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My fellow Filipino’s. I am not a politician i am not one of those entertainers

either here to sing you a catchy song about my favorite candidate. Because
unlike most people on TV these days i ain't interested in who you're voting for i?
Simply here to tell you that you have been tricked, fooled, bamboozled,
hoodwinked, run amok, lead astray by leaders who claim they are committed to
unity but truthfully seek division.
See why their smiles say peace their eyes scream war their words say fresh as
new. But haven't we heard this song SOMEWHERE BEFORE?
And so i come to you through your screen today with one question and one
question only HOW LONG?
how long will we look for leaders to save us? SOMEBODY'S GOTTA SAY THIS
how long we will believe that the next leaders gonna be better than the last one
and fix everything.
How long until we see the truth up close? That our politician. Don't see people
They see votes How long until we see that the Media's first priority is ratings
Second is their investors and coming in that third? Is the TRUTH
How much proof will it take before we wake from this dream and see that the
answer to our problems are not outside of us nor inside of us the answer has
always been and will always be US.
Did you know what the most translated phrase in any language is
See many of you would believe that it is my country is better than yours or my
race is better than yours or i'm right you're wrong, but no it is I LOVE YOU Yes,
love this four-letter word that explains exactly who we are before we were
misled with ideas of who they told us we were Love is our natural state so
coming back to that is the answer to every problem we face
but it's in the race and that is who i endorse Anyone who does not believe that
love is the answer has yet to experience the strength of this great force. In 1896
Rizal retract just to marry Josephine and love won. Yes it has so many debate
but Rizal did that in Dapitan and he can do it again it's probably the last thing
that he could do for the last love to marry Josephine. So humanity is filled with
examples like these But this is the one i mentioned because it expresses that
you don't have to be presidental a politician to make a difference a tiny stone
thrown in a pond they create tremendous ripples And today we need more
ripples than ever before Can we really afford anymore business as usual haven't
we had enough of the love of power Let us now try the POWER OF LOVE This
election every election every day every moment of your life vote love VOTE

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