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gasto :camioneta

asistente : gasto
costo: tractor minero
impresoras: gasto

prueba de sociedad:

� Porqu� el Impuesto a la renta y la distribuci�n de participaiones se observa en

los activos y pasivos?

� Qu� diferencia hay entre capital de trabajo y el capital social en el balance?

Think of a couple you know, how did they meet? How long were/have they been
together? In groups, share stories.

Jada Pinkett and Will Smith met in 1994, when Jada was 19 and was cast as Will's
girlfriend in "The Prince of Rap." They grew apart because they no longer felt love
and broke up in 2020.

map_enable_background_maps 0 cerrar animaciones

map_enable_background_maps 1 activar animaciones

-console -novid -dx11-high -prewarm

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