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Of the various accidents caused by natural misfortunes, there is a

chronology of major catastrophes that devastated the Portuguese territory

in the last 75 years. From those disasters, I chose the oil spill.
This spill can have numerous causes, such as accidents with oil tankers,
leakage in tanks on oil tankers, among others...
One of the examples of these causes was the spillage of oil, caused by
washing the tanks of an oil tanker, on January 25, 2017.
This disaster was reported by the Portuguese Air Force. The pollution
slick had the extension of 126 soccer fields and was detected northwest
of the Portuguese mainland coast.

When an oil spill occurs, the most damaged one is the environment,
because, in addition to polluting the water, it also harms all the animals
and plants that live there.

All aquatic animals are harmed by the oil spill. Seabirds, along with
becoming intoxicated, have their feathers covered with oil, preventing
them from flying and getting warm. On the other hand, part of the oil
spreads over the surface of the water, forming a thin layer of pollution that
reduces the sunlight infiltration and prevents the photosynthesis process
from occurring.

Not only the environment suffers from this problem, but society as well,
since Portugal already lost more than 50 million euros to natural disasters
in 2020.

222 words 

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