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Name : Liya Nurliani

NIM : 1178010122

Class : AP-C

Summering Unit 1

Fresh Start

Evelyn Herald

Such as other freshman who wandered from far region, she felt lonely and confused because
she began to live she own life in her dorm room. Adding to her distress was distinct impression
that everyone on campus was watching her. Because of her feeling embarrassment, she was
sneak into the campus to find out her classrooms for the next day. But she caught by upperclass
football player and she hope his attention was drawn to her air of assurance rather than to her
shaking knees. At her first day, she got accident that she would never forget it. In cafetaria she
accidentally stepped in a large puddle of ketchup, she tried not to fall but eventually she fell
too. Not long after, cheering and clapping from the entire student rumbled. She felt very
embarrassed and very upset.

For three days she dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and assortment of
junk food from a machine strategically placed outside her rooms. On the fourth day she
couldn't take another crunchy-chewy-salty-sweet bite. She needed some real food. Perhaps
three days was long enough for the campus population to have forgotten the accident. So she
went to the cafetaria. When she stand in line, suddenly she heard a crash that sounded vaguely
familier. Shee looked up to see that another poor soul who fared the same with her. And she
suprised when she saw who the poor soul was upperclass football player she had seen just days
before. She expected that he slink out of cafetaria as she had, but not. He turned around and
began preparing another tray. And that's when she relized she had been taking herself far too
seriously. Finally she decided to tried a new experiences and forgiven for her massive mistakes.
Three years after graduation, she still making mistakes. And she even being forgiven for a few.

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