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A) -->view is database object. view is nothing but a virtual table.

--->it is saved on the sql quaries.

--->views are does not store data.


---> views can be used to reduce complexity of the database schema.

--->views can be used to row and column level security.

----> views can be used to present aggregated data and hide the detailed data.

create a view:

create view view name



Drop a view:

drop view viewname

example :

create table tb1

id int,

name varchar(25),

address varchar(100)

insert into tb1 values (1,'raju','gnt')

insert into tb1 values (2,'ramu','hyd')

insert into tb1 values (3,'raghu','viz')

id name address

1 raju gnt

2 ramu hyd

3 raghu viz

create view view123


select * from tb1

insert into view123 value (4,'vamsi','ppm')

select * from view123

id name address

1 raju gnt

2 ramu hyd

3 raghu viz

4 vamsi ppm

update view123 set name='naidu' where id=4

select * from view123

id name address

1 raju gnt
2 ramu hyd

3 raghu viz

4 naidu ppm

delete from view123 from id=4

select * from view123

id name address

1 raju gnt

2 ramu hyd

3 raghu viz

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