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At the start of the play, three ................ meet. The weather is ........................... which
sets up a mood of fear. This is an example of ........................................... They end
with the paradox '...........................................................................'

In Scene 2, a bloody ......................... tells King ..................... about the battle against
Macdonwald. Macdonwald is a .................... who has gone against the king. We find out
that Macbeth is very ....................... and ..................... Macbeth defeated Macdonwald
when he '...........................................................................................................'

After the battle, the witches appear again. The way they speak sounds like a .................
When they meet Macbeth, they call him Thane of ......................, Thane of ..................
and they say that he shall be '............. hereafter.' Macbeth is ..................................
when he hears this. They tell ....................... that his sons will be king. Banquo is
................... and doesn't trust them. At the time when Shakespeare was writing, people
believed in witches because ........................................................................... They
thought that witches were ...................................................................................

When the Lords arrive to tell Macbeth that he is now Thane of ...................., it is clear
that Macbeth is already thinking about ....................................... In the next scene,
King .................... thinks about Macdonwald and regrets that there is 'no art to
..............................................................................' This is ironic because straight
after this, Macbeth ................................ The King announces that his heir is going to be
..................................... Macbeth's thoughts are getting darker so he asks the
................ to 'hide their fires' so no-one will know.

Macbeth sends a letter to his wife telling her about the witches. Lady Macbeth wants
......................... so she doesn't like the fact that Macbeth is too ............................ to
do anything bad. She calls on spirits to '............................................' This means that
she wants to take away her ..................................... qualities. When Macbeth arrives
she uses a ................................. in the phrase 'o never shall .............. that morrow
see' to say that they need to kill Duncan. She tells Macbeth that he should 'look like the
..................................... but be the .............................................. This means that
he needs to keep up a ..............................

Macbeth isn't sure what to do. He knows that if he kills the king he will be .................
on earth and in ............... because killing the king was like killing .................. He knows
that Duncan is a ..................... king and he knows that he should '............................'
against his murderer not 'bear the ........................' himself. He compares his ambition
to a ............................ jumping over something and falling.

Macbeth decides that ........................................ Lady Macbeth is angry and she

persuades him that he should do it. She accuses him of being ............................ when
he promised to do it and she tells him that he isn't a real ..................... She shows her
ruthlessness by saying that she would have ..............................................................
rather than go back on a promise.

Macbeth is persuaded and they make a plan to make it look as if .................................

have killed Duncan. They will be do this by putting ............................................. in
their wine and smearing their faces with ....................... Macbeth is still anxious; his
last line is: 'false .............. must hide what the false ............. doth know.'

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