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IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a short- term job you’d like to do un

a foreign country

You should say:

– What type of work you would like to do there

– What country you’d like to work in
– Why you would like to work in this country

Well, to tell the truth, studying abroad and working my way through foreign
university is my lifelong dream. As the education of Vietnam is quite poor, let
alone there’s no guarantee that I can work in my favorite domaine when I reach
school-leaving age in the light of dense population. But the main reason
ironically is that somewhere in Vietnam, the talent are taken their place by the
rich or people having friends in high places. So it’s not overstatement to say
that, there are loads of students like me longing to emigrate or even just work in
developed countries for a short period of time.
To be honest, I’m a big fan of language. It always tickle my fancy. Whenever i
have leisure time, I’m absorbed in learning E from day to night by reading book,
watching tv show…. Therefore, I’d love to get some hands-on experiences as an
interpreter. Speaking personally, this job is approach for me to make a decent
living. It requires me to be patient and meticulous otherwise I can lead reader or
listener to misunderstanding. Having said that, it’s not physically and mentally
taxing at all. Moreover, I’m inclined to get a chance to make friends, build some
healthy relationships which are considered crucial when I live in another
country. And of course, every job itself makes you feel burned out from time to
time. But I’m in my prime, I’m bold, I wanna give it a shot and most
importantly, surpass myself. So without a doubt, this job will offer me an
opportunity to flex my language muscles.
Frankly, i haven’t made my mind to study in particular foreign countries yet.
But the one thing I know for certain is that Nordic countries always hold a
fascination for me. Since the weather in there is crisp and comfort all year
round. The residents are not only hospital, friendly but also strong-willed and
very hard-working to have high standard of living. Despite the pressure or the
hustle and bustle of life, people in those countries seem to be optimistic, look on
the bright side of life. I can feel the positive energy giving off from them. That’s
why i love working in Nordic countries.

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