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University of Languages and International Studies


Division of English 1
2020-2021 | Semester 2

English for Academic Purposes – Final Reading Assignment

Full name: Phạm Văn Đạt Date of birth: 15/09/2002

Student ID: 20040272 Class: QH20.E16

Reading Passage Code: 1

1. Summary:
In the article “Remote-learning Technology Just Isn’t Good Enough and Won’t Be Soon”, the
author indicates two major problems of education technology. Despite promising claims for
the potential of education transformation with remote-learning technology, online learning
has been widely regarded as a disappointment in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. The first
challenge is that most individuals need human connections to stay motivated. Human
connections, which can be maintained in a classroom, are ceased to exist when utilizing
education technology. Although well-designed distance learning contexts can foster
important relationships, practically, numerous online learners are in struggle to stay attentive.
Another challenge is the curricula’s complicacy. With education technology, each new
curriculum area necessitates the improvement and dissemination of new content, tools,
resources and assessments. Assessments also serve as a conundrum. While computers can
immediately assess the accuracy of student’s works in natural science subjects, they are
unable to reliably evaluate student’s ability to reason from evidence, which is the very core of
education. Despite remarkable promises, education technology has at most produced
specialized tools for specific areas of the curriculum. For most educators, adopting
technology to facilitate the teaching process is more similar to tinkering: a slow and steady
process to find the most appropriate technique for certain students in a certain context.

2. Reflection:
After reading the article, I have a more thorough understanding of some problems that both
educators and learners have faced when education technology is used. As a student who are
learning online, I do agree that human connections are lost with the use of remote-learning
technology. Human connections are fundamental in helping learners achieve good academic
performance and foster interpersonal relationships. From my personal experiences, learning
via online platforms is so difficult and daunting that good results can hardly be obtained.
Everybody in my class shut off their camera and mute themselves; therefore, it causes great
silence in the class, which makes discussions and learning less effective. In this situation,
human connections cannot be maintained. In contrast, they are lost due to lack of interaction
among people. In my opinion, remote learning is a mixed blessing. Although it helps people
continue learning, it makes them less interactive than ever before.

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