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Everybody received the 21st century with open arms, however in a blink of an eye that

spirit changed, not only because of the covid-19, that hit us like a truck, but also for
many others. 

Although this century has been a way of growing and developing, over time the
evolution movement finally arrived at schools. It started by reducing the required years
of teaching, from 4 to 12 years, as also the prohibition of child labor. 
Nowadays with the resources provided by technology, the ways of teaching are
broader, helping students with their apprenticeship. 
Another shift that happened in the 21st century was the change in the society’s
mindset, an action that was seen as disgusting a years ago, now it's completely
normal, such as different sexualities, the LGBTQ+ community; or the fight for women’s
and other races rights. Needless to say that there are still people who disagree with
these rights, but we will get there.  

However, evolution also brought difficulties. With the development of the industries,
humans started to take benefit from the planet along with pollution. These phenomena
are affecting our and the earth's health, that is why we have to stop and save both.
Additionally, the rise of the technologies also helped with distancing people.
Furthermore, the appearance of covid-19 only widened this problem, with quarantines
and masks. 

These are some difficulties that we have to overcome in the nearest future. This is a
task suitable for everybody, once it's our duty to make 2021 remembered as a year of
learning and not failure. 

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