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NUME, PRENUME (cas …….)

Tutor-Assessed Task 1
Fill in the blanks with the past tense of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Lisa and Kate _________ (fly) to London on Sunday, November 4.
2. They ________________ (find) many interesting things to do in the city.
3. They ________________ (eat) great food every day.
4. They ________________ (go) to the British Museum.
5. They ________________ (take) a boat to the Maritime Museum at Greenwich.
7. They ________________ (spend) an evening at a jazz club.
8. Lisa ________________ (buy) gifts for her friends in Finland.
9. They ________________ (see) an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art.
10. They ________________ (meet) a nice woman at the museum.
11. They ________________ (speak) English with her all afternoon.
12. They ________________ (think) London was a beautiful, friendly city

Make true statements about yourself. Use each of the time expressions below.
13. Two months ago, ____________________________________________________
14. In 1988, ___________________________________________________________
15. Last year, __________________________________________________________
16. Last summer, _______________________________________________________
17. Two days ago, ______________________________________________________
18. On Sunday, ________________________________________________________
19. The day before yesterday, _____________________________________________
20. Yesterday morning, __________________________________________________
21. At six o’clock this morning, ___________________________________________
22. An hour ago, _______________________________________________________

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Write the correct sentences.
23. This morning, I waked up early.
24. I saw him yesterday night.
25. Harry didn’t felt sad.
26. They don’t met the Lord Mayor last week.
27. What Harry wanted?
28. Harry didn’t noticed his mistakes.
29. Who did signed the note?
30. What did the Director?
31. What did happen to Harry?
32. Where Lisa and Kate went on vacation?
33. Who did go with Lisa to London?
34. How Jerry built a boat?
35. They no had dinner in a Greek restaurant.
36. Whom did trust the teacher in the Benny story?
37. The ship sank before a long time.

Tutor-Assessed Task 2
Make statements about yourself using be going to.

1. In a few days, ______________________________________________________

2. Next summer, ______________________________________________________
3. The day after tomorrow, ______________________________________________
4. This evening, _______________________________________________________
5. Tomorrow night, ____________________________________________________
6. This weekend, ______________________________________________________
7. At 9:00, ___________________________________________________________
8. In December, _______________________________________________________
9. On Wednesday night, ________________________________________________

What is our future in the computer age? Make statements with affirmative or
negative forms of will, be going to, may, or might.
1. People/want to go back to a time before computers
2. The number of computers in the world/increase
3. We/all have pocket computers
4. The Internet/connect people in every home all over the world
5. Students in classrooms all around the world/be able to “talk” to each other
6. People/learn languages easily with computers
7. People/prefer to communicate by computer
8. Books/disappear
9. People who cannot use computers/be able to find jobs.
10. Computers/take away our privacy.
Change the following commands and questions into polite offers.
11. Come in. ___________________________________
12. Sit down. ___________________________________
13. Give me your coat. ___________________________________
14. Want a chair? ___________________________________
15. Let me get you an ashtray. ___________________________________
16. Something to drink? ___________________________________
17. Cream in your coffee? ___________________________________
18. Want me to open that window for you? ___________________________________
19. More coffee? ___________________________________

Below are some situations in which requests are commonly made. For each
situation, make a polite request.
20. You want to know what time it is. You find someone who is wearing a watch and you
21. When you pay for your groceries at the supermarket, you remember that you need some
change. You hand the cashier a dollar and you say:
22. You have been waiting in line at the bank for 15 minutes, but you need to get a drink of
water. You turn to the friendly-looking person standing behind you in line, and you say:
23. You are watching a movie in a theatre. The person in front of you is in the way. You
want him or her to his or her position a little. You say:
24. Your teacher just showed the class a videotape. It is finished; your classroom is dark.
Your instructor wants the student who is sitting near the light switch to turn on the lights,
so she or he says:
25. There is a lot of noise outside your classroom. The teacher wants the student who is
sitting near the door to close it, so she or he says:
26. A classmate is giving a presentation, but she is speaking very softly. You cannot hear her.
You say:
Tutor-Assessed Task 3
Look at the following and underline the sentences that you think are correct.
My sister is very good at languages.
1. She studies Italian; she started studying Italian in 1991, so…
a) she has studied Italian for several years.
b) she studies Italian several years.
c) she studied Italian for several years.
d) she is studying Italian since 1991.
2. When she was a child, she wanted to learn Russian; she still wants to learn it.
a) She wanted to learn Russian when she was a child.
b) She wants to learn Russian since she has been a child.
c) She has wanted to learn Russian for she was a child.
d) She has wanted to learn Russian since she was a child.
3. Two years ago she started taking courses at the local community college. Unfortunately,
she doesn’t have a car, so…
a) she takes the bus to school for two years.
b) she have taken the bus to school for two years.
c) she has taken the bus to school since two years.
d) she has taken the bus to school for two years.

Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the
sentence to be grammatically correct.
4. The native people of Northern Canada and Alaska have participated in dog sled races
since more than 500 years.
5. The Inuit people has used dog sleds as their main source of transportation since
settling in the northern pats of North America.
6. The sled dogs have working as faithful beasts of burden, carrying people and
equipment from place to place.
7. In the past, every Inuit family wants a dog sled team because this was the only source
of transportation over the frozen land.
8. The use of sled dogs as the primary means of transportation have declined since the
invention of the snowmobile.
9. One of the most famous sled dog races, the Iditarod Trail, covers more than 1,000
miles of Alaskan wilderness; it have challenged competitors and their dogs for many
10. I have wanted seeing this race for along time, but I never had the opportunity.
11. Last year, I have seen this great race for the first time. I was there at the finish line in
Nome, Alaska.
12. Have you never eaten Indian food? No, I haven’t.
13. I have had Indian food several times, but I didn’t had it in a long time. I think you
would like it.
14. Yes, I think I would. I’ve always wanted to try Indian food, but not ever had the
15. Indian food is famous for its curried vegetables. I have ate curried eggplant and
curried beans.
16. That sounds great. Let’s go eat now. I need some lunch; I haven’t have anything to eat
all day.
17. I need to look up the address of the Indian restaurant. I haven’t being there in a while.
18. I think I’ll enjoy this. I haven’t eaten out since a while and I want a new taste

Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
19. ________ to Smoky Mountain National Park since it has been improved?
(A) You been (C) Have you been
(B) Were you (D) Did you go
20. No, but I want ________ back there.
(A) going (C) go
(B) to go (D) went
21. I ________ camped in such a beautiful national park since I was in Yellowstone National
Park in Wyoming.
(A) no (C) haven’t
(B) didn’t (D) don’t
22. The wilderness is breathtakingly beautiful, but the campsites are rough; they ________
few of the amenities of home.
(A) have had (C) haven’t
(B) have (D) has
23. There are wild animals in the park, and campers ________ be aware of the bears, who
like to steal the camper’s food.
(A) have (C) had
(B) have had (D) have to
24. Park rangers ________ many hiking trails since the park opened.
(A) have developed (C) are developing
(B) will develop (D) develop
25. Rangers have protected the natural beauty of the Great Smokies National Park ________
it was created
(A) for (C) when
(B) since (D) that
26. In the last decade, computers ________ an important part of everyday life.
(A) have become (C) have became
(B) will become (D) has became
27. ________ computers have been readily available for home use, it has become more
important to become computer literate.
(A) For (C) When
(B) Since (D) At the time
28. Schools are teaching all children to be computer literate because in the future everyone
will need ________ these skills.
(A) to have (C) have
(B) having (D) can have
29. Almost every part of our lives ________ computerised – work, school, the government,
and even the grocery store over the past few decades.
(A) had (C) was
(B) have been (D) had been
30. Since I ________ college, I ________ a computer to help me write my papers.
(A) ‘ve been … ‘ve using (C) ‘ve been … ‘ve used
(B) was … ‘ve used (D) ‘ve been … used
31, Yesterdays, I ________ a computer to write my term paper.
(A) have used (C) has used
(B) used (D) have been using
Tutor-Assessed Task 4
Read the conversation. First underline and then correct any mistakes. Write the
correct sentences.
Mick: Have you ever visit Europe?
Dave: Yes, I’ve been there several times, in fact. Three years ago I’ve gone to France.
Mick: Really? Where did you go?
Dave: I went to Paris, of course. And then I rode my mountain bike in the Pyrenees. Last year
I’ve ridden my bike in Germany and Switzerland. Have ever you been there?
Mick: I’ve never been to Germany, but I’ve ever been to Switzerland.
Dave: When was that?
Mick: I’ve studied German there about eight years ago.

Make a list of three things you have been doing since you woke up this morning.
Write complete sentences.
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________

Complete the following using the words in parentheses.

My friend and I (1) _________________ (decide) to take our next vacation in Bali.
Yesterday we (2) _________________ (go) to a travel agent and we (3) _________________
(pick up) lots of different brochures. We (4) _________________ (take) them home and (5)
_________________ (read) them all very carefully. We want to go there because my friend (6)
_________________ (travel) in Southeast Asia, but she (7) _________________ (never be) to
Bali and I (8) _________________ (read) many books about the customs and culture of the
Balinese people. My brother (9) _________________ (be) there several times. He (10)
_________________ (go) there for the first time about 15 years ago, and he (11)
_________________ (stay) there for six months. He (12) _________________ (return) to Bali
last year and according to him, life there (13) _________________ (change) a lot because there
are so many tourists now. I don’t care! I (14) _________________ (hear) so many different
things about Bali, but now I want to find out for myself!

Alice is on vacation in New York City. Complete her draft for a postcard home,
using either simple past or present perfect with the verbs in parentheses.
Hi folks!
Having a great time! I (1) _________________ (walk) at least 50 miles, but I (2)
_________________ (see) lots of interesting things. Yesterday I (3) _________________ (take)
the Staten Island Ferry, and on Thursday I (4) _________________ (go) to the top of the Empire
State Building. I (5) _________________ (see) several shows. Two nights ago I (6)
_________________ (go) to see Cats: I (7) _________________ (have) great tickets. Wonderful
food!! I (8) _________________ (eat) some delicious meals. Yesterday I (9)
_________________ (try) sushi for the first time. See you next week.

Love, Alice

P.S. I (10) _________________ (spend) lots of money!

Think about the activities that you have done already today. Write one sentence
about your own activities for each of the examples below.
1. Something you have done without interruption.
2. Something you have finished, but don’t tell exactly when it finished.

Tutor-Assessed Task 5
Correct the errors in the following sentences:
1. John is more tall than Mary. __________________
2. Seoul is more safer than Los Angeles. __________________
3. Paul is as intelligent than Robert. __________________
4. Mary test scores were more worse than Margaret’s. __________________
5. My test scores were more worse than Margaret’s. __________________
6. Lorraine’s eyes are darker than me. __________________
7. Jeff is more handsomer than Jack. __________________
8. My parent’s life was hard than mine. __________________
9. Is New York exciting as Paris? __________________
10. Is Lake Ontario cleaner that Lake Erie? __________________
11. The Hudson River is polluted as the Volga River. __________________
12. Mexico’s capital city is more crowded than the United States. __________________
Think of all the people you know. Write the name of a person who is at the top of
the group next to each category. Write a sentence with the correct form of the
superlative. Be careful to spell the superlative correctly.
13. silly ________________________________________________
14. sleepy ________________________________________________
15. runs quickly ________________________________________________
16. helpful ________________________________________________
17. sleeps lightly ________________________________________________
18. pleasant ________________________________________________
19. heavy ________________________________________________
20. busy ________________________________________________
21. sad ________________________________________________
22. drives slowly ________________________________________________
23. good musician ________________________________________________
24. graceful dancer ________________________________________________
25. has blue eyes ________________________________________________
26. works hard ________________________________________________

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