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<A HREF="../../main/table_of_contents_igrip.htm">Table of Contents</A> / <A
HREF="statement_of_requirements.htm">Statement Of Requirements</A></FONT><BR>
1.5 &nbsp; System Administration
Supplier shall perform systems management, data backup and recovery procedures
as part of overhead. The backup and
recovery procedures dictate daily, weekly and off-site backup. The following
plan will ensure that GM's data
can be recovered in a timely manner should data be lost due to an incident
beyond the control of the supplier.
Incremental backups of all user and project files must be compeleted according
to the following:
<UL TYPE=disc>
<LI><B>Daily Backups</B> - data that has been modified within the last 24
This procedure must be completed every evening Monday through Friday.
It will require 5 backups to be
overwritten every week (i.e., Monday's backup will be overwritten every
Monday of each week).
<LI><B>Weekly Backups</B> - data that has been modified within the past 7
This procedure must be completed every Saturday evening. It will
require 5 backups to be overwritten every
month (i.e., the backup for the 1st Saturday of the month will be
overwritten every 1st Saturday of each
<LI><B>Monthly Offsite</B> - data that has been modified within the past
This procedure must be completed the 1st day of each month. It will
require a backup for every month during
a project. These backups should be stored off-site.
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