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Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 2 SIDRAP

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas/Semester : XII/2
Materi/Pokok Bahasan/SPB : If Conditional Sentences
Pertemuan : 2 ( 2 X 45 Menit)
Focussed Skill : Reading

A. Identitas
Kelompok : …………………………………………………..

Kelas : …………………………………………………..

Angggota Kelompok : 1. ………………………………………………..

2. ………………………………………………..

3. ………………………………………………..

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan model Problem Based Learning yang dipadukan
dengan metode mind mapping, pendekatan saintifik atau pembelajaran mandiri yang menuntun
peserta didik untuk mengamati (membaca) permasalahan, mengemukakan fungsi social,
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi dengan jujur dan bertanggungjawab.
C. Petunjuk

1. Read the instructions of every activity!

2. Make pairs to Task 2, dan Task 3!
Remind about the last material! Identify the structure or pattern of If conditional sentences!
Type 1 :
Type 2 :
Type 3 :


Answer the following questions! And discuss it!

1. You will lose weight if you ....
A. do exercise regularly
B. eat more bread
C. eat more calories
D. consume junk food
E. sleep a lot
2. You... if you are late ....
The most appropriate set of phrases to complete the blanks are ....
A. will miss the train; to come to the station
B. will miss the plane; to arrive at the shuttle
C. will miss the bus; to stop the driver
D. chase your taxi; to pay the driver
E. will walk; to enter the plane
3. If your best friend tells you this, how can you make a question to clarify his father promise?
If I get a good mark on the examination my father will give me a new laptop.
A. If you get a good mark on the examination will your father give you a new laptop?
B. If you get a good mark on the examination will your father gives you a new laptop?
C. If you get a good mark on the examination will my father give you a new laptop?
D. If I got a good mark on the examination will my father give you a new laptop?
E. If I get a good mark on the examination will my father give you a new laptop?
4. If you ... your money, you could buy a new phone.
A. saved
B. would save
C. save
D. were saved
E. would saved
5. He is jobless so he can’t pay his sister’s tuition fee.
From the statement above, we can conclude that ….
A. If he had a job, he could pay his sister’s tuition fee.
B. If only he had a job, he could have paid his sister’s tuition fee.
C. If he has a job, he could pay his sister’s tuition fee.
D. If he had a job, he can pay his sister’s tuition fee.
E. If he has a job, he can pay his sister’s tuition fee.
6. The punctuation in the following sentences is right, except....
A. They might go home before the bell ring, if they finished the exam earlier.
B. If we got the ticket, we could see the concert now.
C. She would not miss the meeting if she got the bus on time.
D. He could pay his sister’s tuition fee if he had a job.
E. If I had a big restaurant, I would invite all of my friends for having dinner together.
7. If I had a big restaurant, I would invite all of my friends for having dinner together.
The statement above means ....
A. I don’t have a big restaurant, so I can’t invite them for having dinner together.
B. I didn’t have a big restaurant, so I couldn’t invite them for having dinner together.
C. I didn’t have a big restaurant, yet I invited them for having dinner together.
D. I don’t have a big restaurant, yet I invite them for having dinner together.
E. I had a big restaurant, so I could invited them for having dinner together.
8. “If he had stayed, it would have been different”. The sentence implies that …
A. He did not stay.
B. He stayed.
C. He will stay.
D. He will not stay.
E. He might stay.
9. The following sentence is the real situation: “If I had known you were coming, I would have
waited”. Rewrite the sentence using conditional type 3 …
A. If they had obeyed the rules, they would not have been punished.
B. If they did not obey the rules, they would be punished.
C. If they do not obey the rules, they will be punished.
D. If they obey the rules, they will not be punished.
E. If they have obeyed the rules, they would not be punished.
10. The following sentence is the real situation: “He bought a luxurious car; he did not have much
savings left”. Rewrite the sentence using conditional type 3 …
A. He would have much savings left if he had not bought a luxurious car.
B. He would have had much savings left if he had not bought a luxurious car.
C. He would not have had much savings left if he had not bought a luxurious car.
D. He would not have much savings left if he had bought a luxurious car.
E. He would not have had much savings left if he had bought a luxurious car.


Yes Maybe No Not to all

The material
was easy to
I know what
text is
I know why
texts are
My plan to overcome the difficulties I faced in this material

What do you learn from the activity above?


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