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The worst three different crimes for me, there are a lot of different crimes

around the world, depending of the countries, every crime can be punished higher or
lower, everyone has their own personal opinion, but I think this are the three terrible
crimes in the world for me.

To begin, the first one is the kidnapping. Because is terrible for the children and for the
children’s family, the emotional suffering of the family can produce stress and
depression. Second, the child's future is unknown, some children have been bought by
rich families and the other we don’t know his whereabouts. Finally, the children may
die in the process, there are different reasons and examples but I will not detail that,
So the first one is the worst for me.
Continuing, the second one is the assassination, obviously is a fact that assassination is
a terrible crime, so the first reason is take a live it can lead terrible consequences, for
example, kill the president can change the future of the country, the second reason is
that assassination destroy families, for example; if a father is murder, the children can
be adopted. Finally, assassination can damage your mind, for example; it can produce
stress, maniac ideas, and several mental diseases.
Finishing, create a war, in my personal opinion this is a crime, for many reasons, the
first one, the number of people who die is very high, for example, the guns or others
that kill people in war, the second reason, the consequence in the environment, for
example, the bombs and the radioactivity damage the earth planet. And finally, create
war generates suffering, pain, and others, war only generate crime in the world.
Concluding, crimes can be terrible or simple, depending of the moment or the reasons,
but they are still crimes, and must be punished. So, these three crimes are de must
terrible for the humanity, is my opinion.

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