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Aaa ea f DETACHMENT ABILITIES [An AOKPTA SORGRITAS Detachment tune at ny uncer model w the ADEATASORORIEAS keyword (exc hung ih he CULT IMPERHALIS, AGENT OFTHE APERUW or + Aotrra SononiTas Detachenent pun the Decree Passive ability + Aourta Sononinas units (excl ing San it) in ADEPTASON js absity oops unite im ABLPTA SBRBAMAK Detacluments pain the Objective Secured abuity (thir ability is escribed in the Warhatnmer 40,000) Core Book) nd Oureasre 5 Detachment gain the Onde, DECREE PASSIVE The howaar of leading the Adepta Sororitas fall tan offer of the Ondere Militant, vot the Priests that accompany: hem wens sonal and nvodel inthis Detachunent. You cannot incite mote 495 Prest units in this Devashrnen than there are ADEPTA SONGAATAS CHARAerEN wns ORDER CONVICTIONS {ach Order Mant ha te ght sl, ad the ‘ern ira and eral poopy fa hurle aire All AbtrT4 SonomiT4s it Rh this iy, el ll he sods hee gam an Onder Contant ag a8 ery unt i the Detachment that 6 fren a Orie Eves he saroe Ove. The units An ABKPNA SonoRIAS Det ‘strom an Order Miltant ts drawn Grom the seme Oder Mian. Sach nents gain accent tothe flowing Orr Militant RELICS OF THE ECCLESIARCHY ach Order Mant haw a fd Orders Misaas Rete of the tclenarcy If your army ed by 4 Seance Wane tran KOErt4 S0ROWTAS Cnanacten moval from yout may a of ving Sem 4 Re of the Beckesarchy fan ges 74:75 Named characters (ooh as furdth Erwta) cme eg Relic uarchy [Note thit some Relics replace one f the meh exatng Heme of wargear Where this the esse, you mat yoo are an points wales. sll pay tbe como the warpeas that being, Teplice. Write down any Recon ofthe Fxclesarchy your modele have ee your ate rose Example: Butte forged srry vnchudes am hoerva SORE RAS ‘Detaconent which every set has the ORDER O¥ twa B.ED ost lcyrond A ORDER F Tw BLOBEY RODE sn that Diaaconen gain the Qu to Age Ont comtion at Oman ete Ree ata i en igre a Warford stead be green te. ey trait Yu have ies 19 the Taar Tham Down ratagem and am spend CP se ed rom a ‘ey talent fe phen aR “au tha a enchicerce. — iw REM ED eee re: fies ——S “Even if pou are able to bill ime, Heretic, my soul shall then become Like (ite. J shatt be taken up bp the Emperor and shall Blase as one witl Ais divine Light. For etermore shalt A guide the Caithtut, Lending theme my strength titi you and PoE cursed lind are scoured ORDER OF OUR MARTYRED LADY THE BLOOD OF MARTYRS ‘Onier of Our Martyred Lady that ting their Emperor given sty When the battle is fercest and the casualties highest, these holy vearrior fight with renewed com d purpose, enspired by theie Alesre to avenge the deaths of their fallen, + Auth Ayo ith ice (pg 91) This in touny Miracle dice cod of 4 phate in whicha ChaRacten unit with thi was desttoyra (tee Sacrilice, page 91) ‘Tach time an aitack it made by a model with this conviction, ifthis ‘unit is Bselene its Strength, add | Le Tan Ties Fi On (Our Martyred iy-- Epic Deed Stratagem When a leader of the Onder of Our thove who remnain only artyred Lady dies in battle, determined, ‘Use Lbs Stratagern at the ¢ Manrrneo Lapy CHARACTER model ff nit (excluding mode ed fo the battlefield that n¢ Intervention Str the battle, each ase in Which an Onoen or Our m Your army was destroyed se due to any rules, gM), page 64). Until the end of ORDER OF OUR ManTYREO Lacy model makes an attack against that enemy init, eld I to that attack’s wound roll ARLORD TRAIT: SHIELD BEARER This facing every thrent at the Kewl of her Onder *» Exch time an attack is allocated to this WaRLen, subtract from the Damage characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of) * Exch lime you gain a Miracle dice (ng 91) at the end of a phise as {rel of Vengeance, (this WanLanD destroyed any enemy units during i natically a6, ne You gain a Miracle dice (pg 91) at the end of phase as rife, Waniono was destroyed diering that (Phaie, that Miracle dice is automat ally a6. RELIC: MARTYRS’ VENGEANCE lpn ance wat the sidearm of sclfss Celestian Superior Saint Vialpurgis, At the Defence of Chem Gate, Valpurgas strode calmly int OROEN OF Oun Manryne Pistol ony. This Relic following profile DLagr model cquipped with an inferna replaces an inferno pistol and has the ORDER OF THE VALOROUS HEART STOIC ENDURANCE Like theie saint, Luca, those of the Oner ofthe Viaovoa Heart are willing to bear any agony in the nam of ataneniesit Such fer for ther cnuse that they can sir ‘breaking stride ve + Bach th a result conviction would lose a wound a8 roll one Dé on a Se, that wound is pot Heat + Bach time an attack is allocated to a model with this conviction, ifthat Attack has an Armour Penetration characteristic of 1 he ‘Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack is sd by I (Order of the Valorous Heart ~ Battle Tactic Stratagem Sisters of the Valorou 1 the Emperor to guide thetr wir. of batile is upon therm. Use this Stratagern Vavonous Meant Fight phase, then Shooting phase, when an OnOKX oF THE it (rom your army is gebected te shoot, or in the ‘OMOER OF THE VaLonous Meant vit from your yn selected to fight. Until the end ofthat phase, each time a Jel in that unit makes an attack, you can ignore any oral hit roll, Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skall modifiers WARLORD TRAIT: IMPERVIOUS TO PAIN i ut Lucia, this leer will endure any the limits of mortal endurance owing the example of Sa on long pa «+ Bach time this WaRLonD performs an Act of Faith (pg 91), tt regains 1 lost wound + Each time this WaRLOR® would lose a wound, roll one Dé on a Jost S+, that wound i RELIC; CASKET OF PENANCE: Within this uadorsied chonite bo lies a relic so sufluse with the Emperor’ divine spark that i radkates a ferocious aura [ts holiness in so powerful that if scarier ts guardians’ flea, yet ome woh éemough to carry the casket info battle welcomes the chance to preve the strength of her faith anil will To the unbeiever whe approaches is an incapacitating and sickening draining of the cout, too close, noch oF THE VaLOROUS Heart model only. The bearer has the following ability: ‘Casket of Penance (Aura): While an enemy ‘unit is within. 3” of the bearer, subtract | from the Toughness characterinic of models in that enemy unit([that writ Bas the (Cwags keyword, subtract 1 from its Strength characteristic as ell: ‘ister @orvolbe’s Lips cracked amb bled. Ber Bye cen i i resss-goranbs Spates (here sums beat oton upon bre, Gervetbe coalb na longer seat br mssed the sting of the Salty Ligand Rrappeng tga the rupture blisters that cebereb ber Late team the suntaare, Dam teas precious. 3t rman ber af ‘Marnarch Tac, teri ber she tas lane, anh yes cout sere. ‘Cath ol Orcvoloe'sbeawp steps plunged berp inte be Aine beset sans. Bore sisters marched tut ber, tach ane bur, bleeding amb panting. “Auvaa scorn te teal o€ tis eal,” raped Dogmata Katia, atthe toc of the Meter” aManc alongebs Canoness Augustsh. Thep bad bem marching Ler elem bars, aber ‘sunbsterres that rippb thew flea (Le mais im theie armewr toith grael amb Hie thre boten Dames that bab taken bors (0 seen’. Four mate eres, tyenght Servatbe. Them tt tall turn back, ‘Bt bab berm a good trating exracis thes Car. ‘Already the teeakness om a boyen disicey bad bern tuncobced Uy the Larmiule and taxing conbitions., ‘They bad callapecd ox pven up, Cor wbud Srrvelbe Aen thep moult (ace che stare cecercion of the “Lash belere Long. Mra ORDER OF THE BLOODY ROSE QUICK TO ANGER le ary i rowed, mow pr fer fers fe the wars of the an those wwerriors aah tine unit with this convict Ail aa Farge mee, was charged or performed a Herole iververtion this turn, her anal that ight bs reslved, ad the Attacks charaeteristic of mowel in this unit adel with this conviction makes a melee noses wn it made a hang i Onider of the Moody Rove - Battle Tactic Sn {nthe fury of batil, the Sisters of the Hloouy: Rose with gun stocks, Mader he Fight phase, when an ORDER OF THE amy is selected t fight. Until ft Makes a ally srounds the end of that phase, each t inelee attack, an unmmod the target WARLORD TRAIT; BLAZING IRE Thi warrtor was barn for bate, a nil allow nothing to say her erat Add 1 10 the Attacks characteristics of this Wantona, = This Wancono is eligible to ch Advanced RELIC; BENEFICENCE This Rariomed na turn in which nage chainivword is day Onter of the Blsexty Rove for its perfection of w cepness ts pious bite. As the dep-red armour oft wieder ps fi into dente Knots of faithless idalaters, Beng ends arterial sprays across the battlefield with each flesh. Terrified mn wit {rr won for the Eimperoe tc ‘GROEN OF rHE BLogBYRasE model equipped with a shiiasivord only. This Relic replaces a chainswoed and has the following profile WEAPON RANGE _TyPE S aro ESP Benetcence Meee” Meee G32 ‘Aion Each tine he besrertighs, maken J sddivona tacks With this weapon (if theve are Gist mateo Odels within 3" ofthe be becetic's sereains torre louder than the Tit er on ease the trigger until the traitor bropprd fe the {laor. Only bis burning corpse Lit the tuenker, The stench of tooking Mesh blended taeth that ‘burming premetbium. Berta breathed beepiy, Che ‘stnell never get of, Che only sound that remained teas the crackling of (be tire and the popping of toiling fat, ‘This tas tbe Court bunker in the complex they had Lear of the traitecous 33rb Reaklri Mites. 3t boas much Uke the others, Spmibols of the Meehenemp torre scratehed into the taalls ant Amperial spmbols bab been betacee, Berta cased ber Lamer again, pointing it at what Apprarch to be seme kind of sicine the heretics bad establish, “Dorge the Unclean,’ she saib, ane pulten the Wiggtt: Flames engulfed it all, ORDER OF THE EBON CHALICE DAUGHTERS OF THE EMPEROR The Onder of the Ebon Chalice i the oldest ofthe Orders Malta, and its warrtors strive fo be exemplars, both martial and spiritual, to the followers of the Godt-Emperer. Their purity and nobility of spirit can see thers perform miraculous acts on the battlefield + Ifany units in your army have this conviction, when you are determining which sacred rites (pg 93) areactive for your army alter you have determined your mission, you cannat randomly select two sacred rites. Instead, alter you have selected one sacred rte you must then select a second. Both fof these sacred rites are active for unis from Four army with this conviction (only the frst is ative for ster units From ‘your army with the Sacred Rites ability, + Tach tinse a model or unit with this convietion performs ‘an Act of Faith (pg. 91), you ean firs discard 1 Miracle dice If you do 0, | Miracle dice you use in that Act of Fal i considered to be a 6 (irrespective ofits actaal Value) Onder of the Ebon Chalice ~ Wargear Stratagers When the Ebon Chalice gate war, they bring with them cleansing fl ‘Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when an GABER GF we Enow CHabiCE unit from your army is selected to shoot. Until the end of the phase: «Add 4° tothe range ofall flame weapons (pg 121) that models in that unit are equipped with + Bach time a model i that unit makes an attack with a line ‘weapon, on an unmodified wound rol of 4+, the target suffers 1 mortal wound in addition to any normal damage (3 maximum of 3 mortal wounds can be inflicted perphase via this Steatagem) “A grand triumph, thep called it. Pah! Do pou know then wasted in the brasters alone? A feittering of time and materiel would be closer to the should have been marching to battle, cheering when they should have been luting, civilians when ther should Screaming war cries, saluting cl efavaia wail how much promethium truth. Armies parading then ther have been gunning down fors. Cano WARLORD TRAIT: TERRIBLE KNOWLEDGE ‘This eer me of the few that Pas shared in the terrible eset bmp hy the Miriarch of the Orier ater her -grmmunion with the Empenve + IFthiaWanLono is onthe battlefield the Miracle dice (pg 91) Yyoogain at the tart ofthe fist bate round ia astoratcally a6 + While this Wamome sion the baltic. ech time yoo pend a 4 Command point to se a Stratagem you can roll one Dts on 254, tha! Command poiat is refunded. RELIC: ANNUNCIATION OF THE CREED The traditionalists ofthe Orr ofthe Ebon Chalice espe eraip ‘any oppor turity 0.9 the wnderale ier ofthe peril Creed. Upon the ensven hers who shrks ia sentence er the wwtch hiding behind her puppet. this weapon announces their dlessancy tn usaveidable teramces of deseracive justice (OxDER OF rHe Enow CHatice model equippes wish a condemnor boltpun only Ths Relic replaoes a condernnar boligun and ar the following profile WEAPON RANGE _TYPE wD ‘Annunciation ofthe Creed Bongun 2 RapldFed 40000 Biessedetahe me Aa 42? btities: Before sebecting tanpes, s#lect ene cr hath ofthe protien ‘hove to make attacks with Wf yousselect both, then each iene a ‘wach bs made wrth thet weapon thin phase subtract from that ‘ome you select atarget forthe weapen, ignore the Leok Out Sirruie 6 ah this weapon's Denes stake profile s aloeated to a PrvaR model, that modes Ut Ruflere 3imoctal mounds in afoon tothe nowmal damage yo eae ut, Abecapbien Weleth teak ber cunrung ps along the sub ssilne whe Lana aL thet armour’ boats AAINEE rusted (Con. Foul smoke aNd bapour titles tbout Wpeleth as she Cell. dbe contd set nothing of ber beatination, wut abe felt neither (ear nor toner, The Hod Cmprror guided br steps, Miser Bele bab fait, be counted as ehe (el thcough the evtinry: (eur, there, Mao, one. Eye ‘he ground reshing up to meet ee, Releth trigmered the thrusters in ber fomep rm Folt was tooth. 6 the Caring of fice biltowed belota her and parted the notsoene ‘Sie cen as thep balord tee im (lame, Roer ststecs Destended about her, Cages barb, mouibe set in grim Lin at the terrtird Heertice sudentp eebcaicd belais. Che heathens woke up i terror as thep sat boom unguessed at approaching (rom abobe. hep cotorerd, peunted.anb ‘alse® autoguns, Meme Ccrd, and bullets tohipped ‘reual the arc to erbound fret Aelcth's arevour, 3 return, Bhe abbed mere shelts te lee isters: tusitlave, ORDER OF THE ARGENT SHROUD DEEDS, NOT WORDS tas the strong blicfof those within the Order ofthe Argent Shrug that oie) conviction is best shown shrouegh bol action. Thus te bsg the best wary to prove their urquenchable faith, for there they it the Emperors foes and demionsinate the depths of their devotion * Fach time a unit with this conviction makes a Normal Move or Advances in your Moveanent phase, until the end of your Shooting phase, counts as having Re mained Stationary * Each iment with this conviction i selected (9 shoot or Bight ‘ne bit roll or one wouund roll when resolving that ST} play Onder ofthe Argent Shrowd — Strategic Ploy Stratagenr The unwavering fit ofthe warriors of the Argent Shn allows thom to fight on through the mart terrible wounds Paychic onslaught Use this Sratager in any phase, when an OROER OF THE ARGENT ‘SwROUB model from your. army Ww Hed wound asa result ofa ‘mortal wound. Until the end of that phase, each time that model, Wt, would lose a wound asa result ofa, ‘one 6:00 3 4¢, that wound és not lot WARLORD TRAIT: SELFLESS HEROISM Rather than allow harm to come to ravely-take the fight any foe mortal wound. n ‘her followers, this leacter will + This Wancone is el ts within 6° horizm Instead of 3 hy ible to perform a Heroic Intervention if it imally and 5° vertically of any enemy nit ertically. Each time this ll spply if this WaRtona is within HEMT Units, ican fight first © Add 3 to the: * Tach mea tac ype ate ‘that attack’ hit rol, “aloe the bearer, subtract | from, ORDER OF THE SACRED ROSE DEVOUT SERENITY The Sisters of the Order of the Sacred Rove are renowned for 1 inaplacable resolve im battle. Even inthe face of cds, the heirs of Sant Arabella xtand unyielding + Each timea Combat Attrition fst istaken fora unit wt this conviction, itis aptomatically passed + Fach time you use a Miracle dice when a model or unit with this jon pecforms an Act of Faith (p91), rollone D6: on a 4s, 1 1 Miracle dice Psa ese ICP. Onder of the Sacred Rose ~ Battle Tactic Stratagem None m: the Emperors gaze, and where he sees wickets there will the Sacred Rose punish {Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when an Onoen oF we SaeRta ROSE unit from your army is selected to shoot. Util the end of the phate, each fime an attack is made witha ranged ‘weapon bya model in that unit, an unmodified bit rll of & scores 1 additional bit ‘WARLORD TRAIT: LIGHT OF THE DIVINE The Emperor's divinity shines from this leader: She stride through the ratte with beanfic expression while sting the Emperor foes and a four from the mines of her followers. + Once per turn, when this Wantono performs an Act of Faith (pp 91). Miracle dice used in that Act of Faith is considered to be a6 (irrespective ofits actual value) This WanLona has the following ability; ‘Light ofthe Divine (Aura); While friendly OROKR OF re Sacto ROSE CORE Uni Is ‘within 6" of thic WanLon, if that CORE wait Falls Back then by still cligible to shoot this turn! RELIC; LIGHT OF SAINT AGNAETHA Enmavating from within a bracier inscribed with the deeds of “Arabella the Light of Saint Agnactha tsa blinding ienination ‘against the shadows ofthe Great Rift Laying bare the trth of er. tase who emibody the foulness of the daemon ae cowl. The Fouch fof its actinic glare, when lifted high with serene grace, cates Impure slesh to char and combust in a conflagration of holy fre ‘Onaen oF tae Sacnea Rese model witha brazierof holy Bre ‘only. This Relic replaces a brarier of holy fireaad has the following profile WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAP Uightef Saint Agnaetha 12° ‘Assan 06 ‘Ablities: Each time an attack is mage 3 T.. “Be the Agent af mp blade-arm. Be the Power in mp armour. Be the Spirit that quides mp bolts into the flesh of the for. Be the sire in mp heart. Be ORDERS MINORIS CONVICTIONS yon ch conviction by selecting Orider Minors comicto Minoris convictions frome the following Est SHIELD OF AVERSION The Staters of this Onder gird the with thee et Of tht oth ied f epg tal ec the bale Aer treme oc ds Sra beset we tindormitable fort ete, aa a instead HALLOWED MARTYRS The Blass of martyrs Ls the life force of the Fmperinam Sd Hemet of th din its ww our dos the righ Deer joy fice of fallen Siters gi bh thm an attack Is made by a msde with this com jes uni is behow its Starting Strength, add 1 to th evident 10 hove with the alts. In the pretence ofthis Orders ition hat ach time you gain a Miracle dice (pg 91) tice ina, you can re-roll that dice before adding to your Miracle dice pool DEVOUT FANATICISM The alin, the mutant ad the heretic wnsst be destroyed. face to face if necestary whare Dir evil canot ide and where the Saters ‘atthe cam ensure thie blows eviscerate their faithless foes Fach tea ant with ths conviction Fight made s charge ‘mony, Was charged or performed a Heroic I ‘tur. then until that fight is resolved, ac lull makes ar atch, add | to thal srvention this ime a model in that c's hit rol Yow cannot select this conviction if you have already selected the Hoty Wrath conviction (ge right) ‘GUIDED BY THE EMPEROR'S WILL ‘The God: Bmperes i nai fo guide the hard ef these Soros, The Stes umerring irs ensure ne Reretcexcapes thi wrath roe ‘the divine Punishment that such sinful existence devervr Bach time a anit with this (GOERCtHOA i selected fh, you sa rel one hit roll oe wound ment Jc iu oe we ot On con is from the list here, ales ges S463, You must intlead create their Onder ise stated, your Order Militant has two Order HOLY WRATH The Gos Emperor faithful de furious judgement in the pres of melee, With flurries of ‘blows, they smite the unbeliever and the heretic with a pure nage ach times model with this conviction makes melee attack, ‘that models unit made a charge move, was charged or performed « Heroic Intervention this turn, improve that attack Armour Penetration characteristic by 1 ‘You cannot select this conviction if you have already selected the Devout Funaticism conviction (sce leit), IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF SAINTS Many minor Orders Milnant cleave tothe traditions and practices of one ofthe Ondlers Majoris For some, thic is due to their roken chain of recognised descent from thern, white others tthe virtwe of one particular Matriarch or satnt You cannot select this Onder Minor selected any other Order Minc this co ‘conviction if you have conviction, and if you seleet Hon you cannot select a second, Select one of the following Orders Militant: Order of Our Martyred Lady, Order ofthe Valorous Heart, Order of the Bloody Rose, Order of the Ebon Chatice, Order of the Argent Shroud, Order of the Sacred Rove * Usethe Order convictions of the Onder A listed on pages 58.63, * Ia ChakAcrex model with this conviction gainsa Warlord an have an Orders Militant Warlord Trait itant you selected, instead 'a Warlord rom page 72. Ifa CHARACTER has sucha lord Trait, replace al instances of the Order Militant Keyword on wd Trait (eg. OROER oF OUR Manrynce (sy), ifany, with the name ‘Order Militant that this ‘CHARACTER from, Unless the only units with this conviction are partofan s\uxllary Support, Super heavy Auxiliary and/or Fortification Network Detachment, you will gain access ta the Orders Millan Sralagernsastocisted with the Onder Mlltant You selected. When using such a Stratagem, replace all instances Sr Order Miltant keyword on that Sratagers (eg. ORBER (9F OUR Martyn Lapy) with the Order Militant that | the units, with this conviction have. ilitant you selected, PERFERVIO BELIEF Belief int the God- Emperor is the greatest x th of the Ade Sororitas. The Stach of ORR EA tere telefin every vengeful sho, every excoriating trike und erry shouted prayer: Bach time a model or unit with this conviction performs an Act of Faith (pg 91). you ean first discard 1 Miracle dice. Ifyou do so, | Miracle dice you tite fn that Act of Fath is considered to be 6 (irrespective of its actual value) PURIFYING RECITATIONS Sorcery and the diabolical powers of witches are abominations before the God-Emperor. By invoking his name, these lters appear blessed with a measure of his eternal protectin. Each time a Deny the Witch test is taken for a unit with this cconvietion, add 3 to the result (this it not camulative with any ‘other rule that adds to the result of Deny the Witch tet, Pure of Will, page 72). RAGING FERVOUR These Sisters carry the fiery wraih of the Emperor into the darkest ners of his realm, His immortal anger is made manift in their extraordinary skill with thermal weaponry Fach time a model with his conviction makes an atiack with a ‘melta vreapan (pig 121) the target of that attack is considered to be within half range forthe purposes of that weapon abilities if + That weapon has the Pistal or Assault type «+ ‘That weapon has the Heavy type and the tanpt wnt ix witha I¥* of the firing modal ‘You cannot select this conviction if you have already select eather the Rites of Fire (sce below) or Unthakable Vengeance {see right) convictions RITES OF FIRE With purifying flame slid the great sant af legend purrs the émenies of faith from the galaxy. This Order sere ries ‘encapsulate the flame of @uminatin asa tol of cleansing ‘dt 4” to the range of all flame weapons (pg 121) that spadels ‘with this conviction are equipped with You cannot select this conviction if you have already selected either the Raging Fervour (see above) or Unshalable Vengeance (ce right) convictions. RIGHTEOUS SUFFERING Suffering is th faithful ssi ashame ass ie ‘and his saints without embracing death i the te Imperial Creed. Each time an attack is made aga coal SLAYERS OF HERETICS Wherever conrupt Deretics and vile oppose the will (ofthe Emperor and the Eecesarchy, tht Onder hat vowel to tear ut ther slered tongues and sever ther posoness infuemce [Each time a model with this comctiow makes an attack agaist (4 CHAMAETER tin, ad 1 to that attacks bit roll UNBRIDLED VALOUR ‘This Onder serenity sider fire and im the face of overwhelming ‘lds as taraed seeming alceat into vaorous Lat staal hat ‘lee the enemy dry Each time a Combat Attnition testis taken for s unit with chit ‘conviction, add 1 ta that Combat Attrition test. UNSHAKABLE VENGEANCE ‘These Sisters aira with the holy bolter iy as umahakable ax their faith The sacred tools of war are gifted by the Emaperoe Hrirnsclf to diver his wemgeance upom those who tum thet face from, is Bagh. Exch time a madel with this eoaviction makes an attack with ‘a boll weapon (pg 121), you can ignore any or all hit roll and ‘You cannot select this conviction if you have already selected ‘iter the Raging Fervour or Rites of Fire convictions (see left. WITCH HUNTERS Unsonctioned pea, disbolsts end sorcerer ail crave the caress fof the Emperor judgement that ther tainted exxstence deserves ‘Forse dees thit Onder preach. Buern the witch Each time a model with this conviction makes a melee atta a PSTKER unit, re-rolls hit roll of | ifthe melee attack ix made against a Pyrega CManacreR unit re-folla it roll of amd: ‘e-rolls wound rall of 1), | , H your army snc exchaing Au Soper eavy Auiliary or Fortification Neti Detachmants), you have access to these iar Suppo se ther. MEaa a at Adepta Sororitas ~ Battle Tuxile Stratagemt ur the witch Burm the mastantdiurn the her an ADerTus Until unit soos ith a ruimber of hee Ue this Stratapern in your Shooting phase, wh (Mowitteuy uit foo your army it choven to show end ofthat phase, when a maodel i th Marie wropson (pq 121), 6 not roll wo determine t tacks rude with that weapons tnstead, the maxim Gf atlachs are mace with that weapen (e.g @ attacks are made witha Heavy 1 weapont CST rid Adepta Sororitas ~ Batile Tactic Stratagem The Zephyrion are Where the ka vic to embeoy the Gosl-Emperor i vurely flow U Sova fime a ode is that wnit jacks wound roll (RAG icp. Addepta Sororitas~ Battle Tactic Stratagem Golestians are exeonplary in their batlecraft phase. Select one ti mine that phase, each hes a melee attack, ach | to that 6 Stratagetn In your Pgh tf your army. Until the {Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a Ceutsran Mint fram Your army is selected to shoot o in the Fight phase Shen a CeLesTian unit from your army is welected 16 fight. Until Meena bf the phase, each time a model in that unit makesan Mach, add Ito that attacks hit poll BEXTREMIS TRIGGER WORD. tay - Adepta Sororitas ~ Bartle Tactic Stratagem ire Paes ar conditioned with sacred vriges word hat Wei cerciral inhbior and wales ther ling ge Stratapem inthe Fight phase, when an anco- JNA from your army is selecicd to fight, Until the the ability of all arco Ahals models Yeith tothe following: “Each time an Sreapon, ike Shit rls instead of! At waters armen au for Adepta Sororitas~ Batile Tuetic Stratagem Those who would Wie sorcery against the righlcous ote find themselves facing the full fury of the Ecclesiarchy, Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when an Aberry Ministanun nit from your army is selected to shoot, a in the Fight phase, when an ADEPTUS MinistORUS Unit from yourap iseeted to ight Uni the end ofthe hase cach tinea nh inthatunit makes an attack against a Psvxen unit, add | tothan stack’ hit roll (ifthe attack is made by an ADEeTUS Ministonun Cwanacren model, add 1 to that attack’ hit roll and add touhgp stuck’ wound roll) OS ey Aa Adepta Sororitas ~ Epic Deed Stratagem Sometimes, a brush with death isso clase that the only explanation seems fo be divine intervention, Use this Siralagem when an ADEFTA SORORITAS CHARAETER model (excluding named characters) from your army is destroyed, instead of using any rules that are triggered when a model i destroyed (e.g Sacrifice, page 91, or the Chaplet of Sacrifice Relic page 75). Discard 1-3 Mbracle dice (pg 91). At the end of the phase set that model back up on the battlefield as close as to where it was destroyed and not within Engagement Range of any enemy models, The model is returned to play with number of wounds remaining equal to the number of hiradle dice you discarded. You cannot use this Stratager if you do not have any Miracle dice remaining, This Stratagem can only be tle poll ised once per isa Adepta Sororitas ~ Epic Deed Stratagem The pris the Adeptus Ministorum ean use the power ofthe ror to mipire ther flocks Use this Stratagem at the start of any of your phases other than your Conmand phase. Select one ABEPTUS MiNISFORUK PRIEST Model from your army that has not intoned a hymn hs (ra That model can intone one hymn that it knows that has not already been intoned by a friendly model this tuen. That yma ‘s automatically inspiring (do not rol) and takes effect until the Marl of your next Command phase LS Adepia Sororitas ~ Epic Deed ‘Stratagem The infernclaims the martyr and heretic alike in sing, {ee ths Sratgem in any phase when an IMMeLATOR fom your army that is equipped with immolation fla ‘destroyed. Do not rll to see if that model expl RITES OF RESTORATION 7 Adlepta Sororitas - Epic Deed! Stratagen rations of the Sisters ofthe Orlrs Hospialler ave sen irrior brought back fromthe brik of death to rturn fo the fray Use this Stratagem atthe end of your Movement phase, Select ‘one Hosrrmas.en unit (rom your army and then select one {ctendly ADCFEUS MimsTOREM Cone iran ni ih ino tie Starting Sieength ands within 3°of that Waseem nit Upto D3 of the selected friendly units destroyed models are returned to tc unit it their fll Wounds remaining JARTYRED Ui Adepta Sororitas ~ Epic Deed Stratagem Ihe Sisters of Hate do not give into despair when their leaders Juin, Instead, the blood of there martyred heroes only hens hie resale {Use this Stratagem when you gain a Miraele dice (pg 91) to Sacrifice (pg 90). You gain 1 additional Miracle dice {ifthe model that was destroyed was an ABTA SoROAITAS Wancono from your army, you instead gain D36t additional Miracle dice) Cees ACP. Adepta Sororitas ~ Epic Deed Steatagem Fora split second, at seems a though the world reahape ite to the wall of asingl Use this Stratagem afer making ahi roll or wound rel for an sack made by an ABEPTASONORITAS mode frm your arm nga savg Chow for an Aner SonanTas mov! fiom your army, Discard 1-2 Mirae dice from yout Mirade dice pool (pg31)-Add 1 to the esl ofthe rl for each Miracle cont ue tis Statagers joa do Ho dice you discarded ¥ hhave any Miracle dice remaining. Sli ena eens ru ‘Adepta Soreritas ~ Epic Deed Stratagent Suffering isa stapte prayer forthe Adept Sevorias anc ‘martyr’ fate only brings greater glory to the God-Emperor {Use thic tratagem in the Fight phase Seto ABEPTA ‘SORORITAS WARLORD, SAINT POTEATIA or Lavine SAN Un from your army (excluding Vewrcur units) until the end ofthe phase that unit iskrowe as your Suffering unit Until the end ofthe pphace, cach time an enemy uni is elected 1 igh fa model in thal enemy uit is within Engagement Range of your Suen unit when your oppanent is selecting trgets for Hs Ita those atacks can only target your Sufering ua ‘AdeptaSororitas Requisition Sratagem [nthe est circamitancer, even the mit sacred of the Ministorum’ holy artefacts are brought forth ho ad the ffi ‘Use this Stratagem before the bute, wien you are mastering, {your army, f your WaNtgm has the ABKprus MimisronuK ‘keyword Select one ABEPHUS MinintE RUS CHARLEPER model frome your army and give ther one Relic ofthe Eccestrcby thi tt be a Relic they conld have), Ect Relic in your army macs ‘bewnique and you cannot use this Stratugern to give a rade ‘wo Relies You ean only uve this Stratagem ance. unless you are playing a Strike Force bate (in which case, you cam use this ‘Suraagem twice) oran Onalaught battle (in which eae, you cn ‘use this Stratagem three tires) Sway Adepta Sororitas~ Requisition Statogem Thase who exemplify the finest qualities of the Order wil be entrusted a bear holy relics taba, being ana «burden [or the honoured warrior ‘Use this Stratagem before the butte Select one ABEPI Son that his the word Superior tn thei profile. That mo cise ofthe following Relics ofthe Ecclsiarchy (pg 74-75).ven though they are not a CHARACTER model: Bleatings of Scbasian Thot, The Ecelecarekt Fury, Ltanies of Fait Redemsptio Fach Relic in your army mutt be unique, and you cannot wse thin Steatager to give a model two Relice. You can only use this Siralagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force bak (in ‘ebidh cag you ean use this Stratagem twice) or an Cnaluaght Battle in which case. you can ase this Stratagem three times, TSAINTINTHE MAKING ich ‘Adepta Sororitas ~ Requisition Stratagem This warrior sends preeminent inthe Adeptus Ménistorae a shong example of everything a devout servant ofthe Eraperer aspire (We this Stratagetn before the bute. when you ar mastering Your army f your WARLORD has the ADEFTUS MmsTaRUM [eRe Selec one Abterus MansTomum Cxanacren model Frosh Jeurarmy (echoing mumed characte) and determine ont Warton Tra fori (thi most bea Warlord Trait can vel: Thar mods only regarded as your Wartnna fc the PurPones abe rl Trt Each Wrlord That in your army mos be anol wee this Stratager 10 give a model ten Wirlord Ta ca al we ts Stratagem ence, unk yo are Fdjnga Sore Force bute (in which ase, you san we ths ‘atiagem tice) ran Onslaught bute (in which ase, yos ea ‘use this Stratager three times) Aidepta Soroctas- Strategic Ply Statager™ nic wurrivns of the Or the angelic warriors ve bo whare the Bp ‘Oa wigs of fi fue to the 9 Use thi Strat germ a ibe arto your Mlovercat phase, Select uit i cone ABEPHASonOREIAS JOMF PACK wil thee ta the Reine en of froen any enemy fp your army. Ren iar nett Movement phase, yOu © battlefield anywhere that is #0 towel be bate his oni i nto ve batt isdesteyed Pees iCP, Ailepta Sorovitas- Strategic Ploy Stratageo 1 the chanting of ese pales the bunle round if our eywor and is on th Use this Siratagero atu Wank no has the Aptrta Son lth field) Rall (a9) (rely ative fo y you io sacred rite that is currently hod (Ue replaced yacred rite ts 0 ar army andthe sacred fit jut enlled becomes active for your anny). You can onty uve this Stranagern once DEADLY DESCENT pti Aulepta Sororitas- Strategic Play Stratagern Seraph ary death frown on high to btlcfil in a Blase of glory, spre the for as they descen Use this Stratapem atthe endo your Moversent phase. Select SURAP WH S4UAD unit from your army that wal set Up as cements oo the battlefield this turn. That unit ean the as ft were your Shooting phase DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH 2cp. Adept Sororitas ~ Strategic Play Stratagem Defence of the Emperor rea falls to the Bate Sisters. When BA under threat, they resouble thar efforts, rousing ther flow Seurroey spirits with ellis f holy fie and impasrionad Ayr Use this Stratagem at the end of your M ha of your Movement phise. Selec ‘oe Batra Sisems SeUAB ni from your uray Tat neal ig fanige of an objective marr onthe bunleield. Until the stat of our next Mavement phase (swe iat" tial Aulepta Sororitas ~ Strategic Ploy Stratagem nd carinot stop a Sister Repenita iy redemption (nthe eyes of the Emperor Use this Sirtagem inthe Fight phase when 4 Situs Rery yur omy ieee by «melee atk Ul hg {the phase, each time a model in this wnitis dest vce ask hat el hen fights phe ea remove it (rom play. The destroyed mowel can fight afer the attacking models unit has finished making altacks. Ar dang 0, any other rules that affect this model ‘when itis destroy ered (if any), and then the mode s removed rom pay DEVASTATING REFRAIN Aidepta Sororitas - Strategic Ploy Stratagem unit fi With a resounding flourish, miciles streak tito Ue siesta sloriows destruction fo the enemies of the God-Emiperor. ‘Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when an Exorcty, n your army is selected to shoot, Until the end of the phase, that movels Exoreist missile launcher or Exorcist conflagration rockets can target units that are not visible we the bearer Rai i Adepta Seroritas - Strategic Play Stratagems With pal om their lips, the fish hurl themselves forma Use this Stratagem at the start of your Charge phase. Selest one Anta SonORITAS CORE init from your army. Until the siart of your next Command phase, that unit gains either the Zealot ‘othe Fanatic ability, ax shown below: + Zealot: Each time:a model in this unit makes a melee attack Lthis unit made a charge move, was charged or performed! a Heroic Intervention this turn, you can re-roll that attacks hit rol + Fanatic: This unitis eligible to declare a charge in a turn it which it Fell Back {that unit is within 6° of an AB 5 ‘model when this Stralagem is used, this Stratagem coats IPs otherwise, itcosts 2CP, a Adepta Sororitas - Strategic Ploy Stratagent The faith of the Adepta Sororitas steels their hearts and pains! psychic auaul ‘Use this Stratagem in your opponent's Psychic phases Paychic testis passed ie aera unitand Deny the Witch attempt is made (if any), If thal ‘unit is within 24° of any ADEPTA Sononrtas units from’ rollone De: on a 44, that psychic power is denied. FAITH AND FURY Adepta Seroritas TW Strategie Ploy Stratagem hing over thers, the righteous zeal ofthe ns ever brighter, fueling ther attacks With the Emperor w + of Battle bu ‘Use this Stralagem after an Abkera Somonmas unt fro has performed an Actof Faith (pg) n reuse the same Miracle dice for cs wound rol (his «mot count as having performed another A&t of Faith) Pe Adepta Sororitas - Strategic Pla Ea lage ong of adept Hr ey ap ante gogon fi sf Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when an ERGHWE OF [REOEMETION unit from your army is targeted by # melee altack Until the end of the phase, «ach time a model in this unit x destroyed by a melee attack, roll one DE on a4,afler the aitacking models unit has finished making its attacks it wer D3 mortal wounds JUDGEMENT OF THE FAITHFUL Auepta Sororitas = Strategic Play Stratagem ACP. battle cam be turned by a spark of Use this Strata 4 Movement pa, when an ADETTA SSOROAIFAS CONE uit from your army Falls Back. That units stil ligble to shoot this turn even though it Fell Back Tae i Ade Strategic Ploy Stratagern ororitas the foe with force The Eeclesarely artefact engines rash i Use this Stratagem in your Charge pate when PARACON Wansurts or Ewoiwe oF Ream Pm unit from your army finishes a charge move. Select one enemy unit withis EDgagement Range of your unit and roll one Dé fr each mse in your unit that is within Engagement Range of thatenesy ait For each dice result that equale or exceeds thatenemy unit Toughness characteristic, suffers 1 mortal wound (or cach unmcliied toll ofa 6 that enemy unit instead suffers BS mortal wound ‘Adepta Sororitas ~ Wargear Stratagern Sid o be imbued with the Emperor dene vengeance, as aera ft to predue ut ome of thse ted PI ‘Use this Stratagem in your Shoating phase, when an AEP ‘Somparns uni rem your aay elected a aboot: Uni ‘end ofthe phase, each time an stack is made with crafted storm boiter bya model i hit roll of, the target suffers 2 mortal sequence ends (a maximum of 6 per phase vi this Stratagem). TIS) Adepta Sororitas ~ Wargear Stratagem Deploying thrice: bes casters of ines mek, the i machine ofthe Sister of Bail ern themselves frm the tem pie ‘Use this Stratagera ADLPNL SonmRiTAs SORES RE EH uni oN your army 6 selected asthe target of an attack, Until the eo the pase, each lime mattis male sain that uni, ubtract bit rall erent Shouting phase, when a ro that attacks [OMAR Iine Adepta Sororitas - Wargear Stratagem cu With Bole, lamer ond ica i the fo purged ‘Use this Stratager in your Shooting phase, when an ABEPTL Sononitas unit from your lige target for that wot PEWS RtE 2) (epee) {oy ot ast one model in that unit equipped with «ball wespon. ne weap rmodelin that unit equipped with a melts weapon. Uti tl ‘one mod in that nit equipped with & fl and coe nd ofthe phase, models in that uit can aly make a ack target that enemy unt, bat each tiene such a with abo that attack’ wound rol expan, a flame weapon oF 4 me espe MI Adepla Sororitas~ Wargear Stratagem 5 ite is stand fi The faith Horde of mutants and heretics craih agai kw wth rights fury. before beng ‘of the Fight phase. Select one ‘ :AULABERE Us (rom your army. Until t the phase, each tie ansattack itm the end unit subtract from that attack’. wound ro hae ‘Adepta Sorvritas ~ Wargear Stratagem Tha halloweel Messngs and artefacts bul Sorprtms veges cbt cause the wnkoy to burst Use this Stratagem at the star of your opponent. Paychic phase Select one HaaLewe made! from your army. Uni the end ofthe ane, at model gains he flowing aby: Thrice Bleseed ll (Aura), While an eneery Psrcem nit wii 12" of this rede each Umea paychic test taken for Uhat unit and cht ten fale, that Pre nit saters Peis ofthe Warp F pLessines OF THE FAITHFUL 4a Ancrt Sononaras ts (exc ilary Su f 2 +40 | apraroun Rows a re | 42 +30 fonparors Gace “a +20 | 4 5 1 Crererance “i +15 first discard | Miracle per bate and y tivate more than Mirsculous ability per batle round. Miraculous abilities rls or units within Miracle range - Us the value of the Miracle dice that was discarded as shown in the table bela. N arin many regards to Aura abilities. Miraculous abilities are not alfevied by ‘bllites Una affect Aura abilities, and vice versa, ta ats Dead 1 nf the Faith fated! abilities and PCa aay Moet eenmeriai et theca cata ea pe ec oe ‘and venders uscles ther erctcal attempts to Pd ety nn ents Pern cece men PRN tc tne nee is mrad Miraculous ability: While an enemy unit is within, Miracle range ofthis mode, each time a model Ae eee era Pitt et oe {nwulnerable saving throws cannot be made against Pe! RAPTUROUS BLOWS. By eM ny ord ec ‘they have been touched by the Emperors own han ROO sr Tey ee eer of all melee weapons this model is equipped with (excloding Relics), Miraculous ability: While a friendly Cont rN ret mm ne Se eer asa coed melee attack, on an unmodified wound roll af 6, that Oe osieae aera et ent Bounties PSUR Tr Tas Ce ee tee ey ‘ese by the Emperor, and their minions quake be the booming onslaught of such a warrior’ compe + Atthe srt of your opponents Command phase select ‘ne enemny unit within 6" ofthis model and select one eee a a neta Cad ee St eS ee aL Cee me pete ny next Contmea phase; that enemy unit loses that oe Miraculous ability: While a fricndly CORE eee ch time that model makes a ranged rn erere eter sin eee Wd acteristic cannot be reduced by M than 3s. result of this Miraculous abilit q

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