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CONTRACTUL NR............... CONTRACT NO. .................

Incheiat astazi, ...................., intre: Enclosed today, , between:

Societatea ............ S.R.L, cu sediul în The company S.R.L, with headquarters in
Bucuresti, ......., înregistrată la Oficiul Registrului Bucharest,....... , registered with Commerce
Comerţului sub nr. ......, cod unic de Trade Registry under no...... , sole registration
inregistrare ........, având contul code ......., bank account .................................,
bancar .................., deschis la BRD, reprezentată opened at BRD, legally represented
de ..............., cu funcţia de administrator, în by .................., as administrator, as the Provider
calitate de .................. (denumit in ( referred to as ................),
contnuare, .................)
The company ....................., with headquarters
Societatea cu sediul in ............................................................ legally
în ......................................................................, represented by Petar Dulic, as Beneficiary,
legal reprezentata de Petar Dulic, in calitate
Hereinafter referred to as the Party and together
the Parties.
in continuare denumiti individual Partea si
impreuna Partile.
Article 1
1.1 The parties understand and agrees that dur-
Articolul 1
ing or in connection with the execution of the ob-
1.1 Partile inteleg si sunt de acord ca pe parcursul ject of the contract the Provider may have access
sau in legatura cu executarea obiectului to personal data belonging to the Beneficiary or
Contractului, Prestatorul poate avea acces la process personal data in the name and on behalf
date cu caracter personal apartinand of the Beneficiary in accordance with the instruc-
Beneficiarului sau sa proceseze date cu tions or agreed with. The parties understand that
caracter personal in numele si pe seama these data and the persons to whom they refer
Beneficiarului in conformitate cu instructiunile are processed within the meaning of Regulation
scrise sau agreate in scris ale acestuia din (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals
urma. Partile inteleg ca aceste date si with regard to the processing of personal data
persoanele la care se refera fac obiectul unei and on the free movement of such data ("GDPR
prelucrari de date in sensul Regulamentului ").
(UE) 2016/679 privind protectia persoanelor
fizice in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor
cu caracter personal si privind libera circulatie
a acestor date („Regulamentul GDPR”).
1.2 The purpose of the processing is to execute
1.2 Scopul prelucrarii il reprezinta executarea the Contract and, if necessary, to fulfil its own
Contractului si, daca este cazul, indeplinirea legal obligations to each party.
propriilor obligatii legale care revin fiecarei parti.
1.3 The type of data and the categories of
1.3 Tipul de date si categoriile de persoane vizate persons concerned in relation to the execution of
in legatura cu executarea Contractului le the Contract are listed below:
enumeram mai jos : (i) personal data: name / age / gender / date of
(i) date cu caracter personal: nume / varsta/ birth / citizenship / telephone number / address /
sexul / data nasterii / cetatenia/ numarul de telefon e-mail / identification data (serial number, etc.) /
/adresa /e-mail-ul/ datele documentelor de
identificare (serie, nr, etc)/CNP sau alt identificator CNP or other unique national identifier.
unic national.
(ii) categoriile de persoane vizate: (ii) the categories of persons concerned:
- conform Legii 656/2002 pentru prevenirea si - according to Law 656/2002 on the prevention
sancționarea spalarii banilor si finanțarea actelor and sanctioning of money laundering and the fin-
de terorism (“Legea pentru combaterea spalarii ancing of acts of terrorism ("Anti-Money Launder-
banilor”); ing Act");
- angajatii Beneficiarului - Beneficiary’s employees

1.4 Partile sunt de acord ca, in legatura cu orice

procesare a datelor respective, Prestatorul
1.4 The parties agree that, in connection with any
actioneaza in calitate de imputernicit al
processing of such data, the Provider acts as the
Beneficiarului, acesta din urma avand calitatea de Processor and the Beneficiary as Controller of the
operator de date cu caracter personal. personal data.

1.5 Durata prelucrarii este limitata la (i) perioada

de executare a Contractului sau, (ii) daca este
necesar conform analizei proprii a Prestatorului, 1.5 The processing is limited (i) to the period of
perioada de timp ulterioara executarii Contractului performance of the contract or, (ii) if necessary,
pentru care legea impune stocarea datelor cu after Provider‘s own analyse, to the period after
caracter personal de catre Prestator, caz in care the performance of the Contract for which the law
requires the storage of personal data by the Pro-
prevederile prezentului articol vor supravietui
vider, case in which the provisions of this article
incetarii Contractului si vor continua sa se aplice will continue to apply after the contract ends until
pana la finalizarea definitiva a tuturor activitatilor the definitive completion of all processing activit-
de procesare a datelor cu caracter special vizate. ies of specially targeted data.

1.6 Beneficiarul are obligatia ca, in executarea sau 1.6 The Beneficiary has the obligation, in per-
in legatura cu executarea obiectului Contractului, forming or in connection with the execution of the
sa prelucreze, la randul sau, date cu caracter object of the Contract, to process, in his turn, per-
personal in conformitate cu legislatia aplicabila sonal data in accordance with the applicable leg-
islation on the protection of personal data and
protectiei datelor cu caracter personal, iar orice
any instructions given to the Provider in connec-
instructiuni transmise Prestatorului in legatura cu tion with such processing shall be in accordance
aceasta prelucrare sa fie conforme cu legislatia with the applicable data protection legislation.
aplicabila protectiei datelor cu caracter personal. The Provider will have the right, but not the obli-
Prestatorul va avea dreptul, dar nu obligatia, de a gation, to inform the Beneficiary if, in his opinion,
informa Beneficiarul in cazul în care, in opinia sa, an instruction violates the applicable data protec-
o instructiune incalca legislatia aplicabila tion legislation. The lack of such information does
not in any way entail any liability on the part of the
referitoare la protectia datelor. Lipsa unei astfel de
informari nu atrage in niciun fel raspunderea

1.7 Beneficiarul va pastra confidentialitatea datelor

prelucrate conform prevederilor relevante din 1.7 The Beneficiary will preserve the confidential-
ity of the processed data in accordance with the
prezentul Contract.
relevant provisions of this Agreement..
1.8 Beneficiarul va fi singurul responsabil pentru
acuratetea, calitatea si legalitatea datelor cu 1.8 The Beneficiary shall be solely responsible for
caracter personal procesate, precum si pentru the accuracy, quality and legality of the personal
modalitatea in care Beneficiarul a colectat aceste
date. Prestatorul nu va avea nicio obligatie de a data processed, as well as for the manner in
verifica conformitatea afirmatiilor Beneficiarului in which the Beneficiary has collected such data.
legatura cu datele personale la care are acces in The Provider will have no obligation to verify the
cursul executarii obiectului Contractului. compliance of the Beneficiary's claims with re-
spect to the personal data to which he has ac-
1.9 Conform Regulamentului GDPR, Prestatorul
cess during the execution of the Contract object.
va instiinta Beneficiarul fara intarzieri nejustificate
daca ia cunostinta de orice incalcare a securitatii 1.9 Under the GDPR Regulation, the Provider will
datelor cu caracter personal ce fac obiectul notify the Beneficiary without undue delay if he
prelucrarii conform prezentului Contract. becomes aware of any breach of the security of
the personal data that is subject to processing un-
1.10 Beneficiarul este unic raspunzator sa se
der this Agreement.
asigure ca obtine consimtamantul sau are un alt
temei legal pentru transferul datelor cu caracter 1.10 The Beneficiary is the only responsible for
personal catre Prestator si prelucrarea ulterioara ensuring that he obtains consent or has another
de catre acesta din urma a datelor in executarea legal basis for the transfer of personal data to the
obiectului Contractului. Provider and the subsequent processing by the
latter of the data in the execution of the object of
1.11 Beneficiarul este de acord ca Prestatorul are
the Contract.
dreptul (i) sa contracteze sub-imputernicti si (ii)
1.11 The Beneficiary agrees that the Provider is
sub-imputernicitii au dreptul sa angajeze alte terte
entitled (i) to contract sub-processors and (ii) sub-
parti avand calitatea de sub-imputerniciti, pentru
processors have the right to engage other third
procesarea datelor cu caracter personal, in
parties having the capacity of sub-processors for
legatura cu executarea obiectului Contractului.
processing personal data in connection with the
Beneficiarul are obligatia sa obtina
object of the contract.
consimtamantul persoanelor vizate pentru
The Beneficiary has the obligation to obtain the
transferul datelor cu caracter personal catre astfel
consent of the subject person for the transfer of
de sub-imputerniciti. Prestatorul il va notifica pe
the personal data to such sub-processors.
Beneficiar de fiecare data cand adauga sau
The Provider shall notify the Beneficiary every
exclude un sub-imputernicit.
time when adds or excludes a sub-processor.
1.12 Prestatorul va implementa masuri rezonabile
pentru asigurarea respectarii cerintelor de 1.12 The Provider Prestatorul will implement
securitate adecvate si minimizarii impactului reasonable measures to ensure compliance with
asupra protectiei datelor. Cu toate acestea, Partile appropriate security requirements and minimize
sunt de acord ca nicio informatie nu poate fi 100% the impact on data protection. However, the
securizata in era digitala. Parties agree that no information can be 100%
secured in the digital age.
1.13 Prestatorul va notifica de indata Beneficiarul,
cu exceptia cazului in care potrivit legii este obligat 1.13 The Provider will promptly notify the Benefi-
sa pastreze confidentialitatea, in cazul in care ciary, unless he is required by law to maintain
primeste o solicitare din partea unei persoane confidentiality, if he receives a request from a
vizate sau a unei autoritati publice, Prestatorul person or public authority, the Provider being held
neavand vreo obligatie de analiza sau solutionare by no obligation for analyzing or solving that re-
a respectivei solicitari. Prestatorul va acorda quest. The provider will offer assistance for solv-
asistenta rezonabila pentru solutionarea ing the namely request if the Beneficiary wishes
respectivei solicitari, in masura in care Beneficiarul so with, being entitled to recover from the Benefi-
solicita aceasta, fiind indreptatit la recuperarea de ciary the costs incurred for that purpose.
la Beneficiar a costurilor angajate in acest scop.
1.14 La incetarea Contractului din orice motiv, 1.14 Upon termination of the Contract for any rea-
Prestatorul se va conforma instructiunilor son, the Provider shall comply with the reason-
rezonabile ale Beneficiarului cu privire la datele cu able instructions of the Beneficiary regarding per-
caracter personal procesate conform prezentului sonal data processed under this Agreement and
Contract si, la alegerea acestuia din urma, va at its option, delete or return personal data and
sterge sau va returna datele cu caracter personal remove existing copies, unless the applicable law
si va elimina copiile existente, cu exceptia cazului otherwise provides, the Recipient being solely re-
in care legislatia aplicabila prevede altfel,
Beneficiarul fiind unicul responsabil pentru sponsible for the instructions given under this Ar-
instructiunile date conform prezentului articol. ticle.

Articolul 2
Article 2
2.1 Restul prevederilor contractuale raman
nemodificate si pe deplin aplicabile. Prezentul Act 2.2 The other contractual clauses remain
aditional si Anexa 1 fac parte integranta din unchanged and fully applicable. This addendum
Contract, pe care il completeaza. and the Annex 1 are integral part of the contract
and complete it.

Prezentul act aditional si Anexa 1 au fost încheiate

în două exemplare, câte unul pentru fiecare parte. This addendum and the Annex 1 were concluded
in two original copies, one for each party.

...................... S.R.L
................... S.R.L
Prin .....................
By .................

Prin ............................
By .........................


Legenda: Datele cu caracter personal ce pot fi procesate in cursul executarii Contractului sunt marcate
cu „X” in tabelul de mai jos./ Legend: Personal data that may be processed durin the execution of the
Contract will be marked with „X” in the table below:

Categorie Date cu Caracter Personal Confirmare


Numele/Name X

Vârsta/Age X

Sexul/Gender X

Data nașterii / Date of birth X

Cetățenia/Citizenship X

Starea civilă/Marital status X

Ocupatia/Ocupation X

Numărul de telefon/Telephone number X

Adresa/Address X

E-mail X

Datele documentelor de identificare (serie, numar etc.)/ID data (series, X

number, etc)

CNP sau alt identificator unic national/ PIN or another national unic X

Altele (se vor inscrie categoriile de date care nu sunt incluse in lista de mai
sus) / Others (there will be mentioned the data categories not included in the
list from above)

- all documents contained in the employees' personnel file and required

labor law (such as: training - studies, diplomas, image, medical leave, data
on husband / wife or children or other family members, bank accounts,
details about medicine work, the statement of the employees in the care of
the employee)

1. Beneficiary’s employees


................................ S.R.L ........................................................S.R.L.
Prin/By ............................ Prin/By .............................

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