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I am Carolina, I was born in Piura, on September 30, 1996, I am twenty-five years old, I am the
sixth daughter of seven children, my brothers are: the oldest Raul, Henrry, Blady, Cinthia, Joel
and Marlon, my father's name is Felix and my mom's name is Martha, my favorite food is rice
with duck and ceviche, my favorite color is violet, in my free time I like to listen to music,
watch series, dance, sometimes I meet my friends from university, I have two pets and they
are called (duke and aryu). Study administration career.

TEMA 2: food and drinks of the three regions.


The gastronomy of Peruvian families is very diverse depending on the region in which you are.
Peruvian food is highly appreciated worldwide for its flavor, being a worldwide tourist
attraction. Therefore, families on the coast consume a lot of coffee, milk, oatmeal, cheese and
some meat, etc. families in the Sierra region consume a lot of cow's milk, corn, eggs, wheat,
fish grilled. In the jungle, families eat a lot of Tacacho with Cecina and chorizo for breakfast,
chonta, Juane, Inchicapi, chicken with peanuts, Humitas, Suri, Brochettes, etc.

Regarding lunch, the families of the Sierra have a lot of potatoes with peanuts, Trout Ceviche,
Patasca and Stuffed Rocoto Pepper, among others. The families of the coast consume a lot of
Ceviche, Mondonguito, rice with duck, rice with chicken, Tollito and so on. In the jungle region,
families eat the famous Juanes, Tacacho with Cecina, Chonta salad, Cocona, Aguajina,
Iinchicapi drinks, for lunch. They don’t eat many rice as in the coast.

This is the gastronomy in Peru Which is very nutritious and appreciated by tourists worldwide.


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