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Tokyo Dude and Delusions

Carlo Gacia

Frog says that he knows much about Katagiri. He knows that Katagiri, while quite
ordinary, is commendable for his courage, and dedication in his work.. Frog knows
that, after Katagiri’s parents died, Katagiri put both of his siblings through college
and helped to arrange marriages for them. His siblings never showed gratitude, but
Katagiri did give a shizz . Frog says that in order to defeat Worm, he needs Katagiri
to provide moral and emotional support during the battle. Katagiri agrees to help.
Frog then says that he will prove his existence, and he leaves. The next morning, as
work, Katagiri receives a phone call from a lawyer. The lawyer says that, because of
intervention by Frog, the lawyer’s client will pay the large sum of money he owes to
the bank where Katagiri works. Frog visits Katagiri in Katagiri’s office and says that
the night before the earthquake, Frog and Katagiri will go underground to fight
Worm. My Opinion is still to be unsure because i don't know what to think of this
short story due to the fact that the book resembles the reference of the Tokyo
disaster and what the author went through maybe he was going through a stage
when this happened and he didn't really think about it i just feel like the story is
awfully weird

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