationships. Many contemporary thinkers do not have faith in he

possibility of realizing harmonious interpersonal relationships like Kierkegaard, Nietzche,

and Sartre. However, there are some contemporary thinkers, who gave great faith in

harmonious human interaction such as Buber, Jasper, Marcel, Mead and Levinas. These

philosophers who gave great faith in harmonious human interaction consider the respect for

human dignity to be essential for any interpersonal relationship.10

Indonesia basically has its own uniqueness because of the many differences they have.

This makes them a country that can be considered able to maintain harmony in living

together in society. But, it cannot be denied that the due differences in diversity that the

Indonesia state has, it has resulted in several divisions and conflicts which can lead to huge

losses. It is because there is no openness to each other and only think of their egos. It needs

interpersonal relationship in order could maintain the peaceful harmony living in the society.

The role of every individual and human dignity in interpersonal relationship has also

been studied by Gabriel Marcel. ‘Availability’ and ‘fidelity’ are the two concepts that he

used in this context. Availability stands for man’s capacity to place himself at the disposal of

others. In addition, to transcend ourselves and make ourselves open to others is by making

pledges, promises, or engagement. For Marcel, these are all basically human activities and

the structure of our social life rests on man’s capacity to make commitments and keep them.

Anyone who fails to keep commitments also fails to act with dignity. This is what he called

‘fidelity.’ Thus, a life of dignity is a life of fidelity.11

Koyeli Chakravarti, Interpersonal Relationship and Human Dignity [Article Online] PDF File available at
http:/>ipq>pdf accessed on November 4, 2020, 191-192.
Dy, Philosophy of Man, 270.
To be a man, therefore, is to be a person. According to Gabriel Marcel to be a person is to

exist as appeal and a response to other. It means that without the other, the I do not exist.

As we are living in the society, we need each other to feel the harmonious life even though

we are different to each other. How wonderful it is to live in diversity because we can learn

from each other form people who are different from us as the differences in ethnicity,

language, religion and so on. According to Karol Wojtyla, “there exists in love a particular

responsibility, the responsibility for a person who is drawn into closest possible partnership

in the life and activity of another, and become in a sense the property of whoever benefits

from this gift of self.”12 Thus, we are in each one of us responsibility do we secure of

ourselves a place in the real life.

In talking about Martin Buber, Jerzy Bukowski contends that the other becomes a

subject. It is treated in a personal manner as an unconditional value, with respect and with

dignity. Thus, he said that: through “Thou” the human beings becomes “I”. “I” needs “Thou”

to become a person-without a relationship with “Thou” there is no “I”-person; especially that

while saying “Thou”, “I” is automatically said also. The “I-Thou” relationship is

characterized by a non-utilitarian approach to reality.13

The Problem and Its Setting

1.2.1 Statement of the Problem

This study is intended to understand the cultural diversities in Indonesia in the light of

Martin Buber’s notion of I-Thou. The researcher would like to answer the following questions:
Karol Wojtyla, Love and Responsibiity (Ignatius Press), 130.

Jerzy Bukowsky, Outline of the Philosophy of Encounter (Cracow: ZNAK, 1987), 103.
1. What is Martin Buber’s I and Thou?

2. What are the cultural diversity in Indonesia?

3. How does Martin Buber I and Thou relationship enlighten the different cultural


1.3.2 Significance of the Study

This research is very important because it shows how important cultural diversities in

Indonesia in the light of Martin Buber’s I and Thou relationship. This study also will explore and

can help man see better his nature as a relating being and what can happen in the society because

of the differences. Thus, this research would be great benefit to the following:

Researcher. This will aid the research to know more about the cultural diversities in

Indonesia by using Martin Buber’s notion of I and Thou relationship and how we can respect

others who are different back grounds, language, and etc. and realize that we are all equal.

Students. This study would benefit the students to know more about man’s relationship

to the other individual. In addition, this study could help them to have deeper understanding

about the culture’s other country.

Readers. This study would help the readers a deeper understanding of the value of the

cultural diversities in Indonesia, guided by Martin Buber’s notion of I and Thou relationship.

Future researchers. This study could help them on their research about understanding

cultural diversities in Indonesia in the light of Martin Buber’s notion of I and Thou relationship.
Beside of understanding, it could also encourage them to learn more about the culture of other

countries aside from in Indonesia.

1.3.3 Scope and Limitation

In every research there would be scope and limitation. This research focuses on how man

relates himself to the other being, and how could accept others who are different from them. This

will present the fundamental philosophy of Martin Buber’s “I and Thou” and “Between Man and


The researcher focuses on the moral problems brought by the differences that is

happening in Indonesia today, and would focus on the solutions of Martin Buber “I and Thou.”

1.4 Research Methodology

This research is using qualitative methodology research considering that most of the

resources are taken from printed and electronic materials. A qualitative research is primarily

exploratory research. The researcher would provide an understanding of the impact of cultural

diversities in Indonesia and how Martin Buber’s notion of I and Thou relationship could help in

this research for more understanding in the term of respect and equality as fellow human being.

1.5 Definition of Terms

A Priori. The term, a priori, indicates the presence of an innate quality of existence; more

specifically, one not learned from experience. Buber holds that the only innate quality of

existence is the a priori of relation (i.e., every man is born with potential or capacity to relate).14

Authentic. For Buber, man becomes authentic or achieves authenticity through the

process of realization and enters into the intensity and mutuality of a dialogic relationship.15

Cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is a debatable, open-ended term, which generally

refers to a reality of coexistence of diverse knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs,

religions, languages, abilities and disabilities, genders, ethnicities, races, nationalities, sexual

orientations, etc., of human beings. It could extend to the way people react to this reality and the

way people choose to live together with this reality.16

Dialogue. Buber defines dialogue as a rare and often brief form of interaction, either

spoken or silent, which occurs between two being, each affected by the uniqueness of the other

and each desirous of turning toward the other “with the intention of establishing a living mutual

relation between himself and them.”17

Dialogic Relationship. For Buber, dialogic relationship is a living, mutual relation

established between two beings participating in genuine dialogue.18

Martin Buber, I and Thou. Trans. Walter. Kaufman (New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s, 1970). 27

Maurice Friedman & P. Schlipp, The Philosophy of Martin Buber (La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1967), 134.

Cong Lin, Understanding Cultural Diversity and Diverse Identity [Article Online] PDF file, available at:
accessed on November 5, 2020, 1.

Buber, Between Man and Man, 19.
Ibid., 20
Genuine Dialogue. It refers to an encounter where each participants is fully aware of

himself and other’s uniqueness and established a living mutual relation between himself and


I . This can never be viewed as a whole being without the concept of “It” and “Thou.”

Primary words do not describe without the existence of the “I.”20

Interpersonal Relationship. A strong bond between two or more people refers to

interpersonal relationship. Attraction between individuals brings them close to each other and

eventually results in a strong interpersonal relationship.21

Individual. Buber treats the individual as an egocentric entity with the potential for

becoming a person(i.e., an authenticated individual or one who has achieved a state through

mutual participation with one another being in dialogic relationship).22

I-Thou. An authentic relationship between persons where there is a genuine mutuality,

each searching to give the other with his whole being and understanding and receiving from

other and neither seeking to use the other as a means. It is a subject to subject relationship; a

relation of person to person, a relation of reciprocity involving meeting or encounter.23

Martin Buber, The Knowledge of Man (New York: 59 John Glenn Drive Aunherst, Published 1998), 53.

Martin Buber. I-Thou. Trans. Roland Gregor Smith (Scotland: T & T Clark Ltd, 1937), 03.

Management Study Guide [Article Online], available at:, accessed on November 05, 2020.

Martin Buber, The knowledge of man: A philosophy of the Interhuman (New York, NY: Harper and row, 1965),
Relation. The word relation, described both the dialogic action which occurs between

two beings (I and Thou) and the action of I-It, which takes place as the separate experience of

two individuals/things and invariably involves monologue.24

1.6 Organization of the Study

This research is composed of five chapters:

Chapter I. This is the introduction of the study which is divided into seven parts:

rationale, theoretical background, the statement of the problem, the significant of the study, the

scope and limitations, definition of terms, and research methodology.

Chapter II. The researcher gives the substantial exposition of Martin Buber’s “I and

Thou” Relationship. It also tackles about the twofold principle of human life, the human person

in I and Thou and I and It, dialogue, the dialogic relationship and its obstacles and lastly the


Chapter III. The researcher will explore the different diverse cultural differences in

Indonesia and finding the problem which makes lost identity as a peaceful country.

Chapter IV. The researcher will try to explore how Martin Buber I and Thou

relationship address the different cultural diversities.

Chapter V. The researcher provides his summary, conclusion, finding and


Ibid, 61.

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