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People commit crimes or vandalism around the world, the factors can be

internal or external, depending the people, or the environment of every person.

To begin, the first reason, poverty is a fact, that people who doesn’t work, or
homeless, they suffer depression and commit crimes to survive, for example, they steal
food because they are hungry, the second reason is people who live in poverty, they
suffer violence and is an external factor that help to commit crimes. And finally, some
people who like to live easily, for example; people who are lazy and they only steal for
an easy live. Be poor isn’t easy.
Secondly, school dropout, young people can be influenced for unscrupulous people,
they offer an easy for of live, or free money to commit crimes and vandalism, for
example: the gangs. Another reason, young people left the school, because they don’t
have enough money to continues the study, and that forces to commit crimes, and
finally, bad people who works in bad places tempt young people to work for them, for
example: young people stop studying to work in prostitution or others. Bad company
always produce terrible results.
Finishing, people who use drugs in the modern era, the drugs are a great busyness for
different people, and the consumers increase more and more, for that, my first reason
is that people need money to buy drugs and the addiction generates the necessity to
commit crimes for money, the second reason, the effect of the drug affect the people,
and forces to steal, for example, the amphetamine’s use interrupt the normal function
of the brain and causes memory loss. Finishing, drug dependence, the necessity of the
drugs for the body, generates depression, confusion and other symptoms, to forces
people to commit crimes, for example, the body needs cocaine, and the people can be
violent for the necessity of drugs, Drugs works in the bad way.
Concluding, crimes and vandalism, can work together, and damage people inside or
outside of the body, in several forms, we need to prevent, this thing happen.

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