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A great fire broke out in one of the market areas in Ngunut District.

This fire burned down

several adjacent gold shops and several market stalls. The fire broke out on Friday night.

Fires are expected to start at 8pm. The fire was discovered by one of the motorcyclists who
was stopped at a red light. The motorcyclist then alerted the other motorcyclists and screamed.

After that, residents contacted the fire department. The fire allegedly came from the explosion
of a transformer belonging to one of the gold shops. The fire spreads throughout the area
because the dominant building material is wood. The fire department managed to extinguish
the fire after deploying 5 units of cars. Due to the vast area the fire can be put out after 5 hours.

The events that took place at night were not casualties, but the store's losses were estimated at
hundreds of millions. For the time being, market activities will be moved to the animal market in
neighborhood 10, Ngunut Village, while waiting for market renovations.

1. What is happening ?
Answer : Market fire events.
2. When did happen ?
Answer : Friday night, 8 pm.
3. Where did exactly the fire ?
Answer : Ngunut District.
4. Who put out the fire ?
Answer : Firefighters.
5. Why the fire happening ?
Answer : An electric transformer exploded and caused a fire at gold shops and merchant
6. How did it happened ?
Answer : The fire arose as a result of the transformer exploding. Then it spreads to all
parts of the shop and spreads to the other shops and stalls around the source of the fire.

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